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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. Elanee is always the first companion I kick out of my crew as soon as I have more companions than spots available. She's absolutely insufferable. I hate her so much that I don't ever even bother doing her personal quest because I can't stand her aggressively annoying personality. She's useful to have around from a purely tactical standpoint because she can heal and she has AoE spells that don't friendly fire, by it's just not worth it to have to put up with her. She's not as bad with a female PC, but I've kept her around for the same reasons--healing & spell selection. Honestly, I'm not sure what the writers were thinking when they threw together this passel of weirdos for companions.
  2. Every two or three encounters, not every two or three seconds and I keep the difficulty at "Hard". I haven't crafted a thing yet and I'm not too thrilled at the prospect of having to do so. The party of my wizard, Neeshka, Khelgar, and a rotating "NPC du jour" takes a bit of damage, but we soldier on.
  3. I could certainly do without the conceit that the protagonist must be able to grow/level to be able to defeat all potential opponents in the game. The achieving of victory with regards to the main storyline must be within the grasp of the protagonist. But if there were a couple of potential pitfalls lurking within the game I would consider this superior design. If you're too stupid to recognize that in a game with a level range from, say, 1-18, that you have no business confronting a level 27 opponent that's tucked away in some creepy crypt, dismal swamp, or forbidding and distant mountains, then you deserve to have your head handed to you. Warnings should be offered, of course, for those who bother to look for them or listen for them, but I don't think it's necessary that our protagonist always end up the toughest kid on the block.
  4. Of course I am, Volourn--my game, my style of play. I have a specific character from my "pen 'n' paper" days and I'm seeing how well she happens to translate into a cRPG protagonist.
  5. Nope. I still haven't finished the game as I installed it on a computer at my parent's home so I'd have something to do when visiting during lousy weather, but if memory serves I'm just into Chapter 3. I haven't run into any of the problems you've described and the AIs are generally acceptable--tuned properly, that is. Yes, your companions will still do a number of foolish things, but if you are liberal with the spacebar you can keep them from creating too many cluster****s. The only objections I have are that the sheer number of opponents you face forces you to spam the "rest" function and the "influence system". My wizard, an Abjurer, loads up on Evocations and Abjurations and promptly blows through them in two encounters (three, max) and thus requires frequent rest. The influence system is simply dreadful as the companions are fools with their collective head up their rump. I do hope that Mask of the Betrayer has superior companions to those I'm (slowly) working with now. As things stand, I've already lost Elanee and will probably lose most of the rest of the feckless companions as I'm not very interested in dealing with their preposterous personalities. I wish I liked them more than I do, but they're not my cup of tea.
  6. Tsuga C


    Handel, Water Music--good background music for contemplation.
  7. As long as the shapeshifted Druid doesn't start randomly sniffing people's backsides... One of the NPCs will be a druid named Legdancer. Shapeshifted druids will automatically gain the talent "Know What Sniffed Creature Ate Recently".
  8. One wonders if scent will be factored in for druids who are shapechanged and rangers with their animal companions as one of their natural abilities. Compared with the nose of many animals, that of a human is mostly there for ornamentation. I'm curious if scent might be used by the party for enemy detection and tracking.
  9. You'll be in for a tougher time than those players who characters readily use magic, but if you lower the difficulty level you should probably be able to get by without too many re-loads. Save early, save often!
  10. Wasn't Friar Tuck essentially just an itinerant, glutinous Priest? No, he was a glutenous priest--preferred wheat beer!
  11. One or two for death, the rest of the animation budget should be spent on other animations. A dead opponent is of no concern to me (save for looting) and I anticipate paying little attention to death animations in the midst of combat where live opponents are still trying to take my head off.
  12. Truth be told, I'd be overjoyed with a true sequel set in the Planescape multiverse, but this just leaves me cold. Heck, I'd even be happy with a re-release of the original game with modern 3-D graphics, a few new areas to explore, and digital re-mastery of the original soundtrack and dialogue. Planescape is a setting that offered so much for a DM willing to take a chance and let the story flow to lands unforeseen and strip away the opaque veils of the planar philosophies to reveal all the glory or horror that lay beneath. Sometimes both, heh. It was a setting that deserved much more time and appreciation, a setting chocked full of all the goodness of an enthusiatic beer 'n' liquor-fueled college bull session and the personal insights and revelations--right questions asked with right tact and timing--could blossom forth in waves of weal and woe. I miss that milieu.
  13. First you claim to be a monk, then a priest. To which were you called? Methinks I smell a rat...
  14. Tsuga C


    Gordon Lightfoot, . Canada, you have a treasure in this man. If one were to have a song written about one's life, I think you could do little better than Gordon when he was in prime back in the 1970s.
  15. Ah, the Iron Lady herself! *heart skips a beat* Now that was a Lady who knew how to deal with rabble, be they unionized (non)workers or Argentinians.
  16. Good. This way we'll definitely notice an improvement in skill/feat "X" when we choose to add points to it. Positive, noteworthy feedback works for me.
  17. The Hurstwic society gives the straight scoop on Norse women, sans apologetics.
  18. Apart from quantum entanglement... Science is merely magic grown mundane.
  19. Friar Godfrey, I wish you well in your efforts to keep your in-game use of magic on the down-low. I believe that it might not be possible to complete the game without your player character using some of the soul-based powers. You might be able to avoid taking spell casters with you, but based upon what I've read about Project: Eternity, I think your character will be passively and actively drawing upon the powers of their soul on a regular basis. If this smacks of the occult to you, then Project: Eternity might not be a prudent investment. Have you taken your final vows to your order? If not, perhaps a pause to reconsider might be worthwhile. If a simple roleplaying game has the potential to put you in conflict with your more stodgy superiors, then I'd give careful consideration as to whether or not I'd want such people as my superiors. Meditate upon that and draw your own conclusions. Respectfully, Tsuga C PS--Havamal!
  20. One wonders what sort of interactions we'll have with the Powers. Will we experience their will and influence only through their clerical orders, semi-divine intermediaries, or will the possibility of direct interactions present itself?
  21. Allowing players to bash open containers without consequence or limitation does a great disservice to those who enjoy playing rogues. If you don't need someone to pick locks and disarm trapped containers, you've taken a huge bite out of the purpose of the class.
  22. Quest items can always be placed inside chests well away from combat or in heavy-duty chests unlikely to succum to stray spell damage.
  23. That's all the more reason to include Neeshka in your party or to play a rogue yourself if you didn't care for her. Alternately, you could always use the console to give yourself a Chime of Opening or buy one in the markets.
  24. This was implemented in NWN2 and it worked quite well. Things seldom broke unless you unleashed an Ice Storm or Call Lightning on an area that contained a chest. I favor a similar implementation in P:E.
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