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Master Jedi

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Everything posted by Master Jedi

  1. but nagging and nagging the devs for silly thing i think is a bit silly
  2. i thnk that will change depending on your class
  3. i think this faq is really useful for finding out about the game
  4. don't you guys want something to be a mystery let the game come out than we can enjoy the surprises as they come
  5. i think sabres may be locked to a player because you can't take atton's pink lightsabre
  6. i bet revan is dead due to the dificulty in bringing him back
  7. bear in mind we have had longer to pick this game apart then they have had to make it i think, not sure about exact time
  8. mira cool, zabarak cool, kreia probably strong in the force so cool, having a padawan = cool, so i like most of them yeah
  9. was that too mean and yeah we say it like that except we spell it tongue but i can't speak any other language s oi reckon you are doing good
  10. if this were possible it would be cool you in a nearly pitch black area then you just see all these red lightsabres light up
  11. i think there was an item that regenerated health
  12. i'ld have to see how the forms play out in kotor2 before i decide which form to use
  13. i will stop out of respect for you but i believe in sticking up for my friends
  14. MASTER is one of those nuts that likes pain because than he can complain about his pain
  15. does the words bad, very bad mean anything to you
  16. heck I beated malak with a few thermal detonators and he couldnt get a hit in just kept falling over or tripping on his stupid cape thing
  17. well unfortunately there will only be robes with hoods or robes without but still that is pretty good
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