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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. It's because the President is basically the "face". "Look at me, look at what I am doing. Look at what I said and tweeted.....just don't pay attention to those people in the House or Senate, don't worry about what they are doing, look at me!".
  2. That song too at the end, I had forgotten that song even existed lol. I'm really thinking about getting the first 2 off gog.
  3. Finally beat SR4 and the enter the dominatrix. SR4 was pretty good, really enjoyed it. Not gonna lie, I laughed at the absurd ending for EtD. Playing saved Christmas now, but switched over to trying to beat SR3 now. I seem to enjoy the 3rd one a bit more. Sucks my first go got messed up with a quest glitching on me.
  4. So are they kneeling in protest of racism and police brutality OR are they kneeling to protest Trump bashing NFL allowing the protests?
  5. Please tell me that's a hoax....
  6. Son has so far called it in fo1. He killed all the rats at the beginning and got to town and talked with first guy he saw. Then he got teleported to the scorpions cave and didn't encounter a single one until near the back of the cave and ran into 4 of them at the same time. Dies and reloads and goes into town and instead of talking with the first person, he shoots and dies from the town ganging up on him lol. Such nerd rage lmao.
  7. I'm glad the idea of only white people can be racist has blown over as well.
  8. Without the second how long do you expect the first, or fourth, or any of them to last? A generation? Less?Well I doubt the second is preventing the loss of any of them, Gadsen flag fantasies aside. Depends on how it is removed, but curtailing speech is a lot worse than doing the same with the kinds of weapons you can own. What's more dangerous? A bullet or a single misinformation shared and accepted at a global level?
  9. Slow clap for being able to find a decent article on that site. Sadly, it's news that everyone has already accepted in our political propaganda "news". Breithart and Fox thriving and pushing crap and spinning it to fit their perspective, and just like CNN and MSNBC with reporters faking news with the refugees to push their perspective. The news is such a huge ****ing mess and one thing confuses the hell outta me. No one wants to restrict or force news to get rid of one-sided news and fake news because "first amendment" but have no problem whatsoever restricting it getting rid of our second amendment. Guns are tools just like media is tools. We restrict and even get rid of guns in alot of aspects of our lives bc of the danger and harm that can come from it, but the news is just as powerful if not much more and can do more harm and danger but no one wants to restrict it at all. Ce la vi
  10. I'm actually having fun with SR4. Some of these quests are pure gold and I'm enjoying the Superman powers because of them being in the matrix and it's SR. I really enjoyed SR3 but my playthru got bugged and will have to start over. The robot chicken nerd dlc was hilarious. I'll just be happy for a he remake of the first 3.
  11. that is ****ing awesome news!!!
  12. Rip Tom, always lived his songs because they seemed to fit
  13. The thing is with gun control here in USA is that their will never be any "total" control...and that's okay and acceptable. Using any tool like fire, automobiles, sharp objects, etc is that no matter how careful and regulated you are, **** ups will happen. Someone will always get burnt, ran over and/or hit, cut themselves and others, etc and since guns are legal, we have to accept (not approve) that accidents and harm are bound to happen somewhere some shape of form. Meaning if we can actually make any changes to prevent more from happening and it's acceptable, then let's do it, otherwise say it's bad, show population that it causes harm and make the point these things are not acceptable option.....and then move on. Don't add rules and restrictions if they harm more than they protect and accept the variable of chaos of the unknown and move on to another subject for the political powers. Very morbid but I'll admit it's was nice to have a horrifying bad thing happen and it just be crazy ass **** and NOT something political/racist tied to it.
  14. Okay, real important question. My son has asked to play fallout 1! He watched me play and thought it was cool and asked to play when I got off but it was his bedtime for school. He's in 5th grade and will be his first real rpg. Now I have never beaten the game all the way thru, so I am asking what are best stats to start off with and what skills and how high before u stop putting points into it for a single playthru for a noob? I know the system so I can explain that to him. I want to give a serious try and push for him before he discovers FO3 and on. His next FO will be fonv, I will let him play that if he doesn't get into it.
  15. Well reading Warhammer books.... obsidian is awesome when it comes to writing, but Warhammer fun isn't in it's story though. Not saying Warhammer writing is bad, it just seems obsidian is more used to deeper waters whereas Warhammer seems more about the game and playing. If that makes any sense.
  16. Lucky bastard, congrats! Unfortunately I waited in line for 3 hours and they sold out the last one 3 people before me
  17. As someone who works in retail, the "happy holidays" and "merry Christmas" for a lot of (misguided) people is a battle. Look at Starbucks when they do happy holidays, the Christian's and insane Christmas people get offended. Go to Walmart and tell people merry Christmas and u get people offended that ur either pushing Christianity on them or ur being disrespectful for all the many other holidays out there. There's stupid people on both sides with a majority of people not giving a **** either way and just want presents and the damn holiday to be over with asap. The real crime is that we push Christmas for several months, wayyyy before the month of December even begins.
  18. Playing FO4 and having fun. To do this I am going in and not paying attention to dialogue, not modding weapons, not doing anything settlement. I declined the settlement faction and have only crafted a few things to move into my new home away from mama Murphy. Granted I'll probably stop playing if I get the super nes mini tonight. Hell I don't think I'll be playing any new games (besides CoC and the new South Park game) for a long while having it . Ahhh to play earthbound and kick my kids asses in Mario kart lol.
  19. **** me, don't talk about Christmas. Soon round the clock Christmas songs are gonna be playing at work.
  20. I'm uncertain how the pledge is scary and don't have a problem with "under God" in it. Granted I can see the issue to remove it, but it doesn't effect me if they remove or keep it. I fully agree with you though about religious items being banned (unless for a project or something) and even go as far as to say trying to influence children into a political party is also a huge no-no in my book.
  21. Now the one vet from the Steelers who stood is now apologizing bc his coach and team said he made them look bad. So with this pointless outrage with the NFL (I do hope they lose business simply bc I detest that govt pays the multibillion dollar NFL to have the huge stadiums made...), is anyone else wondering what's going on elsewhere?
  22. If he survives if the Clinton curse is real.
  23. Melee becomes easy mode with all those glorious perks. To just stand and laugh at a deathclaw with nothing but a knife and watching as u just keep knocking it off it's feet
  24. Bah, u don't fish to get fish, that's an added bonus. You fish to get away from everyone and everything to sit with some cold ones or some blunts and relax to nature while listening to CCR.
  25. Came down to see the family. Daughter's tablet is broke so she can't get her Minecraft fix so got her set up on her 2ds to connect to internet to get the Minecraft. She's sad because she has a reg 2ds and it's not designed for it (only the NEW 3ds and cleaning 2ds bah humbug) so we got her some demos to try. She's fell in love with miitopia demo so I surprised her with a hard copy. It's actually fun so far and secretly excited to get her pulled into rpgs. Her character is a pop singer and she created me as a thief. She made her older sister the overlord (which looks very cool lmao) and her brothers part of the party too. Her older brother is a mage and youngest is a knight. She's been playing and making (it's fun so not really making me lol) me play as well. Didn't think I was gonna like it at first because it's NPCs are the Mii avatars but they random it up. In my game I have to save a child John Cena's face back while in her game it's the DC cyborg whos the kid who has face stolen. It's one of those weird games that shouldn't work but does lol.
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