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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. Yeah poor choice to use. It's hot and I just got finished walking to work and when u step into the doors of walmart, everyone's iq drops.....so yeah, couldn't think of a word at that time to fit lol. Long knife-yes, I'm saying u gonna have to settle for less. Obsidian did fallout new Vegas and Bethesda with Todd Howard leading did Skyrim. 2 separate companies with separate flavored and focus. Tbh since Bethesda got rid of Kirkbride their ingame writing has been nose diving further and further. Kirkbride is the one who has written most of the lore and story that TES games are using and still following, that's why the lore is outstanding but the execution ingame has been very subpar along with Todds direction. Obsidian is focused on story and c&c, Bethesda is focused on exploration and theme parks. I'm saying ur gonna have to settle for less because Bethesda has always, ALWAYS been reinventing the wheel and cutting things and "streamlining" to make room for other ideas. Writing has never been a focus point for them, though they have had a few gems, it's never been the focus that a Bethesda game has great writing...
  2. Longknife, take some advice from from me. Quit looking into it and go in without comparing it to the older titles. Should you do this? Ethically no because I agree with everything you've been saying, but for me to get any enjoyment outta it I'm gonna go in expecting and thinking its a new IP. Bethesda has this thing about reinventing the wheel every single time and cutting corners. We can sit here and bitch and moan, buts it's Bethesda and right now besides witcher 3 there isn't really any RPGs out so even if we vote with our wallet, they won't notice our lack money throw at them. It's like fallout 3. Very fun game but a very horrible "fallout" game. I have a feeling fallout 4 is gonna be the same, whereas Bethesda wants each game to be judged by its own merits but because it's part of a series we the customers are gonna compare it to the others. Don't compare it to the others such as fallout new Vegas and hopefully we both will enjoy the game for simply being a fun game and won't get hung up on the "fallout" part because we know it will be lacking. So my advice is to simply go in thinking brand new ip and don't think of the older titles and hopefully we both will find some enjoyment outta it. We can then sit and pray that obsidian will get a second shot and make the next fallout game a fun but also a good "fallout" game. Otherwise we are just setting ourselves up for justified disappointment.
  3. Yeah I didn't know about it either until I got my 4th one and I had to manually ask a moderator if they ever dropped and they told me how. Otherwise I woulda been banned a long time ago.
  4. As someone who got very close to being permabanned before when skyrim was out and frustrated about the dlcs and some flaming before, the marks never drop off themselves. U have to contact a moderator to get the marks taken off one by one. So far I shoulda been banned at least 4 times over with them. I will agree it's flawed in that the warnings don't drop off themselves. Gonna miss ya over there.
  5. That post somewhat restored my excitement for this game ) I doubt there will be an actual fix from them. Now I could hopefully get excited that since xbox1 is gonna be running windows 10 and with pc users with windows 10, I'm hoping that it'd carry over to of users. Hopefully.
  6. I will admit that my only real experience with modding and mods is with TES and bethesdas fallout games. Tbh mods are free advertising even long after the company moves on from the game. It also will bring in players who (from personal experience) may disagree with the current setup but will play the game either thru curiosity or because a lot of what they disagree with can be changed or fixed thru mods. I'll give 2 examples. First example is fallout new Vegas. While now it's my favorite rpg of all time right next to Morrowind, I started out hating the game. I had it for the Xbox 360 and thought it dull and horrible. Used to blast obsidian on the forums for some time, until I bought a gaming PC and saw som mods I was interested in. It was mods who got me back into the game and thru multiple playthrus of heavy modded and even some "vanilla" modded playthrus, made me fall in love with the game and sunk countless hours into it. Second example is skyrim. Severely disappointed in the game would be an understatement, but becaus of mods I have sunk many hours into it due to Requiem and many of the quest and new landscape mods. Now sometimes due to the graphic mods, I will turn it on just to wander for a little bit and take in the sights. Point is I view that modding and even having a subforum for people to gather and share info and experiences, the pros will outwieght the cons by a vast amount. I just think maybe some guidelines should be agreed upon by the community or I dare say experienced modders who have seen what works and at wont to lay the foundation for modding to grow and flourish. Because I really think that if obsidian can either make it easier to mod or people to stand up and take charge of certain things, the outcome will only benefit this game, the company, and the community as well. For it to grow, ideas and help should be given freely between people who in turn remembers to respect the others as well.
  7. I agree those are awesome! Great work there
  8. Wasn't there something about October when 2.0 and the expansion was gonna come out or was that just speculation?
  9. Tyvm for those posted those videos. It made me happy and felt like I watching unicorns fart out rainbows and pixie dust. Those were awesome!
  10. I'm very shocked and really hoping this is a bad dream. I wish him the best of luck and if he's ever involved with a game, I will be there to buy it. N
  11. Tyvm for this info. I have always wondered that myself About bash and two weapon fighting. Now I know I can save a feat at least now lol.
  12. I'm in the camp of play how u wanna play. Now I will say I'm opposed of people using cheesy tactics and exploits and then complaining the game isn't fun or challenging because even if they know they are going against the "spirit of the rules" by doing such things, because they can they view it as a valid tactics and then proceed to complain the game isn't up to snuff.
  13. That would be a very good idea. This would also help strengthen the impressions of atributes by giving us easily access numerical data. RPGs are numbers games so by giving the player better access to the numerical data would help strengthen the players knowledge in the system.
  14. Excellent read, I agree with pretty much all ur ideas especially the adventure ones. I think this was the only area that da:I did better with telling u what the adventure is and what happened and having didn't options due to who u send. IMHO the implementing of these ideas would greatly improve this already fantastic game. The adventure paths I don't really seeing all that difficult to implement due to just changing and adding text to the already dialogue we already get.
  15. I actually don't mind it as it implies a sense of progression that ur good enough at detecting traps that u eventually get good enough that u can spot some even without searching for them. It's like in d20 games where at low levels u have to actively roll the search/spot/perception to find a trap but eventually get good enough where u can just take 10 while questing and be able to spot them.
  16. Hope yal having fun me getting good feedback
  17. Good for them, they deserve it. Take what they've done so far and polish it and make it shine brighter
  18. Anything is possible. I am currently talking things over with folks about ways to expand the brand. One of the ideas that came up involved lots of short stories about PoE. U could have a contest with certain rules for players to submit short or long stories with the prize being that it will be included in a physical book as well. Rules such as how long, time period, location, etc. you could include areas that are not ingame such as "something something temple located in a forest" or "a cave found in something something plains" and let the authors imagination go wild. Granted it's a double edge sword, but there's a chance that u could find some gems from people who either love the game and want to contribute or just like writing stories. Also a way to get players to also add to the world yal have created etc, but also importantly also mention that yal have the right to tweek things to fit yals mindset. Then again, I'm just in a bind and want something to read lately lol.
  19. Edit-found my answer. Those books are going on my wish list on Amazon. I wonder if obsidian has any plans for writing novels based on the game world of pillars of eternity by chance in the future?
  20. I agree enemy AI is more important than party AI atm. With it being RTwP combat, I feel it falls on the player to take full control of all their party actions. We just need better enemy AI for more challenge. I do agree a hold and defend options would be nice though.
  21. I do wonder if each part is gonna be sold separately though. If it's basically 1 expansion but in 2 parts, I wonder if we buy the part that comes out if we have to buy the next part as well or if it will automatically download when the next part is ready? I don't really care that's up to obsidian. The dlcs from fonv were basically I think either somewhere between 10 and 20 dollars, I forget been so long and imho they were worth every penny. Especially dead money. Also I heard the expansion was gonna be as big as the expansion for baldurs gate, but I'm wondering also if both parts combined are that big or is the first part gonna be that big?
  22. Design the game for PC first and foremost, then put it anywhere u want and I'll be okay with that. Hell in looking forward to playing wasteland 2 on my ps4 whenever they release it. Is dOS going on consoles as well too? If so hell yeah.
  23. I'm hoping my nvidea 770 card can run this.
  24. do we have an ETA on when the expansions are coming out? It seems like I read 1 part near the end of this year and the 2nd part next year? Any info on this by chance?
  25. It seems if u have romances, u gotta do a checklist to make sure everybody is represented and have options or else you'll get a ****storm of how obsidian is "anti-whatever" because it was left out. Tbh the only romances I've seen that were done somewhat decent ended up effecting the main plot. Either u was railroaded into this love interest or else in someway it effected the main story like Morrigan in da:o. It seems the reason why it's done decent compared to other games is because since its part of the main plot, more work and effort is slotted to it instead of being a "only a side quest thingie" type romance. Then again, we can't even agree to what romances are and how they should be portrayed. Hell there's people who think pst has romance in it simply because u have an option for someone to tell you they gonna wait for you. Tbh I think really they shouldn't even think about romances unless they actually truly want to make one, because otherwise it's just gonna be wasted time and material that shoulda gone somewhere else.
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