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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. Lovecraft Crpg (don't care if turn based or rtwp) Set in the Victorian England 1800s. A group of reg people (cops, doctor's, artists, musician, etc etc) get tied up to try and foil the evil scientist (Mr jeckle/Dr Hyde) who has teamed up with Mr Smiley and have them face all the old school monsters from the black n white horror films (Dracula, werewolf, it came from the deep lagoon, etc) and make them lovecraftian monsters.
  2. I grew up with the originals but Doom 3 is hands down my favorite Doom. Rage got alot of flak bc of Bethesda closed mouth policy, people unfortunately took it as another "Falloutish" and got pissed when it wasn't when it came out.
  3. I'm sure you would also find it amusing that the Neo-Nazis here accidentally pepper sprayed and punched some of their own, right? I would lol. Then see the KKK do it to themselves. **** buy tickets to see Antifa, KKK, and the neo Nazis all protesting each other and then turn on themselves and watch all 3 go inward and devour and destroy themselves...
  4. Eh here, the right is for businesses and more military and less government and the left is for less military and more govt and for businesses.
  5. Look, I have plenty of issues with the media, but I'm scratching my head over a few of your examples. 1. What is the proper timeline to jump on the Muslim terrorist story? The big hesitancy I saw in the Orlando nightclub shooting seemed to center on whether this was anti-gay or something else, made even more confusing by the fact the guy seemed to be a regular at the club. It is a fair criticism though, but I'd hardly call it a conspiracy. If the media really is trying to cover up the religion of people who commit these acts, they are doing a piss poor job of it. You have plenty of conservative sites that jump all over the religion angle right away, so I don't see this as a huge problem. -----it isn't about what time in that situation, the problem was that the media tried to cover up the dialogue from the phone call. At the time the refugees were a very sore subject and anyone against the idea was racist and islamicphobe, so the media was tip toeing around bad press of anyone of Islam. 2. I'm not sure which college shooting you are talking about. Sadly there are a few of them. ------I'm trying to find the story, it happened in 2015 or 2016. A lone student opened fire at a college campus killing a few and dying himself (forgot if was killed or offed himself). The college had changed his personal information of religion from Islam to Hindo and students were upset because they felt like they were being deceived. 3. I have no idea what cities are implementing Shari'ah. That sounds like a sensationalist headline you get from some clickbait website. I live near a bunch of Sanctuary cities, and we don't have anything like Shari'ah. -----You are problemly right, because trying to Google anything doesn't show me the articles I remember reading of them busting up small towns because law enforcement couldn't do anything. Another reason I dislike "news" lol. 4. We ARE doing quite a bit to prevent terror cells. Since 9/11 we've already sacrificed a number of our rights withe bills like the Patriot Act so the government can crack down on this stuff. At what point have we given up too much of our liberty for protection? -----it agree we have, BUT tip toeing around Islam is counter productive to what's going on. Like how the Obama administration removed Islamic/Muslim from the 9/11 govt document of what type of terrorist because of PC. Hell it was the reason why the Media was not only slow but also at first said he wasn't anything to do with Islam until the phone conversation was released. Hell look back on these boards a year and/or 2 ago and u will see how the media has down played alot of atrocities or simply went to name calling anyone who questioned or had a problem with what's going on. Brexit/Trump showed that the media and PC culture instead of identifying and/or even acknowledging the problems, what were people who wanted Brexit? Racist (against a religion?) and islamicphobic. Even Trump supporters were called that along with Nazis and deplorable. Because people had a problem with non intigration and examples of the gang rape that went on for years in England and no one did a thing because to show anything bad about the way people used the religion would have lost their jobs and the respect for being called racists. That's why I'm saying about the victimhood and the "do not touch or else be labeled a racist/Nazi/sexist/etc because we learned that **** don't fly with us. Treat the religion like we do Christianity (which is viewed in a negative light, look at Bernie Sanders refusing the one man opportunity because he was a Christian and in a Christian group said things about Muslims that Muslims of course would say about Christian's or hell any religion). That will blow up in our face because we are allowing it to bypass the restrictions we have sacrificed (or had stolen away) rights to make us safer. Treating it negativity when negative **** happens and not covering up/glossing over will prevent most of the nuetral Muslims from getting any ideas. Take away any perceived religious grand standing/platform supported by a political party/PC/Media. The extremist we always gonna have a problem with, but that's not religion alone. We get that with political, bored, and/or crazy people.
  6. Uncle Tom lives Or Uncle Ruckus
  7. Was the Antifa protest against Soros real?
  8. I'm all for Muslims immigrants coming here legally and without special treatment as long as they respect and integrate. While yes they do have radicalized zeolites and those are a problem everyone should agree, but I think an equal size problem is on our end with how the PC and media in how we elevate and give more power to victimhood and our media having a "do not touch". When the extremist shot up the gay night club in Florida, why was our media soooo slow and seemed to be forced to admit the man was Muslim? Why when the shooter shot up that college that someone went into his data on campus and changed his religion AFTER his death? Why do we allow Sharia law in sanctuary cities and other places and those don't to fear being called a racist even though it's a religion based? Etc etc. Muslims have been coming in for quite some time and we haven't had that much problems compared to the amount of them here. BUT because it's a volatile religion like most religion and we are in a volatile society right now, we do need to do something in prevention from terror cells from forming and being able to thrive here.
  9. Very true for New Testament about Jesus, but Old Testament though is a bit, not in that way. Granted take in mind that OT besides establishing creation and tracking up, is about the chosen brother Isreal and his people taking and conquering the promise Land and escaping captivity to get back to the promise Land. So old testament did say many times that u kill the enemy and his family and his land and his animals because if u don't, it's shows every tribe they let live outta pity, truce, or only killed the men, they always later came back and had to fight them again. Sorry for history, but to explain that earlier Christian's did use OT tactics of them claiming thier Homeland were used by earlier Christian's method of converting other people. The inquistion, the witch trials, the crusades, hell look at the history here in the Bible belt. That's to name a few. Meaning we had our moments when a good bit of us was a much a problem as Islam was. The thing was is that it took several hundreds of years of Christians and other people standing up against those harmful practices and gaining respect and influence in being a more either peaceful or tolerable manner....for the most part. We still have issues with zealous Christians. Bad times for all, so we don't wanna go through that again. It's becoming almost tolerable with how we act. Problem is we got the history of Christianity in our heads and we know about second generation immigrants. So until the media (the one who focused on or tried to cover up bc mAh racism) puts the value of Islam at the same with Christianity, we know what's gonna happen in a society that's puts value and prestige in vicimhood and a media that puts Islam on a shelf with a sign "do not touch". Most Muslims are like most Christian's, individually good nuetral people for the most part, but not very bright in a huge group about certain things. So we need to put Islam on the same level as Christianity and do same coverage and same opposition when some Christian's **** up pretty bad to deter other religions from thinking that in this society since they don't have opposition, then that means they are in the right. So treat ALL religions the same and then let them all in however legally our system allows and give them a chance. We gonna have to bite down on the ones who are getting to big for their britches actions wise and keep all religion from politics and science and we should be good.
  10. Win 10 did not like my off brand Xbox 360 controller, so I bought 2 wired official Xbox 1 controllers for 20 bucks each at Wally world. Now my kids play on my PC more than I do.
  11. He still is? Fluffy said that a couple years ago. I'm behind, dunno if still is
  12. I just found out that Jeff Durham was number 1 comedian in the ME. That ****er has huge balls doing his bit in Israel lol.
  13. I laughed to damn hard on that one
  14. I was saying that about Protestants, Catholics, Lutheran, etc. As a southern Baptist, I dare say Christianity isn't compatible as well as Islam and any religious faith that's built on pushing their agenda on everyone else instead of being a self choice to only effect you. Ask the homosexuals who has been their opponent for equal rights. Ask the Indians about what happens when u help religious settlers. The abortion clinics that were getting blown up. Ask the scientists who has been their main opponent in learning. Etc etc. There is a way to coexist with 1.8 billion Muslims, it's the same way I get along with the ones I know, courtesy and respect in a 2 way street fashion. Don't push ur BS on me or judge me on me and I won't push my BS or judge you simply on which fairy tale we ourselves chose to believe. Separate religion from government and knowledge and start frowning upon people who push religion onto others and stay firm on that and I think that'd be the best course of action. Because u could spin it and say there's billions of Christian's in the world so we gotta figure out how to coexist....doesn't have the same ring does it? The correct answer to that question is **** the ones who wanna push that BS on me right? That should go for anyone.
  15. To be fair, America has had Christianity for how long and the influence hasn't exactly been great has it? Have we've had more harm than good come from it?
  16. Borderlands 2 is a really fun game. Loved the first one, but think they did so much better on the second one. Handsome jack was an awesome villian.
  17. I was under the impression that Trump had to do what Bernie did and that's run Dem or Rep to have an actual chance of winning. Bernie wasn't democrat and Trump isn't republican in actuality, just ran under that party in name? Isn't that why both parties were so eagered to get rid them during the election?
  18. trying to look up the news and speeches i have read in the past, i have to admit im a bit conflicted. i have to say i am wrong of what i have said about BLM. BLM is about police brutality against blacks and problems with the legal system, full stop. While reading old articles, i see the stuff i was talking about were written by people who used the publicity that BLM gathered to voice their own rhetiric. so yes i was wrong, i admit it. i do say though then is, not BLM but the stupid violatile rhetoric is the problem. https://www.thecollegefix.com/post/25748/ so it seems its not all it seems to be, wtf did the police think it was a good idea to either arrest them or move thru the BLM activists to get to their area they are allowed to protest in????????? did they really not think somethign was gonna happen? yes these people are pieces of **** but lets call a turd a turd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxECY1PXjiM
  19. What I burn, blunts
  20. They are real issues that the BLM/Antifa sprung up from, but I'm hoping the reason why Obama should have addressed it was because of the similarities that BLM tactics and ideology mirrors the KKK. Open racism violence towards white people, Black power, advocating black superiority, segregation from whites in schools, use of terrorism, purification of the white man's influence, blaming the white man for all their problems, black lives are worth more than others, etc etc. The list goes on and on. Without a leader to enforce guidelines, it simply became a mob rule fueled with victimhood for the most part, so since it doesn't have a mode to regulate itself or from others combined, it's not so tricky for Obama to demand someone to take control of the group. The thing is, LET BLM continue BUT force it to have an open leadership or else for all we know they can resemble yet again the KKK model with being a secretive organization. This way they can be held accountable and have an organized face and motive AND goal being enforced, otherwise they just another hate group. Also Obama during this time did call for an end to violence and racism, but racism was directed at white people, with all that happening that listed and more, accusations of racism wasn't ever levered at BLM because at the time a stupid notion that ONLY white people could be racist, everyone else was just discriminating which even if u do the same thing was more okay due to the color of your skin. Course again I will also say that hindsight is a bitch, but with all the **** that was being done, is it possible that if the love of the media had actually condemned and said they were being racist....would they have been the violent hate group they were? Would they have gotten as much acceptance and blind eye to wards them?
  21. Of course he's not going to say "Hey! I'm pro Nazi!" or "Nazis are good", he's not QUITE that stupid. He knows how to dog-whistle like hell though. Also, an eigth executive has left his manufacturing council. How many does he have left over there? Under Obama, we had very violent BLM/Antifa rallies (the pic of above in the parking garage was very similar to what happened here in Charlotte with a group of black guys beating up and stripping a white dude). Under Trump we having violent alt-right/KKK rallies. Hell we even had BLM/Antifa violent rallies when Trump was sworn into office. Seems like stupid people feel empowered by their leaders to do **** they know they shouldn't. With how things have been going, it's "us vs them" mentality with anything goes since they the enemy, so having someone call the both out instead of just calling out one side is a good thing. Still scratching my head on why it isn't.
  22. Well, I guess that's their answer to a car plowing through their people. That is in a real poor taste to associate post mortem the poor victim with this criminal lot. She cannot defend herself. It's a joke. The world maybe be bowing down to PC culture but having a dark sense of humor must be preserved at all cost
  23. Only problem is without actions they are just words. They discussed here how Hitler was perceived still as one way bc of what he SAID but his actions showed something completely different. Until the words and actions line up, actions speak louder than words. Also I agree it's a slippery slope bc while it's ok and feels right to **** up a Nazi/KKK member, by the same standard the same outrage and actions directed at them should also be directed towards anyone who has said "death to whitey/cops/Muslims/Christian's/etc". Hate is hate. At least whoever came up with PC ideology was smart enough to impliment a "victimhood" and tried to change the meaning of racism to give themselves a way to do the same actions and intent without the penalties.
  24. **** BLM, Antifa, KKK, Nazis, alt-right, **** the racist and violent pieces of **** on BOTH ****ing sides.
  25. Sadly deseased minded groups on both sides. BLM and Antifa on the left and Alt Right and KKK (which has housed many Nazi members) on the right, and sadly the media is portraying those as the majority of the "other side".
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