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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. Nah u ain't doing it wrong, I've been at the same level for years ever since u can't trade/sell unless u have that abomination security thingie.
  2. The only way I've been able to figure out is with the themes u can buy from players or from getting all the cards from a game on steam if they have any. I think I have the pillars one with the swarm of monsters and tentacle monster, but I think the one I like the most I have is a binding of Isaac one.
  3. I've been wondered why in a capitalist country we are in, why don't we let that work for our health insurance and medical bills? In what way could we make medicine and hospital treatments and stuff cheaper since no one can afford it? Like how they jacked up the prices for insulan from less than 10 bucks a pop to hundreds of dollars simply because they can, so would a better option be instead of insurance, instead make it the same amount of payments instead directly to the hospital with the same not as bad to your credit penalties we already have? Meaning drug companies aren't getting paid the full cost they are asking at a jacked up rate and forces them to get lower amount because health Care is still forced on the hospitals to give. Right now I feel like anything the govt is gonna do for the health Care is gonna blow up since most are much more knowledgeable about law but not as big a focus on economics. Sorry early morning ramblings
  4. It's wrong akin of like blasting bad boys at someone's funeral. There's a Time and a place and taste in how people should be doing.
  5. Trump is much more of an embarrassment and has created real consternation and discord in the USA He is not a dictator and has done several positive things in the USA but we still have to wait for his 4 years to end I doubt Hilary would have created such a dysfunctional, dichotomy in the USA around left and right wing? U would also agree our media's unhealthy obsession with him has also lended to our embarrassment and discord as well? I strongly dislike the man and even moreso as our president, BUT would we really be embarrassed/outraged/etc AS MUCH if our media didn't latch onto every action/speech/etc and twist it even further? Would we have all the street parades we've had without the media poking even further and beyond? The scienctists so far seem to be the only ones who "justly" from his actions in office to protest.
  6. https://youtu.be/7n2PW1TqxQk
  7. The end result is them having their own place and becoming their own masters. Hopefully they will take the knowledge and learn from it.
  8. Lmao! Reason is for several reasons. 1. Legally responsible for minor until a certain age. 2. Provide food, clothes, shelter, medical care for child until a certain age. 3. Children are parent's creation and responsibility to shape and teach the child to take care and interaction with the world. To teach the knowledge they've gained to better succeed in the result of child being able to survive and be happy in their life. There's many more reasons. If u are responsible BY LAW moreso than moral code for spending your time and money and also held legally responsible in caring and raising your child u created and providing for it and being held responsible for the end result of the child's decisions....then yes, the parent in alot of areas (but not all) rights are above the child's rights. A parent is able to take away privileges and optional from necessary basic human rights like the right to drive, and in situations where in birth it's a life or death situation. Duh lol. Tldr Parents have the right to restrict or take away certain rights so they in those specific but very varied and common situations override the child's rights.
  9. Parents right override children's rights.
  10. I was hoping more along the lines of carrion crown or rise of the runelords for their first game game. I to think the Kickstarter would gathered much more attention and money if obsidian was doing it. I would backed if obsidian was doing it.
  11. A late 1800's CoC set in England dealing with iconic monsters of black n white horror films. Easy to die in CoC fashion and make it turn based. I'm always starving for a cyberpunkish rpg as well.
  12. Which actor/comedian is that? I think I recognize the person but can't place the name. Is that suppose to be a real venting session, I hope not because that entire speech was just subjective diatribe ..... volo please tell me you don't think what he said was valid because he is making the same assumptions he claims the " left " was making. Again speaking on behalf of other people in another country Yes people like me thought Hilary was going to win, everyone assumed that. For him to think anyone would think he knew Hilary was going to lose is just a mendacious and convenient example of social media grandstanding Its okay to admit you were wrong but to learn from it Bruce, didn't even you tell people they were sexist for not voting for her? I'm not sure, not accusing but I even remember alot of "racist, sexist, islamicphobe" being said of people who were against Hillary and for brexit on these very forums during the presidential election and such. That dude was spot on in as far as the atmosphere in the news and on social media around here. Outside of the country always gets a different view.
  13. Yep and good to know our media isn't a tool for the govt to misdirect/lie too
  14. What has he done wrong at the G20?
  15. I hope u like 3, unfortunately it was the last playable silent Hill I could play. Downpour was alright. Homecoming had a great story but ****ty combat.
  16. volourn, im a sucker for memes and ty. those were a good laugh
  17. Do people have short memories? I'm honestly curious because part of what ruins any replays for me is basically remembering every single quest and every single outcome after I've played through before. So instead of any sense of awe, I end up reacting like, "And now he'll say this" or "And now this happens next". Eh it's a game I replay once a year or 2. The different choices and factions can help also and the game encouraging role-playing. I've put over 1k hours playing it and I might actually finally do a ncr one. Done everyone else. Also dead money and old world blues...hell even the diary of the man in the caves. Damn can't wait to get Joshua's outfit. Dunno if I will end the dlc quickly or follow thru.
  18. Major flashbacks of going into an Oblivion portal with any npc and always ending up swimming in the lava
  19. Don't believe anything they report anyways, haven't for some time.
  20. Replaying fonv.....my God i love this ****ing game.
  21. Ty y'all, I'll go look at some reviews about it before i buy. Gonna at least wait til it goes on sale hopefully bc so far nada with the steam sale lol.
  22. Has anyone played undertale? My 8 yr old daughter wants me to get it for her, and wanna make sure it ain't got any "mature" or "mind ****ery" parts that an 8 yr old shouldn't be exposed to.
  23. As a GM, I actually welcome the real time with pause, but that's because of a lil nitpick I have with turn base for the flow of combat.
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