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Everything posted by Joukehainen

  1. Yes! I love this update. I really like the idea of improving armour ie through crafting or the like rather than just a certain kind of armour becoming completely obsolete. I say it's fine if they upgrade via crafting etc, and I think the upgrade should be expressed by cultural or material descriptors - numerical descriptors are too immersion-breaking - besides, we'll figure out the stats by unequipping/re-equipping anyhow. Hmm not necessarily, the hide armour could just upgrade into a superior version of hide armour with some sort of a badass name and look. Yup this is a-ok by me, since it's indicating the armour's "type."
  2. Imo, Lucas raped SW into oblivion already. At this point Disney is probably only going to be a good thing, bc they at least can handle the whimsical tone. When Lucas tried to do it we got ****ing JARJAR and then some children-killing spliced in to make things seem "edgey." At least with Disney we'll have a coherent tone, and Lucas has made it more than clear he wants to market SW to tiny babies in the past decade or so.
  3. Hmm well in LotR the orcs were created by Morgoth as a mockery of the Children of Illuvatar (elves). Don't recall much info about their society such. But imo that's still a pretty weak motivation - "they're evil cuz that's how they were made!"
  4. No. Also hgnngngng Dragon Age II
  5. True, but my point was that text wasn't superfluous - 18 possible responses. Ie 18 choices. That's a hell of a lot. I don't recall Black Isle promising potential customers they wouldn't have a much dialogue as PS:T - afaik a lot of PS:T's "failure" when it came to initial purchases was the relatively 'ugly' cover on the jewel case. It was a simpler time back then Well I dunno, take that screenshot, for example. You can see that there is a bluff and truth option about merging with them (13 and 14) - this is highlighted out so that you as the player understand the difference, despite the actual wording of the response being the same. How would one make distinctions like this (say X honestly vs say X lying) without pointing out the nature of the dialogue skill being used?
  6. Missable quests are cool - but imo should be more or less stated that there is a time-limit in the quest description, sort of like Fallout 1. I mean, I'm not totally against the idea of missable quests where you're not informed of a time limit, but then people will just tell one another what that time limit was and you'll just be looking it up online and delaying it by no more than the max amount of time. So I mean, an NPC might as well say "but I need this done within a fortnight, otherwise..." Of course, I'm very much against quest-trackers so I'd appreciate if the game didn't remind you of this time-limit past stating it once, let's say. These would be awesome! :D As for myself, I hope the aforementioned cliches will be avoided: you're the "chosen one" (already confirmed this won't be the case) unless it's handled in the way, say, BGII handled it, ie with some measure of depth, freshness and creativity (even cynicism). The whole villains thing - totally. Villains that are just "evil" for no reason are such lazy tropes in fiction - even moreso entire species or races that are just all "evil." Just pure examples of lazy writing. I'm pretty sure we won't get such black and white treatment from Obsidian, though.
  7. To be honest, PE doesn't look like the kind of game that would have destructible environments. It just doesn't mesh well - it's not a lego-type world (referring to the design engine) or an fps/action game, it's an isometric RPG with beautifully hand-crafted background environments. Don't see how destructible environments would be terribly conducive to this style of design or gameplay - outside of barrels, chests, doors, etc, that is. Those kinds of "small" objects that are destructible in almost every game. Outside of that I could see the kind of environment destruction we saw in BG/IWD, that is, an occasional cave-in or home/hut being burned down. But in the sense of "destructible environment" like, say, Minecraft or Lego Star Wars or Worms, I don't see it happening (or necessary).
  8. You can just reload an autosave from a turn previous to the character's death. Or make hard-saves during combat.
  9. Yup indeed, Nonek, I stopped reading game journalism long ago, with few exceptions - such as Erik Kain. Almost all game mags/ review sites are just boosterism for game producers, that much is obvious. But I am still baffled by the inability of companies to adapt to the information age.
  10. Why do things always have to turn into two phalanxes? I really enjoyed Starcraft (though moreso watching the matches than playing) and even SC2, and I do enjoy RTSes, but I love turn-based games, and "timer-based" or I guess RTwP as it should be called. Many of my absolute favourite games are either TB or RTwP, but I can definitely appreciate the (different) skillset required of RT games. Can't one enjoy both for different reasons? PE is most likely going to be RTwP, I'd say.
  11. http://steamcommunity.com/id/jouke/ inv plz :D
  12. YES YES YES YES. I HATE quest-trackers with a passion that burns like the strength of a thousand suns. However, as others have said, I doubt we have to worry about that in PE, since it is being done oldschool style. :D
  13. Really shocked by the UK libel laws and honestly tired of companies behaving like this was still the pre-digital era and you could shut down a story before it got to print. We have a little something called the internet. It doesn't take a week for papers to put some scoop out. What did MCV expect? Just as John Walker wrote, “What will happen now is all manner of places will host the original version of the article, it will be far more widely circulated and discussed, and the reputations of those who have tried to silence criticism could be far more damaged than if they had just ignored it, let alone acknowledged they could do better.” Which is exactly what is happening. Reacting this way, removing evidence and distancing themselves means they KNOW they're doing something very wrong. "Even though Wainwright publicly lists Square Enix, publishers of Tomb Raider (screencap for when that inevitably gets edited out), as one of her current employers. However, don’t point out that possible confusion." and that's exactly what happened, too. Square Enix did go in and remove that mention. Honestly, most companies today have no idea how to handle PR in a digital age. Instead of opening up discussion they try the old turtling tactic from the stone age. When will they realize that DOESN'T WORK nowadays?
  14. Hey what's wrong with powergaming? I don't do it myself but have a couple friends who do, nothing wrong with that, it's their style. As was said before me, as long as a game has variables and can be influenced by you, the player, there are going to be ways of "powergaming" or getting the most out with the least effort/time; or, conversely, spending oodles of time farming for some rare drop/train up some character / whathaveyou. If people want to powergame, all power to them. Doesn't affect me other than maybe watching the occasional youtube video of some crazy accomplishment someone made.
  15. Weird, for some reason I assumed it was going to be turn-based. Love turn-based, so glad the new Firaxis XCOM kept it turn-based, and I hope it makes somewhat of a resurgence in game design. Many of my favourite games had turn-based combat: HoMM games, Alpha Centauri, the (classic) Final Fantasies,etc. Black Isle's D&D-based library was, well, sort-of turn-based. *Timer-based I guess might be a more accurate description for them?
  16. No no no no! Absolutely no children! Sorry but everytime I hear something about children I THINK OF ANAKINWKETJKJGKLj Haha ok, but seriously, it did work well in The Witcher. I was surprised how well, actually. But Alvin was also central to the story, and I think that's (partly) why it worked so well. The other part would be just CD Projekt being general bros and knowing how to handle the subject matter without annoying the **** out of the audience. A teacher-mentor sort of situation sounds more palatable to me personally than parent-child, and it sounds a bit more like what you're describing, but I see what you mean. I can't help but get TOR/SW prequels bad vibes, though. I like your username. ^-^
  17. *Second creative thing. UncleBourbon came up with this one eleven pages ago:
  18. Nope, not me, I'm a purile adolescent! Imma troll a bunch of people by claiming they say the opposite of what they actually say. All day. Every day. Cuz I got nothing better to do!
  19. I guess I just didn't want to face the thought of them not intentionally trolling.
  20. If you had actually read these threads, you'd see multiple posts by myself and others explaining that no one has an issue with nudity. It's the reason behind the nudity that we've been discussing. I'm not barfing, I'm saying I'm happy with Obsidian's work.
  21. Really now, some of you are fighting phantoms inside your own mind. No one here has asked for gender neutrality. No one has asked for no nudity or no cleavage. No one. And yet there are those who keep posting claiming EVERYONE is demanding those things. No one has. Obsidian's done a great job in the past and so far with their portrayal of female (and male, for that matter) characters; and Josh Sawyer thought boobplate was silly and removed it. I'm happy. Others are, too. The people who aren't happy are those who are moaning over the loss of boobplate and calling it censorship, PC, caving, whiteknighting, etc. For the last time. If you think so little of Obsidian, perhaps Project Eternity is not for you. If you don't see how leaving an overly exaggerated stereotype behind for a more nuanced portrayal is the opposite of limiting, it's expansion of the mind, then perhaps this kind of RPG is not for you. There are a plenitude of games out there that look like TERA if that's what you prefer. And that's okay: we don't all have to play the same games.
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