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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. The game calls her a "silly little cat", so blame Owlcat for that. Moreover
  2. Open your heart to her. I dropped him because everyone of his lines grated my gears. Thank god my first run wasn't as a lady or she'd have to sue for sexual harassment. I think Greybor seems like NE but they made him regular neutral so nobody would make him an Assassin. Wolijif is at least less of a prick than Lann, which is selling him short because he's one of the more tolerable companions. Spoilers for something obvious
  3. Who wouldn't feel comfortable around a "helpful" friend, a silly little cat, an alcoholic hedonist, or a tiny fascist? Honestly I think Lann pisses me off more than Wendaug. She may be a silly little cat, but Lann is a whiny bitch. Come to think of it, all the Lawful characters with the exception of Seelah are pretty concerning and not the type of folks you'd want around.
  4. Regill is the middle manager from hell, nothing but complete compliance with impress him. Spoilers ahoy, if you don't want them I'd just say consider using someone besides Regill in your Azata run.
  5. 115 AC is hilarious just for how crazy busted it is. That's over 2x the numbers the highest CR pnp monsters will have and unless you're taking full advantage of stacking exploits something that will be nigh insurmountable. At least Inevitable Darkness is something you have to go out of your way to fight and can't accidentally stumble across like Playful Darkness. Unfortunately no difficulty setting or mod can fix the teleporting around design that inflates time sunk into the dlc by around 50%.
  6. My favorite **** move is when someone weaves in an out of traffic at 10+ over the speed limit causing everyone else to hit their brakes in order to not slam into the driver. Bonus points for doing all that only to end up at a stop light less than 30 seconds early.
  7. So I just beat Inevitable Excess on unfair. It has puzzles that makes you want to scream, teleporting around instead of walking, some really unfun encounters, and little relevance to the main game. There's also a secret encounter that's ridiculously busted where the Darkness goes beyond Playful with around 115 AC and level drain on hit with its many attacks. The DLC is worth playing once only so you can say NEVER AGAIN and instead sink your time into theory crafting builds to make sure they actually work.
  8. With Instinctual Warrior Barbarian or (if data mining turns put to be right) Shifter, you can do the Wisdom to AC thing on non-lawfuls. Of course the Scaled Fist + Paladin + (Nature) Oracle to get CHA to saves and 2x CHA to AC is bonkers broken and you gotta be LG to pull that off.
  9. I knew it was gonna be good, but I didn't think it was going to be THAT GOOD. Incredible film. I have hopes for both. I'm an unabashed Del Toro stan and to boot Disney releasing that live action/cgi abomination to sabotage his Pinocchio makes me want to root for it. Hellraiser is a dark horse but I'm cautiously optimistic. Worst comes to worst it's still not gonna be the worst Hellraiser movie.
  10. I wanted to hit the 6 mythics paths with all the Good and Evil alignments, though Aeon turned into the secret path. Not really interested in becoming a Dragon or Swarm and if anything I'd bootstrap fork the Legend from one of the other playthroughs.
  11. I see where you're coming from and I sort of agree, but I see it as a skeptic getting swept up into the fairy tale after trying to stay out of it so the shift feeling jarring plays into that. Now that I'm digesting it I'd probably rate it lower than EEAAO, but frankly that's just a testament to how good EEAAO was and I'd be surprised if it wasn't in the top 5 movies of 2022. We'll just see what Hellraiser and the Del Torro Pinocchio pull off.
  12. I generally tend to plan out several playthroughs at once but have trouble going through with it. Like with WotR I've got a whopping six planned out (after the EE and DLC wave 2 drops) but will likely get derailed and do something else. My go to class is usually whatever kind of gish is avaliable (so Fighter/Mage for BG and Magus for Pathfinder), but I'll try to play differently for subsequent playthroughs. Generally I have the hardest time playing as Clerics for whatever reason, despite their mechanical strengths they just don't do it for me like mages, warriors, or rogues. I haven't managed to read a novel in years and have been occupied more with cinema and TV than games lately lmao. It's just harder to pull an all-nighter into a game than it was before, but give me some weird cinema like soviet era sci-fi or K-horror and I will be up all night.
  13. I think it works. The big shame is that it didn't perform as well commercially, so studios will pump out **** like Jurassic Whatever or Top Gun: Bomb Iran Drop Freedom On Unspecified Country instead of stuff like this or Nightmare Alley.
  14. You naughty Sarex ! Surly you must roll 10000000s of times to get the stats you want ? But for real, the game is ancient at this point and you've probably done several playthroughs so why stick with vanilla? Want to explore some of the unused class combos or kits? Go ahead, Swashbuckler/Mage multiclass Imoen or whatever you want to do. Mod the **** out of the game to boot. That you're having fun is what matters most.
  15. I loved his Mariachi trilogy and From Dusk Till Dawn. Of the 90's directors, I always got the feel that he was the most genuine indie guy of the bunch besides Linklater. On a personal level I think he's a much more interesting filmmaker than Tarantino, who I think is a guy with a lot of talent but mediocre ideas. I think Cameron has gone full CGI. Probably a shame if you're an action movie guy, but I'm not so I don't really care that much. I wasn't the biggest fan of JoJo Rabbit, but I guess Waititi directing something besides Marvel is an improvement. Hold on, I got to punch out a prison guard who has been making me forget stuff with her stand. I have broken free of Jailhouse Lock and am now heading to Florida to battle the sons of DIO. Wish me luck.
  16. That's a shame. Those Atilla cgi eyes give me the creeps. Come to think of it, isn't Robert Rodriguez doing a new movie? I hope it's good. By the way did you guys know JoJo was back?
  17. Let's be real, even the original bg2 companions were cheesy as hell in a way that puts a lot of fanfic to shame. Cheating. Turn Viccy into a Mage/Cleric or whatever you want. It beats the hell out of dragging Anomen along. If you mean thay BG1+2 could work as something like Owlfinder Pathcat, then yeah it could. But the effort of doing it would be immense and with BG3 dropping soon those coastal wizards would probably not want to do that.
  18. As young as he looks, I'm pretty sure he used the stone mask.
  19. So JoJo had been the compromise the whole time? Araki you sly genius.
  20. That's part of the appeal, I'm a barrel strength man.
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