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Everything posted by Nordicus

  1. The stealth might only have a very minor part in Metal Gear Rising (though still there), the game still has the overabundance of dialog (that final boss, oh boy) and overly convoluted plots. Granted, Platinum is sorta aware how dumb it all is, they give a few hints here and there of the tongue-and-cheekness even if half the cast is really preachy and start talking bad philosophy at the drop of a hat
  2. Now look what you did Keyrock! You tipped the mastery menu over!
  3. Ever since I saw the leaked gameplay footage, I've been cautiously optimistic. Instead of following some kind of strict quest path, pretty soon after making his character, the player pretty much went "Imma go to find ADVENCHAA!" and got a quest by inspecting an NPC corpse while walking on the beach, then used traditional Elder Scrolls style stealth to bypass enemies right after killing a few bandits by flinging fire spells in 1st person view. I dunno, they may be able to put the Elder Scrolls experience into an MMO yet. My biggest annoyance was how alien they had made the spell system... but then I remember Skyrim spells and this is a wa-ha-hay better alternative to that
  5. Ya know what, let's have a comparison shot. Just let me grab my low-level thief from Guild Wars 2 and put everything to max except supersampling. Unfortunately I don't have a heavy armor character, just 2 medium and 2 light.
  6. I was somewhat remotely interested until I was shown an old Kotaku article about the behind-the-scenes drama that occurred in Silicon Knights during X-Men: Destiny's development. tl;dr: Denis Dyack's relationship with publishers can be called parasitic at best, even if Nintendo's hands-on approach to quality control with Eternal Darkness and the Metal Gear Solid port might have been the crucial element in the games' success. Dyack likes to call himself a "benevolent dictator" during staff meetings, he didn't pay the slightest amount of attention to the theater reviews during development, he'd be gone for months at a time, he deliberately slowed down X-Men Destiny development to get more funding and time, most of the experienced employees (over 40 of them) quit because of the negative atmosphere and Dennis Dyack initially planned to take these people's names off the credit list (Now they're in "special thanks" section). He was completely screwing with Activision according to the several ex-employees who anonymously gave information about the development. Did not answer Activision's inquiries about the project's progress, whatever progress he showed, was with game concepts and art assets rather than anything that looked like a proper game. He promises the moon from the heavens in his pitches, but does absolutely nothing to commit to it. Only when Activision released a game trailer with Silicon Knight's name attached to it, did they start getting a small percentage of their **** together. So anyone, absolutely anyone who would like to have another Eternal Darkness game, think thrice before giving a cent to Dyack
  7. Playing some Guild Wars 2 and it shouldn't be long until I reach the 500-hour mark total time played. The new dungeon that they added, Molten Weapons Facility, is one of the better ones they've made. It's on the easy side, but it encourages smart use of jumping and dodging during the boss battles, which not a lot of the dungeons in game do. They really should, because platforming is rather important in much of GW2 content outside dungeons. Also, I really like the new enemy designs, the combination of Dredge and Fire Legion is just lovely http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNPS-ux_m6s I see you were isolated from society one way of another when FF9 came out
  8. Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles One of my best PSP game purchases, even if the analog stick makes the controls so god damn awkward on occasions
  9. I love the All Games reviews being the same for every game Aah, Ronja Ryövärintytär
  10. I could see myself appreciating the visuals of Beyond... if the mouths didn't drag it screaming into uncanny valley 90% of the time. Those motion capture thingies that you paste on to actors' faces seem like money wasted. I'll go so far as to say that Alpha Protocol did it better, and there staring at people's expressions was at least 1/3 of the game
  11. I can see how someone would get the impression that it is Man, that rolling...
  12. Playing a bit of Witcher 2 arena mode. On Easy, you tend to pretty much demolish everything except clusters of strong monsters. My streak was brought to a halt by a round with 4 werewolves. Didn't have the damage, and those guys catch up to you immediately with their pretty lethal lunge attacks if you try to keep your distance. At least it increased my high score from 7k to 10k
  13. It was during a time when you couldn't just "download a patch/DLC/CD-Key", but there were innumerable arcade cabinets across the world. Buying the newest, bestest, most popular versions of the fighting games was a financial move for the arcades to increase traffic and revenue Kind of a weird situation where "everybody wins"
  14. Eeh, the main character didn't have the mega-thighs to perform Spinning Bird Kick anyway
  15. Came back to my Dark Mode run of Witcher 2 after leaving it for 10 months. I found a way to totally cheat one of the Act 1 bossfights
  16. Played through Half-Life 2: Episode 2 It was shorter but certainly more interesting than Episode 1 was. Now I can join everybody waiting for the sequel that'll never happen
  17. Really I would have even liked if any Greenlight debates took place there, it's just that your post came off as a rather pointless rant to let off some steam This faction of people to whom Greenlight is awesometastic that seems to exist in your head, does not exist in the real world. Or if they do, then in tiny-*** numbers. The fact of the matter is, this system exists, it's managed horribly while the initial idea was good, and Gabe Newell acknowledges this yet still sits there with his thumb up his *** and does nothing about it. Even the simple of thing of doubling the greenlighting rate could potentially work wonders, even while the annoying problem of proven good (or otherwise anticipated) games arbitrarily not being able to go through the old fashioned submission method. As it is, only less than 4% of the games put on the damn thing have been greenlit, even fewer than that have actually released. When I look at my own Yes-vote rates, I come at 10% of all the games I've seen (25/263), and I'm a picky guy with tastes that extremely few share 1-to-1 Edit: at the end of the day, even with my own series of gripes with Greenlight, I want it to improve rather than stop existing altogether. The fee hasn't gone anywhere. It was implemented in September to keep troll submissions away. Jews Did 9-11 would have been a catchy title for a game, dontcha think?
  18. Capcom Wants to Cut Ties With The West, Increase DLC This won't end well
  19. How about you ask the same of every online game distributor ever? Why don't they just let anyone put their game up there? I personally don't want Steam to end up as looking the same as Xbox Live Marketplace's Indie section. Such an oversaturation of complete garbage even among the top rated list that it'd be really hard to find anything worth while unless you went through all the games one at a time. Even Desura, who mostly sell in-progress indie games, have some standards Yup. From what I've seen on individual Greenlight update pages, Valve puts an emphasis of reaching Top 50 in terms of Yes votes. While they probably look at the games in order, it seems that there's at least a minimal amount of cherry-picking involved, because at no point have they Greenlighted 50 games at once
  20. So yeah, Steam Greenlight is a thing that exists and I found no other thread about it specifically. We have our Kickstarter(/Indiegogo) thread where we raise awareness about the games we want to get funded, so why not do the same for the next step for PC titles, which is to help them get published on Steam. Nobody wants their anticipated games to stay on Greenlimbo, so post here whatever titles you'd like to see on Steam, whether it's new indie titles, re-releases, ports or games that are wrongfully kept outside of Steam even though their developer already has stuff on there, etc. Greenlight is a horribly flawed system, but it won't get any better if we just sit and don't make any effort to help our favorites to beat the green sea of shovelware Alright, so the game I'd like y'all to look at is Knock-Knock The game's a weird take on the horror (they don't want to call it horror, but it looks pretty horrifying) genre, and weirdness is what Ice-Pick Lodge excels at, just play any of their older titles. I mean, if one of their Kickstarter updates looks like this, then what can you except from their game?
  21. Claiming that that a small-budget non-linear RPG can have a manual save system (not to mention looting) has more solid ground when one can provide an example
  22. Didn't both their games take over 2 years to develop? Even if they did, 1) Did Shadowrun Returns development just suddenly start a bit before Kickstarter? I seriously doubt it 2) Did Shadowrun Returns HAVE to come this year? 3) Do you think Eschalon: Book 1 had even near the budget Shadowrun Returns has? All in all, a longer production cycle for Shadowrun Returns would translate into more man-hours, which translates into more money needed. Unless they got extra money, having the game longer in development would barely change a damn thing, because it'd be fewer guys working longer. The only case where this helps, is when a game is being hurried so much that no amount of extra money and employees thrown at the problem will help things in the given time
  23. I guess the Eschalon developers have better programming chops then if their far more obscure franchise has managed to keep that feature. I was alright with some of the other minor disappointments regarding this game's development, but a checkpoint system in an even remotely open RPG just will not do. I'm highly skeptical whether this can work out
  24. This was definitely one of my gripes in Mask of the Betrayer. A fight that'd otherwise be pretty hard, can be turned into a joke by resting, using all the buffs and then charging straight into combat with your best spells prepared
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