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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. U misjudge the power of the booty
  2. Good luck. Good luck and stay safe
  3. Star Wars probably has an cRPG economy, where the merchants have infinite gold to buy things, and the Emperor and Darth Vader just did a couple of dozen dungeon crawls, carried every single piece of armor and weapons out of the dungeons, sold it to the merchants and used the gold to fund the Death Star. The reason why the Emperor doesn't show up until Empire is that he was doing a massive 99 level dungeon crawl to fund the second Death Star during it. That's my new head canon
  4. Hope everyone remains safe wherever ya are due to the storm here and coming. Got my kids and the Woman coming up to stay with me in NC since storms don't do much dmg here as elsewhere. Plus they live in SC and that's below sea level so yeah flooding will be an issue. I know 2 years ago their area got flooded bad, but their house was safe because it's on top of an old Indian burial ground (not many times u'll hear a good thing about building/living on top of one lol), but with how bad this one will be don't think that's gonna help them any. Also hopefully my bro and dad will get more inland from the beach, stubborn **** just like myself, they usually ride out the hurricanes. Hopefully they got some sense this time if it gets up our way.
  5. Are we talking about a class based game or a non class based game? Tbh u can do a strong healer, but it's not classes that restrict u, it's the limited resources in creating said character. In a class system, I'll use Pathfinder for an example. Cleric is ur answer. But let's say there wasn't a Cleric and instead we had a clothy priest instead. Ok so have him focus on str/con/wisdom as main stats and of course put points into heal. Reason why most do not is because there's a limited amount of attributes and skill points and when dealing with what classes can and cannot do well lies with attribute and skill points. U wanna be really good at something (and usually the game is designed around players playing a "role") u have to invest. If u do not invest, u will be sub par. For classless system, I'll use shadowruns as example. Was gonna use fallout, but fallout doesn't have the balance breaker known as magic (unless u count speech lol). In shadowruns, again limited resources. Body builder healer, u can most definitely, but because abilities/skills are tied to attributes, because healing is more "mental" than physical, splitting ur attribute between them will set the cap of physical and mental abilities lower than a full on healer who's basically focusing in mental to become a great healer. Imho as a GM and as a player, wanting a classless system in a class system is to be blunt, wanting power without the downsides of having said power. Classless systems that does away with pros/cons are usually either "lower power levels" all around compared to class systems, OR become a cakewalk or impossible for player. What I mean is, when developing a game there's a ceiling for power that player character can achieve. So if u design near that ceiling, someone who over extends will usually not be able to reach or overcome, while if u design much lower than ceiling, then game becomes easy and/or boring for those who are at the power cap or above. Tldr, it's complex and usually a reason why it's viable or not depending on how whatever rules the game ur playing.
  6. I'll be honest, all the romances I thought were done well or decent all effected and tied with the main story of a game. Also I can count the games on one hand. Tbh I rather not deal with "romances" in games because alot of times I play video games to take a break from reality (usually main source is my love interest I'm trying to get away from for a Lil bit) without leaving.
  7. Dunno, how many is left alive? Yes, brown shirts need to be on the list no matter if no deaths so far known is contributed to them.
  8. Still playing Witcher 3, been doing every side quest and unknown area and treasure hunts and etc etc. Damnit I'm still in freaking Velen and the city. I didn't even realize the city was the second area, was getting worried like damn this is a ****load of content for firstish' area lol. So far, damn I'm still freaking impressed. I'm also liking the detail to quests and how they operated. Some quests I'm like ok this is gonna be quick only to find a quest chain go on and some I'm like ok I wonder where this quest is gonna take me and it ends really quickly. It's keeping me on my toes. Also of course I'm still playing killing floor 2 to relax and unwind when I get home from work. Been hitting eso here and there. Also been doing fonv, I'm in HH and while it has one of my fav characters (Joshua Graham mutha****ers!), the quests are pretty boring until the end. Gonna make Joshua burn bright.
  9. Granted those emails the FBI said they never found were also the emails that cost her her election
  10. Seeing how the same ones said that Hillary didn't have anything on her hard drives... C'mon this is big brother, we ALL being supervised.
  11. Don't hate him, don't like him though. We didn't have a good pick between the 2. I voted for Johnson, but I know for damn sure Johnson could not survive the same media **** storm that Trump is enduring. Tbh the sob needs to stay off Twitter. Otherwise, it's the same show different face, meaning the people with power are still there doing their thing as usual, we just have a much bigger distraction with Trump to make us look elsewhere. The only difference with Hillary, is A. the toxic PC atmosphere would still be here choking everyone (still is but would be in much heavier doses) and B. we wouldn't have the media so far up her ass that they couldn't talk about anything else, no the media would be directing us elsewhere away from looking at her. With Trump, everyone looking at him while the govt does shady ****. With Hillary, we wouldn't be looking at her with the govt doing shady **** but something else.
  12. Was Qis the one who was raging on Bioware because in DA2 those troll looking warriors we're supposed to be a depiction of bioware's view of the Islamic faith and followers?
  13. Lmao that's the ****ing truth
  14. Should they have less say? It's obviously a very tricky situation. Right now there is a decent argument for everyone being unhappy, which probably means something is being done right. You said California isn't marginalized and then justified why it should be marginalized. That's all I'm saying, let's be realistic about what the electoral college does to populated states. I don't think it is that big of a deal, I could always move to Wyoming if it really bothered me. Also I'd argue with California being some liberal wonderland. The reality is it can be quite conservative. CA booted Gray Davis out of office and put in a Republican and it voted to pass Prop 8. I'd argue the problem lies in a weak Republican leadership structure. This the state that produced Reagan, afterall, and he is probably the most popular Republican in recent history. True, sadly I have no way with words. How bout I say this about the marginalization. I'll say it doesn't because it's not a system to grant power to the majority, it's a system that grants power to everyone. To do so, there is a limit of resources and because of that there is a cap to prevent total power. So states with much bigger populations may seem like they are being marginalized, when in reality they have basically surpassed the high score long ago and get no higher. It's not a system to reward high scores (even though higher population does grant u more power than others), it's a system designed to keep everyone playing instead of one or a few people to keep deciding what game we gonna play. Make more sense?
  15. Yes it marginalizes in a certain degree so that other states still have a chance to have a say. It's about equality for all States. Think of it as a power CAP. U still have more say (more total of electoral votes that state can cast), but it prevents a monopoly. I'll put it in democratic wording. Should white people since they are the highest population have more say/power than a minority? There numbers don't even come close to the amount of white people there are, but their voice should still get heard and have power right?
  16. No it wouldn't have, and it shouldn't. How exactly does it marginalized more populated states? They still get a huge amount of electoral votes in, meaning tic for tac they STILL have more influence. Going with popular vote means their influence gets to dictate everyone else, whereas with electoral vote, tic for tac with another lower state they have more influence, but smaller states still can pull together and overcome a single states influence with it. You will agree in America there are many different people and culture in each state that is different from others right? Also think about this, they do away with winner take all, I'm sorry but that just means California will have less influence as it does now, because the mass amount of non Democrats will actually have a voice. Same for other states that are mainly one party, people of opposing parties will have a reason to actually vote because even if their party doesn't win all, the votes still get towards who they wanted. Everyone gets a say or the most people get to say instead. Which is better?
  17. Most economically productive state in the union, has some of the best public _and_ private higher education institutions, home to the busiest cargo ports in the states and the highest traffic airliner hub, hosts the principle naval base for USPACFLT, why on Earth shouldn't California matter a _whole_ lot?Equality Isn't a situation where a smaller number of people has more voting power than a larger number of people actually inequality? There's no equality with our voting system as long as we have the winner take all results with states and instead go back to everyone gets there share. Keeping winner takes all and going with popular vote instead let's 4 states dictate over the rest of the 46. Keep the electoral voting system instead, that way big populations still get an advantage but the rest have a say.
  18. Most economically productive state in the union, has some of the best public _and_ private higher education institutions, home to the busiest cargo ports in the states and the highest traffic airliner hub, hosts the principle naval base for USPACFLT, why on Earth shouldn't California matter a _whole_ lot? Equality
  19. If u live in the states, now be a good time to fill up those gas tanks. With the floods in Texas, weither or not the oil fields are fine or not, I think those gas prices will start rising soon.
  20. That guy is a piece of ****.
  21. LMFAO, love the title. Fits perfectly
  22. I'm usually a male if I have a choice except if it's an mmo then I'd rather look at a chicks ass than a man's for hours on end. Doesn't bother with either for fixed protagonist.
  23. Well it was the first Doom to have an actual story and objectives so that can change the feelz of the game alot.
  24. I'm a backer for this: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1698219403/stygian-a-lovecraftian-computer-rpg/description Once it comes out I'll let you know how it is Please do!!!
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