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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. Playing Morrowind atm and created a new character named Thom the Bard. Going with WoT influence but have Thom as a younger version of himself but basically in rands position and see him learn and become entrenched in the game of houses in morrowind using no armor, daggers and throwing knives, and his wits to manipulate people into doing what he needs done. So far its been very entertaining when trying to talk ur way out or sneak by instead of just slash slash away at everything. Gave him illusion for the calm spell. I have never had this many people still alive in dungeons ever lmao. I still dunno what im gonna do about how he will deal with Dagoth Ur and the Tribuneral. Will he side with his reincarnates friend, side with those who betrayed him for the sake of all, or just lay to rest everybody and walk away. Ill let the character figure it out whenever he comes across it.
  2. Ok im tired and sleepy but is this an actual cover? If so is it out yet for me to buy?
  3. Once they implement enemy npcs that are range making their targets focused more on range first would show range that con is useful. Meaning archers would target the party members that are hanging back than close up and initially npcs would go after buffers/healers before being agro'd by the front line tanks.
  4. It sounds pretty crappy to me and would go against their no bad builds ethos. It would pretty much be a trap. I still say they should fix the bug (since its dumb; no real pirate would hold on to his pistol for the duration of a battle after he has fired his shot). Again, they can mechanically implement the style through the existing quick weapon slot system and some quick draw like talents for switching between one handed melee or ranged weapons when nothing is in the offhand. How exactly would this be a bad build? How wouldthis stop you from completing the game? Now remember the "no bad builds" wasnt that every build will be good, the "no bad builds" would mean u could beat the game with any build. Not that that this build isnt as damaging as another build. roleplaying aspects i wouldnt care if there was a minus, u would start the combat out strong and with style and then slash away screaming YARR! This shouldnt be considered a bug at all, what they should consider is trying to reload and getting stuck in the animation in combat the bug, not the ability to duel weild a pistol and sabre.
  5. While i do believe text is better for flexiblilty than VO in writing and adding on material and what not, i dont believe VO is necessarily a bad thing either. Yes it can be detrimental to the players immersion and interfere with a players fun or roleplay if the actor is crappy, writing is terrible, options are limited, tone or dialect is bad, etc etc but the same can be said of text as well if options are limited, writing is bad and/or doesnt fit, etc etc. when done well, both text and VA can be great and enhance the quality of the game and the players reaction just like how both if done bad can degrade the quality of the game and the players reaction as well. Text though i will agree does have some bonuses against VA. 1. Its more easy in being flexible. Say base game is done and alreaey have the VA for it but an dlc/expansion comes along and interacts with a part of the base game, its easier with text to have npcs react, talk, be integrated in the base game with text than with VA because with text u coukd just rewrite or add in some texts and be done while with VA u have to rehire the same actor and bring them in for the lines. Etc etc. 2. Imagination. When reading the text the npc has the voice of whatever we chose for said person while with VA we are already shown what the npc sounds like. Without VA a npc over the course of many gamers will have several different voices thanks to imagination but with VA everybody gets the same voice. Now im not saying this is always best because there are times i was introduced to a new sound of voice instead of the limited selection in my head. So im just listing this as overall. 3. Price. Its cheaper to add a few writen lines than to pay someone to voice those lines. Now since i stated where text is better, as far as execution both ways IF done well can enhance the players gameplay experience.
  6. Im gonna say my rogue so far is my favorite class. Granted in pnp i enjoy rogues and bards for their roleplaying purposes even though other classes can outmatch them in several areas..i still just love them lol.
  7. Tyvm!!! I knew, i KNEW there was something but i couldnt quite put my finger on it. I really hope they fix FOW because it is something that small but very important. I remember in pnp games where i woukd have a map out, the players had a hard time not metagaming because they could see the exit and knew where it was and coukd quickly explore the whole area because they already knew where they wanted and could go. Then when i started putting paper over the map and would uncover each sheet as they went along, their playstyle and rileplay changed from something so simple and little. So ues please bring/fix FOW.
  8. Ok wait this is a bug???!!!!! DO NOT FIX!!!!! so far i have been playing nothing but pirates. Pirate rogue, pirate fighter, and a pirate chanter. I love this game so much right now because i get to ay a pirate and the sabre and flintlock is fuxkimg awesome!!!! Granted ive ran into the bug that i cant attack because i spend foreber reloading but dammit im loving this! Again DO NOT FIX!
  9. Sooooo. Either its A. Ahhh theres all the mobs in the wilderness that i want to fight and kill but i dont feel like im gonna be rewarded so i dont want to kill everything i see Or B. Ahhhh theres all these mobs in the wilderness that since i get exp per battle i want to go out and fight any mobs that i find From reading alot of these threads and posts, i understand that people want to feel rewarded for their fights but im also seeing ALOT of people when u look at their posts that because of kill exp, they are inticed or even compelled to get into fights to ne rewarded with progression. the whole feeling "compelled or inticed" to actually seek out battles for the sake of being rewarded with kill exp to feel a sense of progression which is exactly what they are trying to avoid. Now i will agree with wilderness battles it needs work on to acheieve their goal since with battles against humans is actually suceeded with the loot of currency, magical items, and such. right now its not perfect BUT it is heading in a good direction. Like i said they succeeded with the humanoid battles and now they need to work on wilderness battles and once they can figure out a way to do so either by (chance of hidden items, hidden locations, hidden quests, etc) then problem will be solved imho
  10. So far yes, but theres nothing official stating they will do game....even though paizo ceo has stated that they plan for many pathfinder crpgs in the future with obsidian Isn't just a card game?
  11. I wouldnt be against rolled stats IF u were assigned the one roll and couldnt reroll.
  12. Nah i have no opionion on the matter. At the moment i can do point buy and if i wanted to which i have, bring out my dice and roll for my stats that way.
  13. Ill be quite honest, instead of what we have now and instead of chosing, i would like the gear to reflect on the culture we picked. To me it would give us more ties ingame and knowledge wise (sorta) yo the culture we picked. Maybe they already are tied to the culture. If so id rather it not change from a roleplaying perspective. it opens up gameplay options to me that i normally wouldnt chose. Like i usually pick single handed weapons and either a shield or offhand, but starting out as a chanter i was given a 2hander. Im just set in my ways in alot more things that i would admit or even know. Simple things like these enhance the game for me.
  14. Mmm we got wasteland 2 to scratch out fallout needs and poe to scratch our medievel fantasy needs, shadow run to scratch futuristic cyber and D:OS for turn base. Now they just need to do a kickstarter on a victorian lovecraftian game where u encounter the invisible man, springheeled jack, jack the ripper, etc all to find that they are just experiements of dr jeykle/mr hyde in the name of the cult trying to bring yog-sothoth. Us Call of Cthulhu fans needs some lovins and obsidian can knotch it outta the park!
  15. And yet FONV was fully voiced and was a fantastic game, writing and story. I do agree with ya that most games that do full voice usuallybhit the mark and/or stiffle and limit dialogue and such. But a very few games....FONV is the only one that comes to mind....okay 1 game was fully voiced and was able to writing and story and roleplaying options very well. But USUALLY a game severally limits roleplaying and options and whatnot by veing fully voiced.
  16. Mmmmm i dont believe balance and fun are always connected but i will say i have in the past had imbalance ruin my fun. in video games i would say the most recent one was Skyrim. At the beginning u are on par of not a step above moat things u face and then by lvl 12 or so, it becomes a cakewalk because ur character becomes unbalanced with the content to where u overpower most things and it becomes a cakewalk. Oblivion did it in the wrong direction because they tried to make everything balanced with each other by having everything leveled with you and it became immersion breaking seeing bandits wearing high end gear and such. in pnp for the players and for the GM, balance does come into play. Players balanced with each other so that people arent hogging the spotlight and taking away from others enjoyment. Players being balanced around the campaign or settings instead of steamrolling through it and invalidating everything. Or the GM/DM balancing encounters that can be overcame instead of just trying to tpk the group. now the things ive listed are subjective because some or alot of people enjoy and i find unbalancing. Maybe its perspective i dunno
  17. I hate full voice acting unless done right and usually thats only ingames where u have a set main chatacter like the witcher. I do like partial voice acting because it helps me get the local flavor when im reading. Like in morrowind it was alot of reading but u had that partial voice acting to where u could imagine the voices as u was reading it. Flame me all u want but i loved the dunmer and nord voices in that game. with no voice acting at all i have no problem with either. If i had to pick between partial or none, thats a tough choice. Like in morrowind i loved hearing the dunmers voice because it was a bit different and if its a different voice i would say id want partial, but if theres no different types of voices for races and cultures and whatnot id rather have no voice acting at all. like many have posted, when u go full voice acting u limit urself in what u can accomplish in dialogue becauee of time, space, and motivation...... well ill take it back, FONV was amazing and id dare say the most recent actual rpg that was amazing in story and writing and did full voice acting...
  18. And also could have only made one character and spent hours ingame with said character and wouldnt have realized their kistake because they didnt create another one.
  19. I will sah this, i dont really have a problem with might. Growing up reading and watching fantasy, "Mighty" has been used to describe alot of classes. The band of mighty warriors-aka powerful warriors, the undead army is lead by a mighty wizard-aka powerful wizard, the woods are offlimits because they are guarded by a group or a single might druid-aka powerful. the MIGHT is governing that ur class is powerful in what they do. Ur wizard wants to weild a mace and throw spells out, well they are mighty in doing that. is might the end all be all stat? Hell no. How many stories have we heard about mighty beings being outdone or defeated by lesser or no where near as powerful things? Take tolkien for example, a lowly bumbling hobbit frees the dwarves from the elves prison, survives the mighty dragon, destroys one of the most powerful artifacts, etc etc. The other skills are important as well. Now im not saying the atributes are perfect, nope they still need some fine tuning. Perception i would like for being able to find hidden caches as well as dialogue or better "sneak damage". Resolve i think will shine once we are exposed to more story aspects as well as being used as the "will saves" and "concentration checks". The atribute list is fine as long as u look at it from a different light and not expect something to be the same as something else when its not trying to be. Imho the list is fine, the ones there just need to be fine tuned.
  20. Hehe yeah when im playing, im just wow'd and having fun and all is well. Find some bugs and trying to lewrn the system and i come on here to report and its like i see wailing and gnashing of teeth. So far ive been good with my sanity checks but i worry for that natural 1. Of course this said in jest ) but i do find myself when im alone playing the game that im satisfied and having fun.
  21. Dangit, misread the title. Thought it was the single thing that makes u the happiest in poe
  22. Ok lets go with badass drifter who doesnt want to talk to a pig farmer. Now imagine urself sitting down at a table with a GM/DM and u are playing pnp. The GM/DM tell you that in town while walking u overhear guards questioning the locals about a missing girl and u walked past a very loud cursing farmer who is visually and vocally upset about losing some pigs. GM/DM-what do you do? Player-nothing, im a loner and a drifter and dont want to get involved. I head outside of town to start exploring and killing everything that gets in my way. GM/DM-soooo u dont wanna participate in the quests i have prepared for ya? You just want to do ur own thing? Player-Yes, i just want to explore and fight and dont want anything to do with any of the stories u already prepared. GM/DM-ok, well good luck, im gonna head out then. Heres a link to a pdf with monster stats on it, knotch urself out. Now im not trying to be rude, but it seems alot of people are viewing it a sandboxesq rpg when it highly seems like the devs are being the GM/DMs and presenting u with a campaign for u to interact with, not to totally ignore. The devs point of view of trying to get rid of "kill exp" could be just like a GM/DM point of view of keeping the players interacting and not ignoring the quests they give you. Basically not participating in what they are offering. basically i think they see it as not a single player game where only YOU the player is involved, but as a game where you are the only one playing a character but they are the GM/DM presenting you with what they have to offer and keeping the players inline with the challenge they set up. hopefully im makimg sense and in no way trying to be rude to u or anything. It just seems crpg have more in common with D&D premade campaigns than an actual sandbox game.
  23. What you quoted is accurate except for one "little" detail: in d&d ( 3 and 3.5 edition) an encounter is like a quest, so killing a group of monsters,any group of monsters (or a single one), GIVES XP.Very true but also another thing is that a game is more in tuned with an AP in that APs are designed around having the players certain levels at certain points. In AP u have usually scripted encounters and enemies to keep u inline with the level the AP is designed around with nothing else whereas in a video game u have sooo much more. So to give you an open world but keep the spirit of content being viable, do u give exp for kills for them to bypass the level design u had design for it, give exp numbers that they make no difference at all, or go with the quest exp? Because even with gaining CR exp, with it being scripted there was no way to bypass the level design so the "kill exp" u received wasnt something optional it was already designed into the AP giving the exp the illusion u were advancing on ur own while unaware it was a scripted possibility that was already designed in.also keep in mind just like pnp, a GM/DM has the right to present the game and have the players play how they envision it to be set up just like game designers have the same right. Double edge sword because that also means players have the right just like pnp to not play if they are not having fun. with the quest exp and if im not mistaken the "check points in quests" also have exp where u are given exp not just at the end but as u advance thru a quest does play more like a standard AP which to be honest this game and all the others are just video game versions of APs. Also seems to follow the set up of how alot of GMs/DMs i know use and thats u level when the GM/DM deems neccesary which is also a practice of keeping groups in the same level range as the design they had set up. hopefully this made some sense.
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