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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. Eh its more along the lines that its getting delayed 13months that people are gettimg agry about seeing how it was supposed to come out feb of this year. AND until its actually out out, customers don't know if its only gonna be 13 months delayed or is it gonna be more?
  2. U know it finally clicked in my head. Remember when o sidian got blasted by the public because mat and trey said that they were bringin ideas to o sidian and o sidian was saying that it might be better to put that into a dlc? With trey and mat coming up with all these ideas and changes, it looks like o sidian was saying that sounds cool but lets finish what we got so we don't have to go in and rework everything to fit in, release the game finally and we can put all these new ideas in dlc so they can come out hut we don't have to keep stalling the release. Mmmm
  3. Awesome update! Looking great so far ) man I'm actually nervous now with the backer site almost up, dammit I'm gonna get in trouble with the misses because I know ill be throwing more money down if she don't rein me in. Sigh. Again fantastic update and looking really good so far.
  4. Why does it defeat the purpose of classes? That is an extremly rigid interpretation of a simple RPG mechanism, in my opinion. What you say is that an electrician cannot become a soldier. An electrician is a craftsman class, and as such he obviously cannot become a soldier, which is a warrrior class, if we follow this logic through. A warrior might start out as a soldier, and then he may even become a combat-engineer, but that's still not a craftsman. That makes no sense to me. Of course a craftsman can choose to become a warrior. He'll then be learning new skills and abilities while retaining his old. He might even end up a brillant combat-engineer because of his craftsman background. But he'll always be behind the one who's been pursuing a warrior class their entire life in regard to combat abilities. That, I would think, makes sense. actually that's not a very good example when we are comparing classes. I mean a warrior would be a class while an electrician wouldn't be because the electrician would be governed by skills (aka crafting\etc). the electrician knowledge would fall into the skill points we put in crafting, basically like a blacksmith. Like with ur example, a lvl 20 fighter can be an electrician because they put skill points in in that knowledge maybe a better example would have been like a cia member.....well no, that be like a prc. mmm, lets say a nomadic wanderer joins the military and becomes a namodic wanderer/warrior. But then here we have a reason for the multiclassing, the person went into the military. ill be inclined to agree with multiclassing IF there was a reason WHY it could be done. Like with a trainer or going into service or under someones wing, I can get behind. But just the level up, pick whatever u want...eh not really for that.
  5. I believe the reason why he banned it was simply because 9 times outta 10, people mainly multiclass not for rp reasons but for mechanical reasons. Most times when a wizard takes a lvl of fighter, its not because the wizard has a "fighters" attitude or even roleplay as someone's who been trained to fight, but most times its because they gain another free feat and gain proficiency in a lot of weapons and armor when their spells have run out for the day.I believe in his position roleplay over mechanics which I believe is the reason why a lot of posters has said they are against multiclassing in this game. But I will say in pnp, there's technically no "wrong" way to play as long as everyones having fun, its just different strokes and ideas for different folks. I'm glad I never sat at your table. I don't see how earning XP isn't enough to earn a level in any class the character is eligible for or why a wizard wouldn't take one level of Fighter for some martial ability, especially in a low-level game. Edit-AND I see I messed up and qouted the wrong qoute lol. Kain I actually like the idea of if they multiclass having something ingame to show for immersion why they are getting that extra class.
  6. Ill be quite honest. First obsidian game I played was fonv. The team impressed me so much from that game, that just seeing them have the oppertunity to make a game themselves without timeline or restrictions from a publisher made me throw my hard earn at the screen screaming take it. Its because of exactly what u qouted that I dove head first even though I've never played a crpg before I donated. Now I'm playing the original fallouts and bg and neverwinter nights 2 to get me educated. Can't wait for the whole shibang.
  7. I'd be against it if they asked me. Multiclasses means imo that u are playing all those classes (roleplay ideas and mechanics) in one character. If they went the multi classes route I'd rather they not have classes but go with a classless system. But we already know they have classes in them so I'd rather play one class. Multiclasses in d&d really just seemed more about maximizing ur characters strengths and potentials than actually roleplaying all those classes in one. From my experiences, most players I've seen use the multiclasses wasn't doing it for story or roleplaying, but mainly to either make the character stronger or to make up for a weakness in the class. So no, I'm against multiclassing.
  8. Great update! Problemly not the first I'm gonna play but will eventually. Loge hearing more about the world. Sigh I'm in at an impasse. I love hearing these updates and learning more about the world, but its making the wait even harder and also hopefully I don't get any info on here that will spoil the actual game. Keep it up though, fantastic work and ideas. Loving it!
  9. Lmfao nice! Love at the end making fun of the release date thing thats been going on. Sadly ubisoft shoulda released it during a time of low competition (cough summer time cough) to maximize sales and such. I dont think its gonna get the credit and publicity its due BC of the other releases which are usually AAA titles during that time. But in the end cannot @#&$ing wait cor this game to come out
  10. morrowind. Different ways to complete main quest. Guilds felt like guilds in u was doing what the guild would normally do. Atmosphere. Very likeable strangeness. grey charecters. The good guys were technically the bad guys and the bad guy had good intentions depending on what race u were.
  11. Hopefully they will have drop a very needed soon date it can be played im almost afraid to watch what ubi will show of the game at e3. The other 2 commercials were enough for me to get excited about the game.
  12. I am happy with all quests being able to fail as long as MOST quests that u fail dont just stop a journey but instead open up another path. Be awesome if alot of paths were cut off from players unless they failed certain quests, and have a FEW, not all or most, but a few quests paths from failing other ones actually give a better result. Also to better impliment this, dont have the game tell you that u failed by flashing a "u failed quest" on the screen, but have it to where its states thru npcs. Hell there could be times we wouldnt even new we failed a quest because we was being tested and still given other quests.
  13. good so far, when we getting more?
  14. im gonna be honest, I believe I will go with the very first diagram. All the routes will lead to the very same "location", u just got choices of different routes there. Choices but very manageable. Tyvm. I no we are gonna have either a pally or a cleric and I plan on them not being able to leave. So theres gonna be a crazy blacksmith and a demented librarian and im gonna leave their hit die at 4 or below. That way if deteect evil goes off the pally or cleric arent forced to murder their only sourses of premade equipment and spells to purchase. Though later on I will have it to where they wont have anywhere to dump off their loot so they have to be picky on what they pick up and what spells they cast and such. I forgot im gonna have do research on all the spells. Im gonna give all the players eschew materials feat and have it because the place is heavy magical presence. Im unfortuantly gonna have to rework certain spells like wish so they cant travel away. Gah, its alot work, but just rolling with what I no with now and will do the gritty work later.
  15. tyvm for the advice. Ya I no I got a challenge ahead of me with it being story driven, ill check that out. Im about tempted to a pretty linear story, but dangit thats the easy route out so im gonna try to fix different paths but not to many. Ive already accepted its gonna take me awhile, but surprisenly its going pretty fast as far as layouts and such. I no the npcs and situations is whats gonna take up most of my time, but im just going with the flow atm.
  16. Okay, the inspiration bug has bit me after I read about bastard hall in one of my books preparing for carrion crown. Ive learned to just go with it or else next time she wont bite. If anyone interested its a haunt place in rule of fear. Read it and so many possibilities jumped out at me. After a couple of days I got the bate outline of what the story is and now just gotta load it up with the flesh per se. Im envisioning a megadungeon thats heavily focused on story and basically already got the beginning, the town, ghost bridge, and the entrance courtyard already fleshed out. In my head its gonna be a mash up of h.p. Lovecraft, heavy old gods theme, first silent hill game, and castlevania sympathy of the night along with many other influences. Now a few questions. 1. Is there any information anywhere else about bastard hall to help flesh out and hopefully dont retcon or clash with lore. 2. Is there any good sourses on haunts anywhere in one place or is it mainly scattered everywhere? 3. Is there any sourses on the "old gods" worshipping anywhere for pathfinder universe? 4. If ya like throw in some suggestions if ya want. Thx in advance for the suggestions and help.
  17. Sigh, I have to wonder why they believe a winter or beginning of the year release would be a good time to launch this game instead of summertime. Summertime they would hardly have any competition whereas winter time and beginning of the year is when AAA titles are released. Its double fail imo for one releasing the game when a swarm of triple a titles are coming out (ya thats the best time to release this game when its got MAJOR competition of even being thought of...) and two for holding the game from release that long. Im starting to believe game companys dont no a thing about maximizing their potention in marketing.
  18. I think I have to agree with josh on this one and I believe alot of people are not getting what he was stating. In bg2, in most chapters besides chapter 2 felt linear and felt...Mmm I giess the word would be sparse in the amount of "dnd modules" u received when comparing it to the second chapter. I spent wayyy more time in the second chapter than most of the other chapters combined. And I believe thats what josh is stating. Hes not against giving us a ****load of quests, no we will get a ****load of quests. What he is stating is that the majority of quests wont be given at a certain point where points before and after feel barren, but give alot of quests spread out in all areas. Not to focus on giving the player the majority of amount of quests in single chapter and have the other chapters give alot less, but to give players alot of quests spreaded out so that we wont feel that before and after a certain feels barren because of the amount of quests available because most of the quests were given in a certain chapter area. dunno if that makes sense. We will get alot of quests throughout the game, hes against giving out a majority of the quests in a single point of the game but spread it out.
  19. but also realize that alot ALOT of older jrpgs were double arched because the boss woukd have several forms. Either ur after a person gobe amok but after defeating said charecter, comes to find out he was merely pocessed/influenced by the main boss. Were really it was a double arched, u just found out that there was someone of same faction just higher in the totem pole for a good bit of them as well. But there are also many that u defeated said boss only that their was a different one that in no way was related at all to said boss u just defeated. But most of them was just that u defeated said boss only to find out that the organization u was fighting had someone even higher up than u realized. Same organization but different npc.
  20. ...............thats not a good sign...
  21. yep, think the news will break out first on ubisofts forums I believe
  22. I let players no right at the beginning that I will not purposely murder a charecter....but that dosent mean that ur charecter wont ever die. I let them no that I dont even pick who the enemy is atking, I roll to see who the enemy goes after and atks. Its nice that way because the players noes that if one of them is unconscious and they have enemys atking them, me the dm didnt direct them....the dice did. Plus makes for interesting encounters
  23. I think the last game that towns and cities felt overall big enough was in morrowind. Granted vivec was monstrous but didnt supply the little details, the other cities and towns on the other hand felt juat right. Ex. Balmora Granted, they wasnt a 100% perfect without their flaws, but overall felt just right to me.
  24. great job so far. These things make me realize yal have alot on ur plates not to mention the 2 cities as well lol. Great job
  25. if they can acheive the quality of story, culture, and politics and the semi-linearity of morrowind and fonv, tbth ill be a very happy camper.
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