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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. So is the Dem governor lying about Trump's phone call to the widow or telling the truth? Also what should be done if found lying?
  2. I had the same experience. I was having the time of my life with the game when all of a sudden it decided to crash on me while I was trying to capture a scene and it corrupted half of the files on my PS4...including my beloved P.T demo. Holy ****ing hell! That sucks so damn bad about P.T. I still have it on my hard drive, if I knew a way to copy it I'd send ya it.
  3. Dying Light is a great game that I never finished. Looks like after SR2 I'll take a break from Saint's Row and finish Dying Light.
  4. Well seeing how Trey and Matt couldn't make up their minds for the story of SoT and kept changing it (one of the reasons it got pushed back), I'm pretty sure they wrote the over all and Ubisoft had the finally say and had liberty to change/exclude what they wanted to keep the ball rolling. The overall tone is kinda there but neutered, it's the fine details and absences of subjects being made fun of with a presence of "do not" that makes it jarring and feel somewhat different. It's like watching South Park with religion in it but they aren't making fun of the religion at all. Idk it's hard to put my finger on. I'll just stay with it's neutered and fangless with jokes that by now everyone will at least get and be okay with, besides the cursing and fart and poop jokes.
  5. Sadly I had those worries during it's creation process when I read up and saw a thing on the people who worked there. It seems they are true hence why certain things comedy wise are absence. They definitely chose the "safe" route in comedy and doesn't feel middle of the road view wise either. Just means I won't be buying another thing from Ubisoft again, even if it is South Park game. And yes I'm whining, I know.
  6. Hooray for the Hawaii judges for stopping these bans, I'm so sure the next time we have a democrat president and we wont have to worry about having republican judges start stalemating where the Senate can't, you tic for tac. Sadly these games will be justified because someone else started playing them first, and just because you don't wanna play anymore, doesn't mean u can stop others from playing. ****in politics
  7. For a moment I thought you were back to SR. I am now. Tbh I rather play SR2 and finish instead of playing a game I had on pre order for a year and half (maybe longer).
  8. Only thing is isn't California always on fire though?
  9. Ok I'm battling strippers ATM, and yes it's ****ing tame compared to stick of Truth. I blame Ubisoft because while it's got some bites here and there, it's been completely defanged. There's an absence of certain controversial material where there should be some. Also as simple as stick of Truth was compared to the new one, it was a helluva lot more fun it seems. But again not very far into it, so hopefully when I beat it I can say something else than what I am right now.
  10. Been playing fractured butthole and im not sure but it doesn't seem as offensive/funny/fun as the Stick of Truth. Maybe it's just early morning but so far got an impression that it feels like a "censored/safe" version. Already taking a break from it to play SR2, hopefully it's just me and the game is just dragging out to combat the complaints of how short SoT was.
  11. Maybe USA should first declare official language our official language is war. tbh we couldn't right now even if we wanted to because due to our current atmosphere, it would be decried as racist, anti-immigrant, and an attack of "the white devils whitewashing muh culture".
  12. okay, i have a question for the swedes since i know y'all have free health coverage and here Sweden is the country held up as the "example', how long does it take to see a doctor or get medical help? Here in USA our medical expenses are so high that a tv show of a man learning how to make and sell meth to pay for his doctor bills is seen as "realistic" but we can get medical attention for immediate and non immediate health problems in hours and days for a wide variety of ailments and illnesses. Is it true that in Sweden, that unless its an immediate emergency, u would have to wait months to be treated? Also is the actual help as good or near as good as ours because i'm wondering if doctors get paid near what we pay ours here? im not bashing, i would love a free health care system here in america but theres gotta be some give and take to have it for free and was wondering so i thought id ask. basically, compared to our health care system tic for tac, im wondering what we would have to change and lose to get free health care here.
  13. To be honest, the main problem we had with the Mexicans was the language barrier and lack of wanting to learn English. That's were most of the racism towards them years back stemmed from. Years back growing up, u saw a huge difference of attitude and acceptance between the ones who wouldn't speak it/send their kids to talk instead and the ones who could speak English. Huge difference, the ones who wouldn't/couldn't were usually always viewed in a majorly negative light whereas the ones who spoke English seemed to diffuse and/or be accepted. From imho from personal experience with no scientific knowledge behind it, it seems integration is the key to how immigrants are accepted to either equal or almost equal light
  14. I hated fo4 when it came out but outta boredom downloaded it a few weeks ago and went in with a certain mindset and it's actually fun. I do like several improvements such as animation for stimpacks finally and how they did the radiation which now actually feels dangerous. Was doing pretty well til I found and started sr4 and maybe hopefully I will be able to finish it after my binge of SR games and the fractured butthole coming out tomorrow.
  15. Those and any game I've bought on sale, I have to have an active psn account and internet to play :
  16. That is true. However, people nowadays tend to love collecting physical goods and showing off their collections on teh interwebz. I am no exception myself. I think physical media still has a place, in console gaming at least. I wish more people would practice what Sony does: let people be able to buy and keep digital games with the use of pre-paid cards, even if they don't happen to own a credit card. Granted I believe the only thing Sony needs to do is make any game that doesn't require online to play that u have bought online require the PlayStation subscription to be active to play them.
  17. I think the game has a really good start to get you into character. And in general the writing is very solid.playing with an Xbox controller but the screen is popping up keyboard keys to press is my only semi beef, I believe I have gotten the controls where I want them.I FULLY agree with you, so far the writing has been pretty damn good, a bit better I'd say than 3rd or 4th but I'll add that by then these are established characters by then. So far really enjoying it. So sad I've slept on this series for so damn long, seems like I'm enjoying everything that they've done with the Saints Row. Really hoping for some remastered of the first one or just release it on PC then I'll be gold lmao. Gatt is to damn awesome lmao. Granted he looks bizarre in the second one due to graphics but that damn courtroom scene was pretty damn funny . Glad to see there's still humor in the game, was worried because alot of people have been writing that the humor and over the topness didn't really start til the 3rd.
  18. I just beat saints row 3....my hat is off to them. Damn do they know how to do a mutha****ing ending! I really enjoyed saints row 4 but I'm gonna say saints row 3 is my favorite. I just realized that I have saints row 2 on steam, got it for free awhile back and forgot. Made me a character...I'm not gonna lie, I got hit with a massive punch of nostalgia. Haven't even escaped the prison yet, but so far liking it. I'm gonna have to get used to the new controls on the controller. My options menu doesn't give me options to change controls for controller, only my keyboard so just gonna learn how to play with what they have it set up with.
  19. i like other people's dogs but not so much a dog person myself. maybe if i got a small one that stays small that would change. right now i have been debating on getting a cat.
  20. truthfully, i do not want or wish to give the gov't that power to shut down news organizations or any organizations they do not agree with, but i will admit that is alot easier to do than to teach mankind not to believe everything they see or hear or even feel without searching the answers out on their own. Also make it legal to slap whoever says "but i heard on it the news so it must be true.." ( u can even put "i read it in the bible/koran/etc) What i am okay with the gov't doing to change/fix our media. 1. make it official that news of any type (including govt) is not a credible source of truth. 2. change or actually enforce the libel laws/restrictions (funny our govt actually DOES control our news lmao) and whoever is in charge of it force the news agency at the very beginning page list ALL enfractures and "mistakes" that were sold as news. 3. BAN any political party or big businesses as well from contributing financially to the news agency (other than commercials). Connect dots of business owned and political contributions and memberships. Otherwise top of screen and page of outlining story with "paid for by such and such". i think those 3 things would change how our "news" would work and operate. i can dream though.
  21. You're ok with Trump wanting to shut down a media organization because he thinks they are lying about him ? So how would the government "push that", exactly, in your mind ?I'm opposed to treating news media as "credible" sources. If it takes a crybaby to get the ball rolling, I'm okay with that.Because our news media is nothing but a propaganda machine, it's NOT about free speech because if it was then why do they cut people off that they don't like what's being said as just one example? Answer is it doesn't for their (keyword) "narrative....
  22. The problem is that people take what the news says as absolute "truth" and what they say and show as "proof". Everyone quits that process and I will agree with you. Until then, sadly I'm on the side with Trump then, because if something is gonna be used as "proof" and "truth" then it needs to be mutha****ing true then and we need to push that. Also simply because out news isn't an exercise of free speech anymore, that died when all the news organizations got bought by a few people and instead are just propaganda machines now. We are outraged and up in arms about countries like Russia that control their media, why aren't we as well up in arms since our media is controlled as well? Didn't paying attention to the news and how they deceived and ****ed us during the last election?
  23. ESO is fun to play, I still get on almost everyday. I'm still baffled how a gem Killing Floor 2 is still not taken after all this time.
  24. I chalk it up to people just not giving a **** anymore. It's been one side having a unhealthy obsession with Trump while accusing anyone of a different opinion as racist/sexist/etc loudly and the other side has Trump and the alt right/etc.. I'm hoping that by now most people have just burnt out and don't like what's going on on either side and just don't give a **** bc if u do, u gotta Wade the ooze and filth of both sides and tbh doesn't seem worth it anymore ATM. Let's see if either side has better candidates AND if they will fall into the circus trap of last election (which I doubt bc more ratings).
  25. Ty for the heads up, I'll keep my eye open for when they go on sale then just in case.
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