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Everything posted by redneckdevil

  1. It hasn't even been a single full year yet with him in office but it feels like the term should be up soon....sigh
  2. Sure, I have quite a few friends who like FO4 the most but they are mostly console gamers that don't like RPGs all that much. ;P That's actually my case as well.
  3. Which still leaves you able to kill most Quest givers, Caesar's Legion, the Boomers, the Khans... and the majority of the internet. Lmao, very true. I shoulda said "intelligent", forget not killing geckos but I'm gonna try not to kill anything that has the function to know right or wrong even if they don't use it. Since I'm gonna be trying to complete as many quests as I can, I know i can't and won't do a full on pacifist run.
  4. Restarting FONV and doing a build with skills I don't usually mess with. Energy weapons mainly with explosive being secondary. Gonna try to play a "good" guy, not gonna do a pacicifist but gonna try my best to not kill anything intelligent if I can. Gonna be interesting with melee/unarmed/guns/lockpick/survival being off limits.
  5. Sadly I was not strong enough....it is everything you think it is and more.
  6. I say why not, always gotta have that unknown variable
  7. I don't think that should have anything to do with anything. Imo, stay at home moms are bringing value to the family. Not with monetary income, but otherwise. oh they certainly are producing a heck ton of value. Not that they get any of it though. Stay-home mom (or parent, really) is one of the most exploited positions to be in. Works a day and gains practically nothing, while being almost completely powerless outside of the house, where they are depended on their husband.So yes, those who are exploiting them do carry responsibility. Mmmm okay so they get nothing in return? Man, where are they getting that money to pay their share of rent, their share of the power bills, of the groceries, of the internet and TV, the clothes they wear, the activities you have to pay for when they go out.... Yeah nothing in return. Also Ben, u seem to have a very outdated sexist view of women. First u think they are all prudes and not into sex whatsoever and you also think that all men are forcing stay at home wives to stay at home and not that alot of them CHOOSE to due to "old fashion" upbringing, religious beliefs, cannot deal with work places, or instead the option of working would rather stay home and take care of the house. You know, not have to work at all...because dammit I would love to stay at home and clean and cook and not have to go to work almost every other day and a job that sucks the soul outta me. Do u see every woman as some prude that ur afraid of corrupting that isn't strong enough to start over and weak? Hate to break it to ya but women are alot tougher than u imply and wanna victimize. Alot tougher. Stay at home wives who CHOOSE to stay at home and enjoy not having to work, they shouldn't get anything at all if divorced, just the basics to get started with their new life. Stay at home mothers on the other hand are different, they are providing a job and purpose and gladly give half. Been, would u be okay with a husband who choose to stay at home and didn't work demand the house and car and rake the wife over the coals who worked her ass off to obtain when the man decides he doesn't want her anymore? Equality is a 2 way street, if it's wrong for one simply because of their sex then it's equally wrong for the opposite sex as well and vice versa.
  8. Using Ben's example of divorce, how many wife's who were stay at home moms or didn't make anywhere near what the husband made be okay with the husband keeping the house/car/boat/land/etc he paid for that she didn't? How many women think the court system should be overhauled to not be biased towards women when it comes to kids? How many women are okay with the man NOT paying on the first date? How many women think its equally wrong to slap a man like it is for a man to slap a woman? I'll conceed that the "men are evilz" is small but a majority of feminists are in the "special treatment equal equality" from what I have seen.
  9. Wait...are we talking about the rare "full on equality" feminists or are we talking about the much much more common "equality as in special treatment that isn't equality and men are evilz!" feminists?
  10. They already have to enter marriage voluntarily and divorce at will. At least where most of us lives. No need for feminism there, get better exampleActually Ben gave a great example. Think of it, when a couple divorces the woman gets half and the man has to fight for his half and usually has to give a portion of his half to her. The more times a woman divorces, the more money (power) she obtains.
  11. Eh it's understandable to not like fonv because of the mechanics or it's really long "tutorial" BUT that's not why u play FONV. Bethesda games is all about exploring the landscape and the "theme parks", FONV on the other hand is about exploring the story. Ay Tru to Ceaser! House always wins. Besides the main bad guys were what the NCR had become or the Yes Man who rules when the courier goes off wandering again.
  12. In lieu of a tax increase, I would also accept freezing tax returns for 3-5(?) years, but I have no idea how much revenue that would generate. It would probably take a decade of sustained tax increase to right the national deficit. Nah, we could do it in half that time. The key isn't to increase revenue. The key is to reduce spending. What about shutting down the govt for a few days a month?
  13. This actually applied to me. A few years back I worked mon-fri 9-6 and needed a new drivers license. Couldn't ask off work not was my lunch break long enough for me to do so. Know what I did? I went online and had one mailed to me. Paid for it and used an old picture they had in the system at midnight. Didn't have to go inside the DMV and did it when I could do. Blessed internet making things so much easier for everyone and ruining excuses.
  14. An id is about around 20 bucks and u have to renew every 4 years. I'm poor af and that's no issue. Evil Republicans making people require an id to vote when if u need a place to stay, get utilities set up, get a phone or Internet contract, buy cigarettes/alcohol/****ing Cold medicine!/vape/porn/prescriptions/etc.... Really? Right now im very pissed at the republicans right now, but c'mon. Thats as much as a piss poor excuse/accusation as much as gay marriage will ruin "reg" family values. ALSO an id costs the damn same amount if ur a woman/man/black/white/Hispanic/Chinese/trans/whatever. It's the same ****ing cost all around in THAT area IF u are a citizen.
  15. It's a lazy way to create "difficulty". Iirc a Blizzard dev commented on this (in regards with permastunning thieves in WoW PvP) that leaving players in a situation where they don't have any actions they can take (eg. being stunned or knocked down without any active ways to recover quickly) is extremely bad game design and they try to avoid it at all cost. Unfortunately most developers haven't gotten that memo yet. I always found it amusing that people complained about permastun in wow but have no problem with the druids heals/beast shape, disc priest (seriously wtf), or holy pallys in pvp. "OMG I can't move bc someone blew all their CDs on me but then the person gets ganked by the next person bc no CDs" is more of a problem than "omfg I've done nothing but ****ing massive dmg to this damn druid but bc of the hots and cat/bear form running around and I die from being nickled and dined over several mins"..... "I can't do anything but can easily kill them the next time I or a team mate sees them if shortly" to "OMG why I am even dps when this person can easily heal thru but since I can't heal I'm gonna lose". Anyone in pvp would much rather face a rogue than a druid or a disc priest or even a holy pally.
  16. Medieval is an instant buy for me. I LOVED that game back in the day. Hell yeah!
  17. The only thing I can see effecting me is with my Hulu and online gaming.
  18. F.E.A.R. was the first time an ai impressed me. It was the first mission and I'm at a garage. I can hear patrols outside so I do a couple of pot shots to lure them in the door. Instead I was caught with my pants down when 2 came to the door and "distracted" me while 3 other went around the building and came up from behind in 2 different directions and spanked me. I was floored because I never saw ai in a game before that was actually good....sadly I haven't seen many games years since that I can say the same. I think I might reinstall the game and try it again. Damn that was a really good game.
  19. Heh, it's the way it is but not as it should be. Restricted to the legions of tools waging war over culture or whatever online mind you, which always pays to remember is probably not all that large a segment of the populace. I agree, and while my personal view of the matter doesn't change how I feel and see this, stepping back and looking at this in a nuetral light and I see where y'all coming from.
  20. From what I've been able to tell she had a history of depression, could be the straw as Malc suggested. What I find funny is that those who will be making crocodile tears about this are the same who cry about the evil of trigger warnings and the need for snowflakes to toughen up.A trigger warning/exposed to a normal situation and can't handle it is the same as cyber bullying from a mob......????Really, we are putting being bullying on the same page as trigger warnings?! Whatever people's thoughts about seeing a trigger warning on the front of a play or seeing snowflakes scream in childish rage because Trump is in office, I think we can all agree if we saw those and saw someone getting bullied....I would hope that most everyone here would be disgusted or at least know the bullying was wrong no matter what ur stance is. I'm sorry maybe not seeing something or sense of humor flew right over my head, but I think that's a real ****ty comparison that don't really hold water. No it's pretty apt. Change whose being bullied to some "SJW" and all this sympathy would drain real quick from the ones upset by this. Like I said, any corpse as a bludgeon. I see, so emotions such as "sympathy" changes what's right and wrong. Gotcha, I understand now. Carry on then
  21. From what I've been able to tell she had a history of depression, could be the straw as Malc suggested. What I find funny is that those who will be making crocodile tears about this are the same who cry about the evil of trigger warnings and the need for snowflakes to toughen up. A trigger warning/exposed to a normal situation and can't handle it is the same as cyber bullying from a mob......???? Really, we are putting being bullying on the same page as trigger warnings?! Whatever people's thoughts about seeing a trigger warning on the front of a play or seeing snowflakes scream in childish rage because Trump is in office, I think we can all agree if we saw those and saw someone getting bullied....I would hope that most everyone here would be disgusted or at least know the bullying was wrong no matter what ur stance is. I'm sorry maybe not seeing something or sense of humor flew right over my head, but I think that's a real ****ty comparison that don't really hold water.
  22. Special interests > the people Call it pro-business and ignore all the complaints. What are you going to do? Vote Democrat? Unlikely I dunno if voting to empower the govt more is a good way to protest against what the govt is doing... That's kinda the point. They can ignore "the will of the people" because their supporters will still support them and their haters will still hate them. Doesn't matter if you disagree with the blatant handout to special interest because at the end of the day they still have your vote. That's all I'm trying to say, it's just life in heavily partisan times. PS Franken set to resign I fully agree. I usually vote republican but last election thanks to guard dog, I didn't vote republican and since I didn't like alot if things with our Democrats we're doing, I didn't vote for them either. Granted now I know Johnson woulda been torn to shreds by the media in office.....dammit where are my good options???
  23. Special interests > the people Call it pro-business and ignore all the complaints. What are you going to do? Vote Democrat? Unlikely I dunno if voting to empower the govt more is a good way to protest against what the govt is doing...
  24. Maybe our founding fathers saw what a huge melting pot we was gonna become and gave the right to us as a psychological comfort and also a way to ease up the govt way to "protect" since as a single country we are much bigger than I think any single country in Europe. In Europe I'm wondering if it is common to have "big" creatures (not snakes and spiders etc) running around that can kill you as well. Like are bears, lions, tigers, etc very common in y'all's countries still?
  25. Do have a question, as a conservative I can't wrap my mind around WHY and HOW the net neutrality bill is gonna be passed with such a huge amount of the population being against it. Aren't we the people the power? I guess this will the nail to end that fantasy I guess. This really just smells like Bush and Obama bailing out the car and airport companies again, because I see Comcast and Verizon using this as an opportunity to make up lost money from much much lower phone contracts and cable TV purchasers. I don't use Verizon **** for quite some time, now I gotta look at Comcast and see what they got under them that I might be spending money on.
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