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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I like me some social commentary, but ham-fisted is too rough.
  2. For Alex Jones, I'll make sure it's liquid. My records say I'm 30, but I feel like I'm either in my 20s or in my 80s. The rona years have made me feel simultaneously younger and older.
  3. In ten years when I'm promising to take a dump on Alex Jones and build a wall around Florida, then I expect yout full suppott.
  4. I used US presidents as an example because it's easy to find both their heights and horrible things they did. Perhaps as someone an inch below average height at average height it's a sore spot for me. Regardless, limiting what power such folks would have is a net benefit because it seems the ****iest people find themselves in such positions regularly.
  5. Hey, **** you buddy. The last few US presidents have all been above average height and done some real ****ty things. Maybe instead of blaming short folks we could limit the power these dudes have. Why the hell should any old man suffering from dementia be let anywhere near a big boom button?
  6. A lot of these people are from places are about as far away from Somalia as they are Ukraine though. When guys start expressing shock about war happening to "civilized countries", it's hard to take as anything good.
  7. Yes. Initially I thought it was ok as KoToR but edgy fantasy, but it really doesn't hold up at all. You're hit with two tutorials/prequel sections before the game actually starts and then it's pretty much formulaic until the end. Not to mention the gameplay itself sucks and is horribly repetitive. Anyways, giving Hades a go tonight.
  8. There are a lot of Evangelion OP edits like that, A Cruel Arthur's Thesis is one I liked. I guess it's because a lot of that shows were really weird. King of the Hill was definitely something else.
  9. Or we all turn into Hulks. That at least would be more entertaining than whatever the hell this hypothetical show from the anti-universe is doing.
  10. While the war ending in less than a week with Russia going home would be good, I think it's likely this drags on for a while longer than that. I would very much love to be wrong though.
  11. I've heard nothing but good about Hades, so I'm excited. I slept on Chanter in PoE and that was a mistake. I am using the IE mod to replicate Deadfire behavior of starting with all phrases, which helps a lot. It's still clunky in terms of progression but that AoE paralyze is very useful. Of course, Priest is still practically required, the +30 accuracy that stacks with everything is probably the biggest game changer in PoE.
  12. I vaguely remember Hercules and Xena but didn't really watch them. I vaguely remember Andromeda as a show that would air late at night, but I never personally watched and only know about it from @majestic talking about it in the anime thread. When I think about it, I can't remember keeping up with anything Sorbo has been in. Though Sorbo did make a recording that was used by DARE back in the early aughts to convince kids not to do drugs. Anyways, video games. Uhh, I downloaded Hades and decided to replay PoE and Deadfire with a Chanter > Monk/Chanter who does drugs. Guess Sorbo's DARE video didn't work.
  13. According to @majestic, he was the drive behind Andromeda being less weird and more generic. So **** Hercules.
  14. I thought the first Mass Effect was ok and the others were disappointing. An incomprehensible army of machines so old they believe they predate organic life? Really cool. A janitorial AI gone rogue? Boring. Vanguard was fun to play though. Kevin Sorbo.
  15. I did, but ended up giving it away to a guy with a weird laugh and a girl who kept saying tuturu.
  16. Well this was a ****ty thing to wake up to and it gets worse by the hour. I hope some sense hits everyone and this ends without thousands of bodies, but being hopeful seems too optimistic. On the brightside, if the invasion of Ukraine really is the Star Citizen of geopolitics, then that means someday Star Citizen will be released.
  17. In the recent speech Putin blamed Lenin for creating Ukraine and Stalin and Khrushchev for carving up parts of the Russian Empire to add to Ukraine. He then refers to the annexation of Ukraine as "decommunization", as it is undoing the actions of the Bolsheviks. It's more accurate to say that he wants to restore the Russian Empire than the USSR. I imagine that decommunization speech probably confused a lot of western (terminally online) people who are reevaluating their opposition or support of Putin.
  18. Isn't the Daily Wire Ben Shapiro's rag? I guess everyone is getting into streaming these days.
  19. If you've got ToyBox, you can disable all mods except for TB and level a new character to 20. It sounds like the game doesn't account for Nature Mage having a different spellbook than Arcanist in regards to PrCs. If you've got Toybox, check to see if your Arcanist spellbooks are labeled differently. If that's the case, you can fix it by deleting the plain Arcanist spellbook and raising the CL of the Nature one to 18. I doubt Arcane Enforcer matters, but the way it calculates Exploits could be a factor. Ember is set up to blast the living **** out of enemies with fire rays, even without sneak attack her rays are brutal. Damning souls to Hell doesn't really fit her character, but just pretend she's shooting Heavenfire Rays and bringing salvation through fire. As @majestic said, cackle plus hexes is really powerful to the point your whole team can benefit from rerolls. She also gets off-heals and some powerful enchantment spells, so there's always that if blasting doesn't do it for you.
  20. You could claim self-defense from covid and get a pass.
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