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Master Jedi

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Everything posted by Master Jedi

  1. revan in my mind wont join your party and if he was ls then he'ld most likely be dead
  2. scuse me i own my sister in any game even ones i dont like aand she does. Never seen a female beat a guy in a video game yet and i've seen a few games
  3. i wouldn't blame obi wan's training but more palpatine whispering in his ear in ep 1 obi wan may have been a bit impulsive but in ep2 he is quite mature stupid anakin never took his advice about anything, couldn't anakin see that palpatine was obviously teaching him the ways of the sith "trust your feelings," please if anakin ever listened to obi than he would have steered clear of that. instead of "your guidance more than my patience" rubbish to palpatine
  4. i'm more into a novel or something i am 20
  5. i dont have much money so I want to buy one good book, what is one that isn't part of a trilogy and is pretty good read
  6. ps no aussie speaks like steve irwin period, and there are indeed crocs in our backyard lol
  7. i'd sy a combination of forms IV to VII or V to VII depending on how you played and your alignment
  8. the revelation of who's behind that mask comes when the elastic string holding the mask breaks while he's trying to threaten the PC. Darth Nihlis: "Join us or die!" Snap! Mask falls off PC: "oh my it's . . . . . a Gun gun" Darth Nihlis: "Mesa gonna have ta kill youse all nows!"
  9. I never saw an ad for it but I live in australia and we hardly ever get ads for games
  10. light side cause I like people protecting my back rather than stabbing it
  11. correct yoda was dooku's master till dooku left the order
  12. i would like a sassy force user there aren't that many female jedi I like so Mira as long as she keep her outfit
  13. if she were younger i'd say she doesnt keep her age well, I reckon she could be in her 60's easy, but fit 60's anyhow
  14. i agree about nonsense it has been said that Atris is not a party member and kreia is, they have been treated as seperate individuals
  15. hey devs on the lucas site darkside Boa'Dur's cybernetic arm is on a different side to the lightside Boa'Dur is this a mistake or something revealed in the game
  16. he forgot to include wanna be darth maul wanna be
  17. wouldn't be cool if hk-47 was a total sith type robot with force powers
  18. i'd like to have two unique force powers that only i know
  19. what t3 bluescreen and HK redscreen effect I didnt see that
  20. someone could use this as a sig or something I dont know whow bigthye are supposed to be
  21. that depends which whc you are talking about there is also handmadien you can see her pic on the site
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