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Falkon Swiftblade

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Everything posted by Falkon Swiftblade

  1. I'm still reading through this thread so sorry if my reply is out of context, but two things I hope dev's can get right since they're starting fresh. First of all like several have mentioned, fix the game mechanic that basically makes the game a tennis match of just spamming attack button over and over while health fiddles down. Even before the hit and miss functionality, I don't want to just spam my button for 3 minutes until the baddies die. Secondly, something I have been really wanting to play for ages is a character that is unarmed and can actually fight without being gimped because I'm not carrying a 9 foot knife, or a plethora of magic missiles Maybe they need to do a fresh take on combat, and use counter attacks in there to make up for hit/miss situations. I know I use Reckoning a lot in my examples, but as an RPG one of the things that made combat so much fun was the ability to block just as you were attacked and that stunned the enemy for just a second, and knocked them back. With minor skill point investments you could gain tactical combat perks like special attacks from dodging or parrying, and attacking from a block. I know that was a slightly different type of game, but the combat was just so much better than standard RPG button mashing of the attack button. I hope that PE can use those types of mechanics when it comes to these types of discussions, because there should be way more tactical use of game play rather than just having damage for damage sake.
  2. You mentioned in the OP the key component that's really important to me. If there's not a lot of voice acting, then my character should have a form of expressing themselves and I don't mean IN ALL CAPS!!! I don't expect Uncharted level animations necessarily, but this is a story driven game and it's a visual story being told, so I have higher level of expectations. I don't know how big the game is they're planning on making, but one of the things that made the IWD and BG games so great was the characters and the way they interacted with each other. Those random blurbs were great. I'm a fan of the quicktime animated scenes in the old IE games like when the wizards show up and bad things ensue.
  3. yeah to be clear, I'm not talking about only diplomacy skills, but I'd like to have several tricks in & out of combat, be that slight of hand, out lasting enemy's in a stamina match off until they yield, combat tactics that confuse or distract, non combat abilities such as stunning/knocking out, pick pocketing, acrobatics, maybe even some type of ability to change my appearance so I look like one of the baddies, etc.
  4. I'd be ok with if we could just incapacitate the baddies like what happens to us if we run out of juice and get knocked out in a fight. If there was a fencer/swashbuckler profession I'd probably play as that. His play style might be someone who tosses smoke bombs and runs away, or tosses flash grenades to stun them for example. Maybe my attacks would come in so fast the enemy's get turned around and confused and attack their comrades. For some reason I kinda picture myself as that black pirate guy from the princess bride.
  5. I'm probably the only one who feels this way, but I would like a game for once that doesn't require me to slaughter 5,000-1 million bad guys to "win." IF I could use my skills to send creatures back into the netherworld, or stun them long enough to get away and I had an opportunity to be more of a pacifist I'd rather go that route. However for whatever reason it seems like game design 101 if you're not causing blood baths and mayhem, you're doing it wrong. Sorry I went off on a tangent, I think it would be fun if we could have contingencies, similar to how they did them in IWD2 and BG series. I mean even in football games they choose their play and still have freedom to audible before the snap to switch up things. I'd like the option of choosing my skills, but have a hot key or something to switch my player or party's behavior if they spot a mage and can react accordingly for example. They could have those types of behaviors apear briefly on screen to react to, and if you don't you have to pause and manually do it.
  6. The concern I have with something like that is the amount of cross-screen travel you end up needing to do with the mouse. Having to constantly drag the cursor back and forth is tedious. It's nice to have everything more accessible. I agree here. I'm a usability designer and one of my goals in anything I do is limit repetitive movements in anything I do, especially tedious ones. Things like having the close X button is a convention and needs to be there so the user isn't confused, but depending on game mechanics if everything is to one side or another it's not necessarily done optimally. It makes sense to have things grouped together, so all combat related skills are in one area, but you may find, especially on a somewhat larger screen you waste too much time scrolling from one side to the other while trying to navigate and use your ui, or forced to pause a lot more than needed if its on one side or the other. I'm very interested in ui design and would love to do that for this game if it's in the cards. Personally I'd like a combination of what's been proposed so far as far as the old IWD and BG types of skin and designing context sensitive ui elements. I would like to create the ability to equip and compare, store, or junk an item upon pick up with a single click, saving time from having to keep rearranging stuff to make it fit inside your box. I'd give those folks who are OCD that old way of doing it too, but I'd prefer if I'm casting a spell for example to be able to click on the target and choose the attack rather than selecting my character, click on a tab & fiddle through 7 pages of spells choosing a spell, then selecting an enemy to attack all while dragging the mouse back and forth and disengaging me from the threat. I know this has a RT w P mechanic, I just want to create things a little more intuitive so the game flows better. At the same time I wasn't crazy with TEE and how much the ui took up screen real-estate in combat when choosing skills. I want stuff to only be visible as needed, yet not just be so jarring suddenly I pull a bus from under my hat.
  7. I know this update was concentrating on the core 4, but armor and weapons sound like they're really important in this game. How do you envision monks to fit into the mix, and do you have any ideas to make a viable unarmed hero or someone with a martial art fighting style? My ideal character would be all about speed and a flurry of attacks, as well as stun locking badies or using misdirection to counter attack them. Maybe you guys could implement fighting styles like the dragon, tiger, monkey, praying mantis, etc.
  8. call me crazy, but I love that kind of work and I would love to do anything like that.
  9. Basically giving Europe, where 16:10 is the norm, the finger? I doubt Obsidian would be that dickish. At least I hope they're not. I dunno, I'm just saying what they've mentioned a few times now. I'm sure it'll probably still work at that ratio, it'll just be a little wonky. Why should we have to put up with 'wonky' FFS? Call me old-fashioned but I'd prefer 'optimal.' A large chunk of the backers for this project hail from outside the USA and would like to see their regional norms catered for when it comes to stuff like this. I think you're having a conniption for no reason. He explained there would be a solid ui and if you go beyond their specified dimensions you go into "outer space." This no different than many other games I've ever played. Even games like Final Fantasy Tactics, but especially the IE games had black around the screen when zoomed out. At worst I think it's going to look like that. At best it'll look normal with maybe an extra inch of ui border not being used and look like extra skin.
  10. Man my biggest problems in IE and the like games (yes bigger than level design and other mechanics) was the size of the text!! Damn, especially in NWN2 and TOEE it was too small making me skip dialogues, that were not voiced, many times. Please make bigger texts or at least let us scale their size. thats super easy to fix too, just use % and if they use em's its speedy quick to implement.
  11. Basically giving Europe, where 16:10 is the norm, the finger? I doubt Obsidian would be that dickish. At least I hope they're not. I dunno, I'm just saying what they've mentioned a few times now. I'm sure it'll probably still work at that ratio, it'll just be a little wonky.
  12. thanks for the update! I wonder why stop at 2560x1440? Its been reported the next gen consoles will run 4k resolutions and due out the end of next year. We're not limited to dvd or blue ray's, though maybe it will be cheaper for you all to make some if you're concerned with bandwidth. Meanwhile in Kansas City they started installing new google internet 100X faster than current cable internet for only $70 a month. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/google-new-internet-service-banishes-buffering-article-1.1207373 and here. http://bits.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/12/12/googles-coolest-project-broadband/ I expect it to grow over the next 2 years. Inventory- Any chance you guys could please create a junk bag and a quick way to toss things in the junk bag to sell when you reach a vender. Basically exactly what Kingdoms of Amalur did, they got that perfect!
  13. the way I would do them would be inside shops and have the npc work while he talks, or walk with you along a path in a city for example. Or stand and talk while you can run around and interact with objects. I also agree with the one liners having floating text. I never minded the mini cut scenes like in BG1 when the wizards apear and attack your uncle but sometimes it was a pain when you had 4 choices with multiple levels and the dialog tree got a lil tedious. I hope at the least they improve body language so if you respond angry it shows it, or maybe the character breaks a pot or something.
  14. speaking of dialog, I'd like to still be able to play the game while dialog is happening. Not in every single case, but more so than before. I enjoy storytelling but I would like to avoid walls of text where i'm just reading and starting and stopping all the time. It's a bit jarring to have to start stop start stop when it's not you in control of it. Even if it was a precut scene where your party continues walking in the background or your on a boat in the sea and they have waves moving up and down while you're on a boat. I hope they keep things interactive.
  15. It's interesting some folks dislike the fog of war, in some ways that was one of my fav things because I LOVE exploring. I don't think we necessarily need it, but if it's gone it kind of gives you hints of where to go or not go before you would know, spoiling the surprise or the ambush. I like the idea of in todays world playing on multiple planes or perspectives. Have a floor or cave that you fall down below. I want to see more areas with foreground and background elements in them like walking behind waterfalls and crossing bridges. Not specifically that I need to see the whole thing, but if I'm walking near a base of a mountain, or walking up a mountain I want to see the geography shift so I'm leaning forward as I walk up the path for example, or show the foreground of the cliff I'm walking across and possibly if I get too close to the foreground I might fall off. I didn't play D3, but I like the direction I saw for some of their set pieces so you would be walking across the bridge and little critters climbed up the sides chasing you as you went across the bridge. I like that sort of thing. I don't want the whole game to be birds eye view with no depth to it. I think that's the key to what I'd like to see, depth. In addition I'd echo most of what rjshae said above, I want much better particle fx and weather fx, along with majorly improved animations. The excuses of things being too hard now a days is pretty lame. You can either motion capture animations or performances these days, the technology for lighting and the ability to render it in real time is extremely more powerful than it was 10-20 years ago. Even if they had to pre render stuff out, the game should have capability's rivaling the old IE games. Since they're creating their own world and rules they can do what ever they want.
  16. I would think its just a matter of creating alpha maps that reveal or hide the texture being used that the programers call forth at certain thresholds instead of painting multiple textures. Seemed pretty simple to me. Maybe a tools programer could create a tool that randomly generates some patterns for alpha maps on the textures being used? You could go a step further with blood, but that's more than what I was suggesting.
  17. Dimitri, what's the teams current goal or plan for loot drops for characters? As in how many armor types and what other kinds of character loot will we find? Are you guys planning any legendary or epic drops? I know the current goal is to make PE and an expansion, what types of ways are you guys considering showing character growth over the course of the game? May I suggest damage over time visually to characters gear similar to Batman where his cape and suit gets torn up as you get beat down or maybe some animations the characters are hunkered over exhausted after a big fight...
  18. hey does anyone remember if it was in the cards that we would have access to the world editor? I know there was mention of making it mod friendly where appropriate somewhere. I think by the time this comes out it will probably be really powerful.
  19. HI Dimitri, forgive me I have like 20 questions too! Typically hair and cloth in games looks like poo. I know this game will have the camera far away from player so we won't see much detail, however with the current tech out there is there any hope that we can expect by 2014 when this game comes out we'll have realistic hair, tails where appropriate, and cloth in game? Even if it had to be pre-rendered? Is there anything about creating characters now that you're really excited about that maybe previously was impossible or just was uber hard that you plan on implementing in PE? Would it be a whole lot of extra work to design a race or a boss that was left handed? I think that would offer a great strategic element to battles, especially if you consider duel wielding fighters or a create a special fighting style, if only just a left handed boxer or something for melee. How much artistic freedom do you have from a concept sketch to the final rendered hero on how they look? Do you strive to get as close as possible, or do you just use it as a bases, are you one of those people who likes to get in close and sculpt in scars and beauty marks on heros? Thanks
  20. Reminds me of the Final Fantasy games, I used to love that series, but anymore I play them and I am so confused trying to understand what the heck I'm playing. I don't know what those guys smoke to come up with that stuff, but I appreciate their efforts, I think I prefer more relatable content thats just a little different. Not that every RPG must have Elves and Dwarves, etc., but it helps keep me sane when they are familiar because I want to be able to relate to the story and its hard to be empathetic to something that looks like a gummy seahorse underwater or in a blender.
  21. what amazing technology that it's able to composite several photos into one complete one. Thats kinda high tech for internet stuff
  22. hard to tell what's cg versus game play. Some shots were kinda rough, other parts were spot on from the show which is pretty impressive.
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