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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. With Owlcat you never know if it's a bug or intentional.
  2. The lich can't romance*, so that path gets boned in more ways than one. .... .... .... Anyways aktuallllly Aru is best for a Trickster because it forces you to wear a domino mask which means you become Tuxedo Kamen. The silly little cat is best for demon because she worships Lamashtu and demons are most likely into weird sex stuff. *beeg spoilers for lich
  3. I think they maybe had a plan for two seasons but kept going until they ran off the rails (and not in a good way) when the series turned out to be popular. Johnny and Danny learning to leave behind their teenage feud and grow in a way to help kids is interesting, some men in their 60s and 70s being pg-13 villains to high school kids isn't. But to be fair, shows like Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are rare in being able to deliver consistently and knowing when it's time to end. Cobra Kai had this potential, sad that it didn't pan out.
  4. Your waifu options are a helpful lady, an ex-succubus, and a silly little cat.
  5. I think Cobra Kai had potential as something about needing to leave your cringe past behind, but it dumped that in favor of 30 year old high school students forming karate gangs and geriatric villains bullying children for dumb reasons. It hasn't changed much in terms of tone from season 1.
  6. I haven't seen it and I'm not interested tbh. What I have seen is the newest season of What We Do In The Shadows and it is ****ing good.
  7. Human trafficking lawsuits. The nazis are moving there on their own in order to take over the local governments, I think Idaho is notable for this.
  8. Generally speaking, I tend to judge people on what they do first, what they say second, and what they call themselves a distant third. Since I have not met any of yall irl and probably never will (barring the anime thread forming a posse to battle the undead Queen Elizabeth in Egypt), the first is not applicable so the second takes precedence. If someone who consistently excuses blatant authoritarianism in order to crush protestors against power they like (striking workers, "BLM/AUNT TIFA, etc.) while being offended about even the thought of consequences for other groups (like the MAGA putsch folks or bankers) then you just have to put two and two together and get a good feeling of what there politics actually are. Maybe such a person wouldn't call themselves a fascist, put when there politics lines up with them to such a degree, you can't someone to thinking there's something their.
  9. The bow flurry combined with rapid shot/manyshot is an oversight from the pnp source that didn't account for the restrictions on Zen Archers when designing the Sohei. It doesn't make sense to me and seems like it would be common sense to fix the discrepancy for the videogame, but it's Owlcat so they not only didn't fix it but set the Sohei up with a pet to boot.
  10. For subsequent playthroughs, either dark codex or tabletop tweaks has a mythic feat or ability that lets spontaneous casters use metamagic freely. The same mod also fixes the Arcane bloodline capstone to actually give you the ability to freely use metamagic instead of the lame effect it has. In other owlcat gonna owlcat, apparently the Sohei is actually the best archer monk. Because they can flurry with anything they have weapon training in (including weapon training from other classes) without specific restrictions, they can flurry with bows and use rapid shot/manyshot. And of course on top of this they get a horse. Lmao Zen Archer got robbed.
  11. I can't think of a Fire Emblem game where permadeath wasn't at least an option. What I hope is that the difficulty is tuned better than 1. easy peasy 2.fairly easy 3. **** you like it's been the last few games. On the bright sides, 3H ended up being good despite the school stuff and this means Genealogy of the Holy War will probably get an update so say hello to giant maps lmao.
  12. I read that he was working on another film a while back, a real shame if he didn't get to finish it.
  13. That's not how I'd describe them, but they're definitely bad. I just spent 5 minutes playing around with it and created some eldritch monstrosities before closing the tab.
  14. https://www.craiyon.com/ Have a taste
  15. Finished part 2 of Stone Ocean. I guess we'll have to wait a while for the rest to drop, but @InsaneCommander will have fun with the rest of it. Including more efffeffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee screams, body horror, and at least one instance of weird tongue stuff. Also Uncle DIO episode 6 - the start of the harem. I'm pretty sure that the hero they were talking about is going to become someone else who follows around Wolfgunblood.
  16. To me the AI art looks like a frame from a sci-fi movie without motion smoothing turned off. It's ok when you're not looking closely but when you do there's just something off about it. I'll second the "bleh".
  17. Played around with builds yesterday, tried to see if the Arcane Rider could make a spell combat full attack with mounted skirmisher* but the Horse kept killing stuff before the rider. Eventually Catastrophe missed a bite and it looks like spell combat does indeed work like that. *Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this is a nerf from a mod as the default game behavior lets riders make full attacks with a move by default.
  18. You know that terrible sound people make when they're slowly but surely dying? That awful utmost pity inducing wail of the reversal of the life process? That's the sound I hear from all these anti hypocrites, clinging to a desperate hope that the tide can somehow be reversed and cannot accept the fact that the world is changing in big ways. Stay tuned for 2023, we're just getting started here
  19. Well there are weapons with reach and 19-20 or x3 critical, so aktucally it's about the combo of reach and crit range. In general I think that ewp is a sink to anyone who isn't already getting a lot of feats, and even in those cases there's usually something more effective to grab early to mid game, so most martials will prefer just using a glaive or halberd (or whatever other reach weapons with 19-20 or x3 there are) instead of blowing a precious resource. Fauchards and Falcatas are probably the best ewp choice though, because they do bring unique combinations that can't be found elsewhere. Of course all of this goes out the window when you consider itemization of the game itself, because if the best weapon a type has some lame effect then it doesn't matter what the base stats of a weapon are. And because weapon with less impressive base stats can end up with getting a 18-20 crit range or some other crazy ability.
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