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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. What's up with California travel ban? They got 8 states so far, mine included.
  2. I went ahead and got the necromancer pack since it was my favorite class in the second one. Pretty damn fun class, mowing thru everything. So far even like the tone of his responses lol. Mowing everything down so far, granted I am on expert and like 12 I think so not to far in to give a good review. I am dealing with moving issues though, dude wants to strut when I need him to run.
  3. Steam, gog, and psn. Have no complaints about steam and gog (they both cancel out any bad between), and the only issue I have with psn with psn video for any movies or TV shows u may acquire. I cannot for the life of me ever get 2 movies or 2 TV shows to play back to back without restarting my PS4. And u have to have psn to play any free games u may have gotten or games on sale u paid for. One..two areas I wish PlayStation would follow Microsoft on. 1. Free games are yours on Xbox even when ur live goes up, PS u don't have access to them anymore if ur time goes out. 2. Cross platform, it's PS fault for not joining in on cross platforming with Xbox and switch. Damn them.
  4. Yeah, my mistake Bernie is more far "left" than Hillary. I forget there's more to the left and right than Democrat and Republicans. I still say Hillary was not our "center" at all, that was Johnson. Johnson was center because he had a good mix of both Democrat and Republicans ideals. I mean Hillary was full on Democrat and was gonna push everything that had been going on even further. Hell the practices she pushed wouldn't have been the end of the world, the whole vibe and atmosphere of the media and social propaganda that they were using is what really needed to go. It was like simply having a woman in office "trumped" any reason for her not to be in office. Nevermind she's horrible as a person and as a politician, she could a been a the stupidest **** on a stick and it wouldn't matter because we finally got a woman as a president. That whole mindset of shutting down talking with your sexist if u don't like her, your racist if u have any problems with Obama, etc etc. The one good thing we got going for us right now with Trump elected is that **** got toned the **** down. Instead of how horrible we the public are for being racist/sexist/and all the hundreds of other ists we were being called, it's all directed at Trump now let that blowhard suck it and take it instead.
  5. I have never played a Metroid or Castlevania game but from what I gather, people who have played them are saying the very same thing as you are saying. Hollow Knight is just that good p.s Jst wait til the later bosses, some of the most intense boss fights ever made, like Ys' bosses it puts Dark Souls to shame. p.s.s While the game takes the average player around 25 hours-ish to complete, it takes the average player 40+ hours to discover/explore the whole map... that's a 2D map... it's very impressive and the game was only made by 3 people if I remember correctly. Masterpiece. Off topic-because I don't wanna spoil anything, do u gain the ability to dash later in-game or are u able to from the start? Without spoiling so I know if my controller is working or not.
  6. How was Hillary center? We had 2 choices, Clinton who was far left and Trump who was far far out there.She wanted to continue everything Obama was doing and more. Bernie was closer to the center than Hillary was. Johnson was our middle man, hell his whole campaign was about working together with both Democrats and Republicans. Hillary would have been just like Trump in only working within the party and not out. Look at what they did to Bernie to prove that.
  7. Ummm no, Canada is part of America but they they own people. Besides where are all the people gonna go when someone they don't like is gonna go? Mexico? Keeping French? Lmfao. We still have problems with people not speaking English as main language. Don't scare the Canadians, we already crazy enough to them, don't want them thinking we want to bring them freedom lol.
  8. Ok I've only played a few hours, but so far I put it on equal terms with Castlevania Symphony of the Night. And I think csotn is one of the best games I've ever played as a teenager.
  9. I'm glad she did the right thing according to what happened. Yes there is always ****, but I'm glad we still have people like her upholding the right protocol in this case. Also am I the only one laughing my ass off about California's travel bans? Funny how everyone was up in arms and still are for Trump's travel bans, but it's okay for California to do so bc LGBT protection..... nevermind that the countries Trump is trying to ban for a bit is way worse towards LGBT community. Awww the hypocrisy is so funny af lmao. Also BruceVC, I'll give u a reason why NO ONE gives a flying **** about Russia hacking the DNC and releasing untampered emails that didn't vote for Hillary. Wanna know why? Because in the end, all it was basically was a smear campaign except with truth. We Americans get smear campaigns Everytime there is an election. That's it. That was their end result. Why do I not give a **** about the DNC getting hacked? I'll give several. 1. It wasn't an election booth or election result that got hacked. 2. If the politicians weren't so damn careless, there's a really good chance that they wouldn't have gotten hacked. 3. We actually got a smear campaign that was truthful. That's an achievement in getting when dealing with media/politicians. Next time it should be both, so we can see the truth about BOTH parties. 4. It embarrassed a politician, especially one that was rigged to win by the media. We Americans LOVE seeing someone that's high and mighty fall. Especially during a time when any doubts about her as a politician resulted with with labeled as a sexist. So glad to see that blow up in their face. 5. Because the media STILL says the Russians hacked the election. We still can't get the truth still. Yes my friend but domestic media hyperbole and US politicians trying to undermine other politicians is normal ...this was a foreign country directly interfering in your elections Its unprecedented and I find it highly inappropriately​ and irritating I'd be outraged if it wasn't for the fact my country intervenes into other countries politics and elections all across the world. Id to believe it's a necessary evil in our future protections and not us doing so for petty reasons and for corporations.... Im more outraged that a country that does so is so clumsy and careless when it comes to our own elections.
  10. I'm glad she did the right thing according to what happened. Yes there is always ****, but I'm glad we still have people like her upholding the right protocol in this case. Also am I the only one laughing my ass off about California's travel bans? Funny how everyone was up in arms and still are for Trump's travel bans, but it's okay for California to do so bc LGBT protection..... nevermind that the countries Trump is trying to ban for a bit is way worse towards LGBT community. Awww the hypocrisy is so funny af lmao. Also BruceVC, I'll give u a reason why NO ONE gives a flying **** about Russia hacking the DNC and releasing untampered emails that didn't vote for Hillary. Wanna know why? Because in the end, all it was basically was a smear campaign except with truth. We Americans get smear campaigns Everytime there is an election. That's it. That was their end result. Why do I not give a **** about the DNC getting hacked? I'll give several. 1. It wasn't an election booth or election result that got hacked. 2. If the politicians weren't so damn careless, there's a really good chance that they wouldn't have gotten hacked. 3. We actually got a smear campaign that was truthful. That's an achievement in getting when dealing with media/politicians. Next time it should be both, so we can see the truth about BOTH parties. 4. It embarrassed a politician, especially one that was rigged to win by the media. We Americans LOVE seeing someone that's high and mighty fall. Especially during a time when any doubts about her as a politician resulted with with labeled as a sexist. So glad to see that blow up in their face. 5. Because the media STILL says the Russians hacked the election. We still can't get the truth still.
  11. Bought hollow knight on sale in steam. It's downloaded, just have to wait til I get off work before I can try it out.
  12. Eh I see it working, can already see in my head how to do it. Looks like I will be buying.
  13. What's shown by both sides of the other is like asking an ex who u cheated or screwed over to tell someone about you. Usually best to ask a comedian for truth. https://youtu.be/oa_z4wMub1U
  14. it's not an excuse, it's a fact. a rabid dog does not care who it's biting when it feels threatened. I agree, it's not something we should try to excuse, but simple wishing for it not to happen is not enough. So let's just cater to the wishes of unstable bigots because clearly they're not in the wrong here, it's the immigrants who are. Makes perfect sense. yes, because they are the group of people which does not want to adapt to the rules and culture of the host country. I think everyone should have a choice if they do or don't, BUT let them suffer the consequences of either choice. We need to quit bending over backwards for people, citizens or non. Here the opportunity to be better is there, u just have to work and sacrifice for it.
  15. Calling **** out for what it is no matter who's toes or feelings get hurt and dealing with it according instead of turning a blind eye to the problem (right) or calling people racist and other names (left).
  16. It's legal if u feed or gift them first here.
  17. I for one welcome the coming of the sixth world.
  18. "Generic"doesn't need to be bad. I would like to play a good adventure for a change and the trolls already look charming over-the-top. Writing looks also good and the "sitting on the throne" - part seems to be fun. So thumps up, that the Kickstarter will be a success. But I have still a question: aren't there Aliens in Pathfinder? It would be fun, if we could plunder a spaceship, just for the pulpy weirdness-factor . It actually does. Ustaluv has your lovecraftian aliens, Mana wastes has your "Mars attack" aliens, then alot are sprinkled around the world with the name "outsiders" type.Mana wastes are where u wanna go with advanced technology
  19. I started the weird science dlc, lmfao I can't get the image of the nerd off of robot chicken whenever the dude is talking. It's over the top silliness, but Imho to me they at least nailed that.
  20. . and actually, the first amendment very much protects your right to be associated with the kkk. is some situations where the Court has decided strict scrutiny test is met when police keep records o' associations with various gangs AND fringe christian groups, but is same level of protection. christianity don't get a free pass. for the purposes o' the Constitution, christianity is no more special than the kkk. HA! Good Fun! The 1st Amend protects the freedom to associate. It does not shield from criticism for associations. No one can stop Mr. Smith from joining the Klan. But we can sure rake him over the coals for it. Or they could kiss his butt and fall all over themselves explaining it away like they did for a certain Senator I remember. similarly, we can rake mr. smith over the coals for arguably bigoted statements, regardless o' whether or not he uses christianity as his defense. bernie did not ask 'bout religion. again, review the video. mr. vought used religion as the only explanation for his comments w/o actual explanation or illumination. take the same exact situation but replace with mr. smith. have mr. smith make the exact same statement. mr smith notes the deficiency of muslim faith. mr. smith observes the problem w/the islamic faith is Not simple one o' deficient theology and that muslims is "condemned." mr. smith defends his actions and words, as do many kkk members, by invoking christianity. simple invoke religion should have senators falling over themselves in an effort to kiss mr. smith's butt? change situation. political appointee mr. asfour makes comments which suggest women is a deficient gender and as such require the protection of men. bernie questions mr. asfour 'bout statements. mr. asfour observes how women is 'posed to be treated with "dignity and respect." when bernie asks what mr. asfour meant 'bout the deficiency o' the feminine gender, all mr. asfour will respond with is a declaration o' his islamic faith. can keep this up all day. religion is not quite the sacred cow gd believes it to be. we frequent question Prospective public officials 'bout specific religious beliefs which might make them unfit to do their jobs. invoke catholicism, judaism, branch davidianism, or satanism as an explanation for any questionable behavior or action does not have those with questioners necessarily falling over themselves. sure, Congressmen do often fall over themselves when christianity is invoked, but reason is 'cause most voters is christian. the logical gymnastics is political rather than Constitutional. is some logic gymnastics being performed here as well. not wanna see folks fall over themselves for christianity when they clear would not do so for other belief systems. HA! Good Fun! Correct me if I'm wrong but islamicphobia is about a religion correct? Because correct me if I'm wrong, but Bernie used Isla islamicphobia as the reason for outrage, so since religion can be the cause of outrage, but religion can't be the answer or reason to said outrage towards a religion?I'd agree with ya if Bernie didn't repeatedly say islamicphobia as the reason what he wrote was wrong. Also would this be a example of discrimination of religion in work place? Basically I got that since one person believes the ending to Grimm fairy tales, it is oppression towards the ones who like mother goose fairy tales better...
  21. Ellos
  22. So far really enjoying saints row 3. Really needed something different I'm guessing lol. Game is so over the top but still somewhat believable..ish
  23. I have a question, why is what he said wrong? Also the quote was taken from a religious piece to a religious school.To a Christian, every other religion is wrong and inadequate. To a Muslim, every other religion is wrong and inadequate. Bernie condemning a person's belief to be Islamic phobic.....when again it's the very same damn shoe if someone is Muslim and thought about every other religion. It raises questions around his objectivity and ability to do his job in a way that isn't biasedWho the man in question or Bernie by making Christianity inferior to Islam? Because that can be said of both, imho moreso on Bernie because of WHERE it was said. One was said in a religious piece to a religious school and one was said at a govt hearing. Dont get me wrong, I dont dislike Sanders but Im not a big fan of his and I have always made that clear. He makes comments that are nothing short of left wing hubris, like when he wanted to break up all the US investment banks. That would have seriously negatively impacted the global economy He is also a populist like Trump and some of his comments are unhelpful to achieve a more harmonious and tolerant society But I was talking about the man I hear ya. So with that line of thinking, it was justifiable the scrutiny that Obama got for being Muslim because of his biasedness towards Christian beliefs for Americans?Equality. Did Bernie in that video show equality or did he demostrate what u said of the other man as well? He didn't demean the man because of what he believed in, he went against the man because his beliefs were considered islamiphobia, which means Bernie could a grilled and gave the same treatment to an atheist for saying Muslims won't go to heaven because all religions are a lie and they are only fooling themselves would be islamicphobia because your denying their faith.... Nevermind differences of religion, opinion, do not go against the belief of Islam or your islamicphobic. Should we be okay with a Christian govt committee deny a Muslim nominee because his religious belief be seen as Christian phobic? Bernie ****ed up bc his actions show an equality in treatment with religious beliefs when religion shouldn't have even been brought up.
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