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Master Jedi

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Everything posted by Master Jedi

  1. realistically though the fact that there are hundreds of Jedi in kotor means there are hundreds of minds to draw on, ie in real world who is more likely to be more skilled with martial arts a person that only trains with one person or someone that draws on the experience of many masters and texts the old jedi had many masters and chronicles and records to draw on, all the new guys had is one or two masters of their alignment
  2. Luke barely had any real training a few hours with ben in ANH a little in esb and rotj wih yoda doubt even a months worht and in KOTOR timeline jedi are stronger and in their peak and the exile and Revan had more jedi experience and training to draw on even more sith to talk to if playing DS
  3. spiderman 2 and garden state were good mystic river not sure when it was made but also good, i liked king arthur if only for the fighting so not really the best movie also hero and oceans twelve deserve a mention and just mention a classic movie that everyone must see is Princess Bride do whatever is necessary to see it it is gold even though it old.
  4. yes there is and they got it geek love being able to talk star wars with a gf is one of my dreams as well as her knowing which games to buy for me for a present and vice versa makes it easier on those anniversary occasions good on ya you darn lucky couple
  5. The only reason dogs understand what we say is because we teach them and we don't have dogs pointing out things and barking out the name of what they are and a dog's language is relatively simple anyhow, and we can understand the basic messages usually if someone puts there mind to it I am fairly accurate in predicting who is visiting our place or next door based on my dog's barking we are undeniably more sophisticated beings than dogs due to our ability to communicate sophisticated messages, build things, have philosophy and religions and such like, which a dog or other life form has no concept of
  6. The right type of belt wth a good clasp at the front may help
  7. There have been worse revelations on these boards Hades.... i.e. Volourn being a robot. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hades seems disappointed to be in the presence of females. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> she probably outsmarted him on one of his rants and he is even more offended he got beaten by a girl "
  8. that be the fool that started the thread
  9. all i'd like is a fan-fileter on the forum that blocks out people who can't say anything positive about the game so you dont have to put up with their posts
  10. hades has also mentioned that there should not be a kotor3
  11. I never read schatterpoint. About what is it? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> mace windu clone wars with no anakin is great trust me
  12. tell that to hades"I hate kotor"_one
  13. Listen, I am not your pack mule. I am not your research assistant. I am not going to do the work for you. If you want to know the truth go to any number of RPG sites and read it for yourself. The one I read was at Gamespot if memory serves. Instead of PROVE IT look for the damn proof yourself you lazy kid. @Master Whatever: The entire team was canned and as far as I can see there is no plans for a KotOR 3, as well there shouldn't. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> course your not he pack mule you're the bug in the forums the internet incarnation of the bugs in kotor2 + the bugs in kotor? And if you don't like a thread then dont go in there just to bitch. you dont see me going on the barbie website saying how much i hate barbies or you going on some hippie site saying how much you hate peace. and by the way kotor3 layoffs?
  14. dear friend(this is used only in the most sarcastic tone) this is only a who would you like to develop kotor 3 we are not saying there will be one nor are we saying there is one being developed and unusual for you you got a fact wrong, some of the members of the team at lucasarts that was wroking on kotor were fired and consequently the game was ceased in prodouction there was no mention of there being no kotor3 ever, please in the future get stuff right so i don't have to type so much when replying to you
  15. you always wait for the bargin bin don't you, i'm too impatient
  16. In Senator Palpatang fashion: ::END OF THREAD:: :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> quoting palpatang to deal with hades_one use one evil on another ok so hades isn't as bad as palpatang . . . . yet
  17. but none was as extensive as chris' I think reading EVERYTHING
  18. did anyone at bioware bother to do the research chris "the man" Avellone did, anyone willing to brave the nonsensical EU to find the good deserves a gold medal and the offer of a sequel
  19. to others reading this thread i read shatterpoint and really liked it
  20. how come the results keep becoming even is this a rigged voting system I smell a corrupt thread
  21. oh oh what does he think about kotor beating TSL I can't for man opinion about this since i live in australia
  22. look a dev is he interested in how his version rates hehe
  23. But C-3PO was programmed for etiquette, not destruction! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> HK has more success in dealing with people in my opinion
  24. how much support will obsidian provide for patches for the PC
  25. is it at all worrying that no devs have posted in the questions to the devs thread
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