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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. Ur not, I love those!
  2. Since they are both tools, the design doesn't really matter to much. It maybe weird outside the country, but here most Americans view guns design in the same way as a kitchen knife. They both tools that have a purpose (guns-hunting/protection, kitchen knife-cut and Pierce flesh) but can easily end a life thru purpose or accident. I have to disagree. Guns are your cultural fetish, I'd argue. A sizeable percentage of Americans doesn't spend an inordinate amount of time at knife ranges, or have special knife cabinets, or make a ritual out of cleaning knives or hold huge knife knife conventions. Also, a National Knife Association, with 5 million members does not exist. All the talk about how guns are for protection, or that they are useful tools, or even that they are an inalienable right is all just a rationalization. It's not even about the killing. The simple truth is that you love owning, looking at, and using guns. A lot. They are a cultural staple for many. In and of itself, individually, there's not much wrong with this. People should love doing whatever they want and most people that love guns are responsible about it. The problem is that this cultural status ends up being the reason why there are so many gun deaths in the US. That so many people have an emotional relationship with guns means that, statistically, some guns will inevitably end up in the hands of those that are careless, dumb, incompetent or mentally ill in some way. This inevitably gets people killed. Minus the generalization, what ur saying is that because people have guns, there will be deaths by guns....of course, just like having swimming pools causes more people to die from drowning. If ur okay with a small amount of victims drowning then ur okay owning and supporting having swimming pools. It's one of those accepted factors like how there are 4-5 times more deaths and 20 times more injuries with knives but we ain't going bananas Everytime one happens, it's the same idea with guns here. The thing is think of how the Muslims are viewed as extremists and apply that to "gun nuts" as far as the numbers of them. There's far far far less than people think lol.
  3. Since they are both tools, the design doesn't really matter to much. It maybe weird outside the country, but here most Americans view guns design in the same way as a kitchen knife. They both tools that have a purpose (guns-hunting/protection, kitchen knife-cut and Pierce flesh) but can easily end a life thru purpose or accident.
  4. kingdom of amular was fun, had good wow mmo combat.the first lord of shadow is pretty good, havent tried the second one. ive heard good things about dragon's dogma Kingdoms of Amalur was good fun but it's another one of those games where I wish it had co-op. This so badly
  5. kingdom of amular was fun, had good wow mmo combat. the first lord of shadow is pretty good, havent tried the second one. ive heard good things about dragon's dogma
  6. According to the wiki, from 1988-2006 they had 19 games in 18 years. I wouldn't say dead, I'd say taking a well deserved rest lol. Besides u got plenty of games taking advantage of mechs like hawken, black light, and Titan Fall. Cyberpunk needs some loving. But I'm just saying get these games done so y'all can enjoy them so then they can get to the games I enjoy as quickly as possible because I'm impatient when it comes to games. Hopefully we will get some news on cyberpunk 2077 soon and that will scratch my itch for years while y'all have fun running around in giant mechs
  7. The video above is from the Piranha Games MechWarrior, not HBS's Battletech.Ty though HBS needs to hurry TF up so they can get back to more shadowrun games. Meh, the world needs more Battletech/Mechwarrior games more than it does Shadowrun It already does by a good margin. Battle tech has about 25 video games counting HBS and the other. Shadowrun only has 8 video games out.
  8. The video above is from the Piranha Games MechWarrior, not HBS's Battletech. Ty though HBS needs to hurry TF up so they can get back to more shadowrun games.
  9. If you go in for the story and characters, you'll be disappointed. Everything else is pretty neat though. Like many people, I initially hated the game, but then I realized how fun and challenging the gameplay can be at times. This. It's actually an enjoyable game as long as u realize 3 things. 1. It's Bethesda minus MK so writing sucks as usual. 2. DON'T talk to Preston again after ur first "settlement needs help" quest and move out to a new location away from the freeloaders. 3. Moderation when it comes to crafting. The moderation with crafting has made the game so much more enjoyable when I just focused on my home and barely touched crafting for weapons and armor and just using what I find. Playing ESO on PS4 and remodded my Morrowind. I had it on steam and after many years and many mods, I finally got my "perfect" mod list and now downloaded Morrowind off gog and modded it and now I'm officially done modding my one of my top 3 games. Hurray!
  10. Unless the Democrats can present a decent opponent (unlike Bernie or Hillary) or if the libertarian can pull a miracle out of our asses.I'm kinda swaying that the Democrats are going with a black candidate that way it's a win win for them and their agenda if they win OR lose. If they don't find a way to parry Trumps attacks effectively (see the Republican debates), then yeah, Trump could end up winning. I think Sanders would be pretty good opponent, and they'd be competing for similar bases, only problem is that he's a self labeled socialist, which the Republicans would latch onto like a starving vampire. However, three years is practically an eternity in politics, so, it's impossible to predict how it may play out since the Democrats are in pretty bad shape. Sanders has 2 things going against him. As u said self labeled socialist and the other is a majority of his fanbase.... doesn't vote.
  11. waiting for that to be done and over with so they can get back to making more shadowrun games. cracks whip
  12. Unless the Democrats can present a decent opponent (unlike Bernie or Hillary) or if the libertarian can pull a miracle out of our asses. I'm kinda swaying that the Democrats are going with a black candidate that way it's a win win for them and their agenda if they win OR lose.
  13. I'll raise a glass to this. They worth buying again ....raises glass
  14. Tbh not to worried about steam anymore since my "must have" games are on GoG now. Can't even say I'm a customer anymore since I haven't bought a game off steam for quite some while now since I've fully realized the backlog of games I have that I haven't even tried. To many games out and to many are going for the 40+ mark that I don't have time to invest with the over saturation.
  15. A devil makes a bet for your soul that 1+1=3. Math tells us differently and we take the bet. The devil then takes 1 man and 1 woman and has them have sex and now has a child and now the family is 3 and a pit opens up and hell swallows us.
  16. its also based on ur skill of mechanics to be able to find the hidden secrets as well as being able to disarm a trap. just like u may need 5 points into mechanics to disarm a trap, u would need 5 points into mechanics to SEE the hidden objects as well. if u had 4, u would not be able to disarm the trap and in hidden items, u would not be able to find the hidden item.
  17. It's view point on it. He has no problem in making the weapon TO burn the god soul out of the mortal body. It was a weapon with a single purpose. Most animanciers use the knowledge for personal reasons but do not take responsibility for their mistakes. Real life example. Think of Albert Einstein and the atom bomb. Then think of Albert being disgusted at people using nuclear power to make people live longer and become ghouls.
  18. should. im currently doing a playthru as a cipher and having fun on normal. trying to decide when story wise to do the expansions. mainly massively enjoying my snes mini. had a deja vu moment when my son said " im so mad, im going to go play outside!" during me and him trying to beat contra lmao! the ps4 nor his tablet ever made him say that. But its also cool to see him having fun as well with the games that got me into video games.
  19. I agree it does take a long time, unfortunately making stories more immersive doesn't bring in alot of money sadly when focused on. Take Bethesda for example and the elder scrolls and fallout games. Massive successes but each one that comes out focuses more on gameplay than mechanics and story. Each game has less story, less dialogue options, and less mechanical stats to shape ur character in favor or shinier and easier. Dragon age origins and mass effect, compare them to their sequels. Sadly rarely is it the other way around (shadowruns, Witcher 3, borderlands 2) where success brings more of the same but refined. Personally I don't have a problem with them ingames because "I" don't have a problem with them because I don't use them rarely. I'm not that worried with my kids because right now I have alot of control over what they have access to in video games. Now that wouldn't mean anything if I wasn't teaching and explaining to prepare them. So I'm comfortable in not caring if the govt gets involved or not and seeing govt track record of handling things like this is what persuades me over the line to govt not getting involved. If every game started doing it from now and til I die, if it bothered me I'd just quit playing newer video games and just play my older ones and find something else to do.
  20. It does make you pro lootbox, though. You're advocating for their continued existence, while accusing those who are against them of being Nazis and now pro-slavery. Really, your arguments are hysterical in both senses of the word. Also, do you know why the ESRB and PEGI exist? Do you realize you lost the battle you're trying to fight here over two decades ago? Do you understand what's at stake or are you just calling people Nazis because you don't like what they have to say? Volo isn't FOR loot boxes, he's against gov't stepping in and doing something when instead it should be US the consumer who does something instead. It's not the product, it's who regulating he has a problem with. Look at it another way, would everyone be okay with the instead of all the ruckus that the gov't instead stepped in and said that loot boxes gambling was OK for children? What are people gonna do then, bend over and take it bc they gave the decision making to the govt or do something and chose themselves? The "nanny state" can be a double edged sword in decision making because what it decides then becomes "official" weither we agree or not. I mean hell, why get the govt involved when all ya gotta do is just get the internet to get really loud in it's bitching and moaning and company change to make public happy or go bust when no one buys it. No need for govt to get involved if people can deal with it themselves. Then again, I'm not speaking for Volo and could probably have totally missed the mark. Also I dunno where I am personally with loot boxes. I have no problem with Killing Floor 2 and ESO loot boxes because it's only skins really that's in them, u can still enjoy the game fully without having to buy them. Now doing what EA did and withholding characters/weapons/maps/etc inside a lootbox I wouldn't pay to buy the game at all bc I can't afford and have no desire to play a game that has that.
  21. I am a proud owner of a snes mini!!!! Heads up anyone who wants one, go to ur local Walmart (don't call bc u won't get right answer) and ask for one. Alot of Walmarts got some more in last night and can be sold BEFORE the black Friday sale bc it's not "part" of it.
  22. Wonder if they can also ditch the car. I'm assuming commuting without the car in the US is a risky proposition. Nah, don't ditch the car, that's something of importance but doesn't have to be brand new. Buttttttt depending on how far ya live from your work and don't have kids, I've done it for years. Great excersize, save money on gas and insurance, and good for alot of people to take a walk.
  23. Work more hours, cut out what comforts (phone bill, reduce power, cook instead of eating out, etc) and buy off brand and thrift shop and used. Also realize that 70 grand is an estimate and see if u can go lower. My 2 cents.
  24. since i dont get to buy games often, this game will be a day 1 buy for me. hell ill consider it money well spent if its even just decent since i cant find many games in the cyberpunk genre.
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