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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. That ****ing sucks, I've been there. Hope things work out for ya
  2. I will admit, the Antifa has been a useful tool for the left. They were instrumental in making it appear from the media how dangerous pissed off BLM could be and how pissed off and dangerous Trump supporters could be. When the left is busing Antifa to cities (here in Charlotte we saw the buses and there was a riot), it's gonna be hard separating themselves away from them from the public's view now that they are popular.
  3. I think the premise of the point that Antifa today in the USA is the same as Antifa from the past is not an accurate comparision Historical Antifa was opposed to fascist movements that wanted to control governments and were a real ideology that ended up ruling some countries But Antifa nowadays is opposed to some right wing views some people in the USA have, its not like Trump is a real fascist or practices real Neo-Nazism Maybe since here in Merica since our political system is a bit different wording and definitions, they look like brown shirts to me. I mean I can understand and appreciate punching a Nazi or a klans man in the face, but I can't agree or like mimicking brown shirts (the enemy) as the way to get to the face to punch if that makes any sense.
  4. Are they showing up to fight or just protest along side? Tbh.... instigating fights? These are the "black Bloc" anarchists who covered faces up in black who turned some peaceful BLM and Trump protests violent?
  5. Quick question, so Antifa is against Nazism, why then do we see them at any type of BLM or any thing related to racism here in Merica?
  6. Thanks everyone. I try to be realistic and logical (hard to do when your own kid is involved) and know that teachers can't catch and see everything. Alot of things have a build up and within the small time frame, it's not reasonable to expect teachers to be able to do much with such limited information. Remembering school, y'all have a difficult time as it is just to get kids to pay attention just so u can do your job. I do have a problem when it's brought to someone's attention and they do nothing, if anything is done is done towards my child for standing up and trying to stop something the teacher themselves choses not to. Even asked for a councilor for her and not even provided one to help. Yeah Hurl, Grom, and Az, we don't see eye to eye on everything, but this is one area im in total agreement. From personal experience, some good old fashion fisticuffs is a way to either end the bullying or at least feel better and keep more confidence in yourself losing than if u walk away and did nothing when you could have. I'm thinking now's a good time to teach her and inform her of things we safely learned thru experience and age. Teach her how to size up situations, how to fist fight for protection, pump some cold hard truth street smarts into her. Teach what is and isn't allowed and the "theres a time and the place", guidelines and info she can take or leave, but also punishment and restrictions. I know what it's like to be a mean S.O.B. and have to find better out let's to channel any anger or frustration. Of course along with all the other knowledge and experience of everyday life as well, manners and etique along with school knowledge. She's gonna have a hard time in school, very open and happy and trying to make friends with everybody with her speech issue, good chance she's gonna be a target for some **** someday, but that's my lil girl. Daddy's girl. So I'm gonna try and give her the tools to easier get thru life doing whatever path she takes that makes her happy and be happy. Ok sorry rant over, that's all I'll say about situation. Ty for letting me rant. She's doing great atm. Looks like soon I'll be having a hand in being a teacher lol. She might not be daddy's girl at the end, I don't care lol.
  7. Hoping he finally learned how to act subtly by shutting up, I'm sure here in hours that will most likely be proven false.
  8. Lack of sleep, been up all night on the phone with my daughter and her mother. I'm getting sick and tired of lil kids and teachers. My daughter has unfortunately inherited my speech problem so last year she was bullied quite a bit, to the point the 9 yr old lost weight and depressed. Had her come up and spend a whole summer with me and her brother, to see her but also positive reformcement. Made huge progress with her, tried to help her out and give her truth and tried to strengthen her. Hell got her back to happy and eating to where she is healthy looking. New year at school, and now not only has she been bullied for her speech again (which she has made leaps and bounds, I'm very proud of her), but now she's getting picked on because she's "fat". She's nowhere near fat, she's not skinny af anymore. Of course teachers do not do anything, since they do not want kids acting on their own but instead going to others for help. I have instead taught her to stand up for herself. While it goes against the teaching at school, which hasn't helped her but made it more difficult because tattling brings retaliation, I've told her I will have her back and not to worry what school can do to ya, I will have her back IF she is int he right. We took her outta school when the school has failed to even have the councilor talk to her, and gets in trouble from the teacher for standing up for herself since her teacher hasn't done anything at all. So now, lack of sleep and working and taking a break from looking up homeschool requirements and etc for her state. It sucks because I've been thru the same as her, and I can help. Sadly I know my help isn't gonna be 100% because I'm a guy and she's a girl and I know socially and thinking and etc are different. Granted man or woman or whatever, a good fist fight is usually a great way to end bullying imho, making someone work for it usually helps end it and prevents others. Good times, good times. **** lil kids and those types of teachers. Thank God Almighty she's got my stubbornness. She's alright now and looking forward to not going to school. Gonna be taking her to the park more in afternoons and skating and etc. Video games are very helpful to escape. Sucks giving truth and knowing it's not gonna fully sink in til later in life.
  9. **** them both. "Light and Dark"? LMFAO
  10. thats crazy, my friend was just talking about that game half a year ago and complained that he hasnt met anyone who ever played it and speaks very highly of it. told him about the leaked and he flipped out.
  11. both are good things happening is a good thing.
  12. made the mistake of booting up dragonfall. Playing an elf decker and cant stop playing. sigh, screw mecha, i wish HBS was still making these shadowrun games. been the only games in a while that i HAVE and WILL complete my playthru of, which is sadly an accomplishment these days.
  13. Gerrymandering needs to go
  14. Booooo for being an xbox1 exclusive. Be the only shadowruns video game I can think of that I haven't played.....except the one that came out on PC. That just didn't look all to appealing since HB did a fantastic job on their trilogy.
  15. Waiting on second season of overlord, one punch man, and re:zero.
  16. ok so it was already an instant buy for me whenever it came out.....but seeing that, im impatient and want it to come out now! so i can play it. loved the origin view in the corner, damn im gonna love that game when it comes out
  17. I've always wondered about why argonians have titties, but I just chaulk it up to an easy way to distinguish between male and female since the gravelly voices can sometimes make it hard to distinguish. While I am okay with not knowing and having to pay attention or at least gather some type of info myself to tell, that is me and I know I'm not Bethesda target audience anymore and it's most likely there as a quick "that's a girl!" for players with the argonians. I'm used to it now, but would like maybe in future if they did away with the titties and basically made the argonians "dwarfs" and u had to study or research them to tell the difference. If they don't and go same route, I'm used to it and won't be any skin off my back.
  18. A huge factor for me is is it readable on the TV if ur like 10-15 ft back? That seems to be the only thing I could think of that would ruin my enjoyment of it being on the PS4.
  19. Damn hope it's nothing major
  20. Yep. I'm happy to hear for your folks, hope they stay safe and well My dad and brother riding it out since going anywhere puts them closer to danger. My kids and The woman are staying down in SC since it's going a different way. She's staying aware in case it goes a different path. She filled up and got a couple barrels of gas.
  21. damn, the more i see and hear of this game, the more i want it. i think it gonna be up to standards with Stick of Truth
  22. Malaysia blocks Steam over 2D brawler that lets you beat up Jesus. Smh. That trailer is to damn funny, so bad its funny. i am disappointed though, that does sound like a great premise for a 2d fighting game. just definitely not.....that
  23. That's usually the reason. Dunno if much had changed, but usually holy pallys didn't do much dmg and also could go oom. It's almost like fighting a disc priest, can be done but usually takes a long time unless u got a few with ya.
  24. I know alot of guys who play as a female character just to have something nice to look at and I don't blame them. I mean, if I was single I could get away with that lol I have seen alot of guys who do this being called sexists but I think that's a bit outta place... After all, if a male is attracted to a female body, this is a compliment to the devs and it's the devs - if anyone- who should be called sexists. Anywho, I have just been reminded that I own Arcana Hearts 3 and Nitroplus Infinite Blasterz on Steam which is the ultimate feminist game but also the ultimate sexist game. Reason being that all the characters are strong, smart and lovable females from visual novels which consists of female fanbase. However, a good 95% of people who play these 2D female anime fighters are all male because guys like to look at the booty. I think it's an interesting subject for sure. I love playing as female characters though, even when they are not attractive. As long as they're BA! :D P.S I can't wait for the new Darksiders game, which has that fiery haired vixen. She looks awesome. It all depends for me. MMOs I enjoy playing female characters (the draeni in wow with thier own built in high heels and my gnome warlock clamedia, love seeing her booty shake). Single character games such as fallout, I usually play as male. I've played females before and really as fair as gameplay goes, its no different. Story wise role-playing, I'm usually a guy bc with my huge backlog and usually only able to finish a game once, I rather have a male character because it's easier for me to connect and bigger impact roleplay....bc I'm a guy. Sexist I know. Otherwise games like Diablo with set characters, I go with what looks better. Does the character look more badass or more attractive? If it's a chick looking more badass (usually the case with casters) I'll roll with that. I play games to have fun and to escape, I don't give one fig if my decisions on what "gender" I prefer playing as long as I'm having fun, is considered sexist/racist/etc by others. Different strokes for different folks, if that's not good enough then people can sod off and leave me be with my fun
  25. I've been trying to talk my folks into driving up to Charlotte to stay with me for the weekend, but, like your dad and brother, they are stubborn and will almost certainly ride out the storm. Where I'm at, in Charlotte, I'm not worried about it. Absolute worst case scenario will be 70ish mph winds and a ****ton of rain, which will still suck, but won't be catastrophic. Exactly. I'm in the Winston area, so yeah it's not gonna be a biggie. Hope ur family stays safe.
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