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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. Is it really wrong to feel important? I think that everyone should feel himself/herself the most important thing in the universe. What is there to gain from feeling like an ant? As far as i see it, the culture that promotes low self-respect is exactly the reason why things such as the bystander effect can be expected. An old bible verse came to mind "pride cometh before the fall". The video that way posted, I didn't get the vibe that it was promoting low self respect, but saying that their are things out there beyond our comprehension even if its staring us in the face....and its okay that we cant unravel every mystery. That's its okay for their to be things out there we cannot ever understand, because isn't that an important and exciting part of life knowing their are unknowns out there waiting to be discovered or experienced? The guy even said that they have tried to reason with it or communicate with it but cannot and hes fine with that. Its saying that no matter how big or important we think we are, there are things out there that we are ants to. In size and in how much we are recognized and noticed. Very good video by the way, never saw that episode, I need to go look it up.
  2. Ill be honest the last game I played that I role played anything religious was in morrowind as part of the temple. From the pilgrimage to become part of the temple to the seeing the golden masked guys to the principles they venerated and the background. Granted it wasn't perfect but it added a very nice layer that could be easily dismissed or delved into per players choice. Now granted quite a few of the core elements (aka dandruff princes) were already established and brought up, but the religion gave more depth to them and to the tribunal. And the lore around it as well. Now I would love to ha e that quality of religion in this game but I would also love to have the same option to delve or ignore them and not feel like I am purposely evading something if that makes any sense.
  3. Omg omg omg excellent update! Looking awesome! As a pnp dm/player its solo nice to see the love the rogue is getting. Sigh plz take as long as u need, we backed u so u have the opportunity to do so, but alas I really really can't wait for this to come out lmao
  4. Mann ill be honest I'm not to keen on strength governing healing. I'd rather that go with resolve or intelligence. If intelligence can govern how much damage a spell can do, why can't it govern how much healing? I hope the attributes line up with what they govern and make sense.
  5. He's growing a massive one at that lol. I have a feeling this game is gonna do so great.
  6. Well ill go ahead and add my first group wipe. I made a dungeon that had an evil cleric at the end of it but he also had a hidden plant that would shot needles totals away intelligence. The plant came with 2 plant zombies. If the plant grappled u for 2 turns u would turn into a plant zombie of urself. Had an alchemists, a Magnus, and a sorcerer and a fighter. All lvl 3. Well they get thru the dungeon pretty well but the sorcerer got himself a shiny magical sword so he started going in and trying to melee the plant zombies and gone unconscious. The fighter and magus make short work of the zombies and the alchemist uses his mutagene to take on the cleric. Alchemist gets grappled and the fighter gets holdbperson cast on him. Magus is missing on the cleric. sadly the alchemist fails grapple checks both times and becomes a plant zombie in its mutagenesis form. So the fighter watches the alchemist tear into the magus and is basically fed to the zombie plant to become a zombie himself. Sadly the dice gods were not with them in that match but the players loved going out in style and had the cleric and the zombiefied versions of the past party as bbeg in the campaign. So crazy how free flowing pnp can be when even game overs are just really just a new chapter in the game.
  7. Besides visual mods and the improved towns and cities mod, I run with skyrim requiem mod and some quest mods like moonpath to elsewere and a couple others. Requiems an overhaul mod that gave me that starting morrowind feel in that u don't start off as a badass and just get even more badass, but u start off less experienced than everyone around you but eventually bypass them into greatness...sry ain't had coffee yet. I wouldn't put it up there with darksoulsbut bandits and wolfs at the eginning if u aain't careful can easily kill you. Its very strange in that it makes easier to roleplag for me. Granted if ur wanting to breeze thru skyrim this mod isn't for you, but if ya wanna a game where ur perks actually "define" you then requiem a good mod for ya.
  8. tbh I wouldn't mind of the bottom of the dungeon was something akin to a ruby weapon from ff7. And hold on and let me explain lol. What I mean is that its something of a higher challenge than the vanilla bbeg at the end of the main quest. It could be an ingame something for to do after the main quest (if they let u continue on) or something for people doing everything and need that extra challenge. It could be gold stuff for at the bottom is some bbeg that was famous in the past that people use that persons name in bedtime stories to scare children to act right. Said person could have been sealed or in a suspended stance that atm they are of no threat but can be a major major threat in said future. It could be us that actualy freed this bbeg feom his sealed prison in which he had no chance of escaping or soooo many other things. I want this place to give us a closer ties to the lore of said world like how morrowind gave us the dwermer ruins to explore and such.
  9. *Holds fist out for bump*... Solidarity. u_u Also... I want to use a scythe. Yeah, not even a war scythe. Just a regular harvesting scythe, no matter how impractical. I'm going for intimidation. Besides... look at some of the Chinese/Japanese weapons created over the years. I think if someone really trained to master those, I can believe someone might feasibly train with a standard scythe. Also... I like Ice Magic. And lightning. Storm magic, I suppose? Yeah if there is a scythe....sigh it could be a lvl 1 harvesting one and that would be my weapon of choice thruout the whole game. I woukd have to run nothing but casters then.... Never under estimate the power of the harvesting scythe!
  10. If to pick between more wilderness and more companions, I'd pick wilderness. That way the world will be bigger, better immersion i f done right, and more oppertunities for storys and lore. Companions since we will be able to mod the game, I'd rather have modded companions that way I can have both ) more official wilderness and modded companions...bam
  11. I can understand why the point system would lead more towards optimizing but so far the players have been really good rolling up their characters were their last 3 characters usually its more average in the 16s (a few low rolls but nothing so far under 11 and quite a few 18s, usually 1 or 2 18s). I guess the dice have been lucky for my players to have basically very well rounded characters stats wise and was thinking with a point buy with nothing dipping below 10 unless racial stats and not going over 18 again except with racial stats that they would have.....eh some flaws I guess? Not to sound like I'm aying against my players, its just some like to keep rerolling until they have at least 2 18s or very well rounded numbers if make any sense. So I'm guessing the point buy vs rolled stats basically go down as a case by case or party to party basis maybe overall?
  12. OR they could pull an old school final fantasy on us and have the levels not accessed all at one time. Like u would go down 6 lvls and then find urself going up a couple of levels and then going down a few levels and so forth ) would really throw people off if they got to the 14th level and saw a staircase going UP instead of down lmao.
  13. Ill be honest. A lot of rpgs I've played had item degradation in them from morrowind to fonv. It did add a certain something on a character who wasn't a blacksmith have a sword go broke in the middle of a dungeon. It added that little something. Then I played skyrim and it did away with item degradation and it felt something was missing and it erk me (granted it was one of the MANY things that were missing but item degradation was actually mear the top of the list). So me personally I'm happy to see item degradation in PE, it feels natural to me and adds that extra layer to the game. Hell it gives me a reason to carry more weapons.
  14. Title says it all. Usually I have my players roll for their stats but thinking about switching them to the 15 point buy system. Granted we play pathfinder, but wanted to know what yal like using and the ups and downs of using either system.
  15. If chris has any pull in the matter it won't go to consoles.
  16. More wilderness. What I mean is I want a truely open world to where if I wanted to go from a city to a cave, instead of leaving the cityband entering a map and clicking on the location of the cave.. .I want to actually travel there. I'm not saying get rid ofbthe map but have it optional to where if I want to fast travel there I can but if in wanna walk there I can. More monstere and more items and more locations and more stories. That's what I would pledge more money for.
  17. Well, IMO science has the greatest potential to make the lives of the most people better with the greatest efficiency, so... goody-two-shoes have a valid reason to like it. That is true but I believe the poster was talking about the reason simply for science was more nuetral than good is because the main reason ur doing it is not to benefit mankind kr do something good, its to obtain the knowledge simply because u simply want/need to know. Usually the good that science does is an aftereffect and not the MAIN drive behind finding out that knowledge.
  18. I'm gonna play the class that's closest to a bard. Dunno why but really having fun with them in tabletop games.
  19. Okay not to be a platform snob....but I will actually give them money NOT to go to xbox or ps right now. And I will tell u why. Its not that I believe pc is the superior race or anything like that but its because of money. When people release games for the consoles, the actual consoles get over 50% of the moeny made off the game. That means the consoles makers will make more money off the gane than the actual people who made the game, and right now obsidians needing this for them to make money. Then the charges for patches, as each consoles charges the conpany who made the gane for the patches they put forth THAT has to be approved by the consoles themselves first. Right now its just a very bad idea to go that route for them. Me personally, I want more wilderness (aka do away with the map travel and actually give us the whole world fleshed out) and more enemy types and I will say multiplayer. Nwn was a lot of fun with multiplayer and as much as I would like to be playing with a friend I understand why they don't because of the money they would have to put forth with the servers. I would like maybe the expansion to give multiplayer action after the game is said and done.
  20. Sweet. That is good news though ) I'm just so excited having a really well made southpark rpg game. I can't wait.
  21. It would be nice for the game to just tick off a few coins for the materials each time u cast a spell. Or they could at least just say u have the eschew materials feat
  22. From my understanding, its not the coding or bugs holding it back, its because trey and matt keep wanting to add and change things. They keep adding/tweeking/changing the actual story so its hard for the developer to "finish" it when its constantly being tweeked and changed.
  23. Aren't they making games conpatible with the ps4? I hear so many yas and nahs on it
  24. I am currently playing Morrowind atm for my rpg fix. And when I need to turn my mind off (which is quite often) I've been playing the hell out killing floor. Surprising addictive gane there.
  25. Just cross ur fingers and pray that after bethesda does their 3rd fallout gane that they will sell it and obsidian from the profits frombproject eternity and selling their kidneys and souls will purchase it. ) I can dream can't I? Also to the op, for new vegas I highly recommend u grab the uncut content mods and jsawyer mod. No lvl 50 and much less stimpacks )
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