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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. It is a bit strange seeing mcmanusaur being so serious. I do agree that NPC relationships with each other are often lacking, and that is one thing I would really like to see in a RPG. I would also like to see a system similar to what Ieo proposed ages ago implemented, where NPCs can have different relationships with different PCs, and see some more "negative" relationships(like rivalries) implemented well.
  2. No. There are Dire Wolves in the first area the PC ends up in that can kill Warrior classes on a lucky roll and is almost certain to kill anyone else. They are pretty hard to hit and quite tough too, so unless you get very lucky or have a party of characters who are at least specialized with ranged weapons, they will most likely kill you if you are playing on normal difficulty. Things do flow better after level 3, but levels 1 and 2 are insanely difficult.
  3. While I don't mind a woman with tattoos, those do not look very good.
  4. Wals, I feel the need to hire an older English gent to read your thread titles for me.
  5. There are only so many times we can read Putin's autobiography.
  6. I'm not anti-romance. I'm not romance has to be in the game either. If romances are included, I want them to fit the game and the characters and not limit the viability of not romancing NPCs. If they're not there I still expect robust NPCs to have other kinds of human relationships with. That is exactly how I feel. IMO, the biggest problem with romances isn't the content itself, but rather the expectation some players have for the content. I don't think that a romance(in any work of fiction or IRL) needs to be deeper, more complex, and more content-rich than other types of inter-personal relationships to be considered valid. When people argue for making romance more content-rich and deeper than other relationships(because they believe that romances are the deepest inter-personal relationship possible) in games it is perfectly understandable that someone may not want to see them included if they overshadow all other types of relationships.
  7. With multiple monitors being commonplace, that probably isn't too far off.
  8. Today I worked all day. Drinking a beer and thinking of playing videogames or watching TV. Not as impressive, also what happened to the drainage? Canada spent all of their money on Maple Syrup and can't afford to install drainage.
  9. Try here. Not AutoUpdate, but as far as I know the only place to access updates at all. If you have the GOG version, it is already at the final patch. Make that the Pathfinder ruleset and it would be an instant buy for me.
  10. Good on you, the first rig always feels the most rewarding. Current rig MOBO: MSI Z87-G45 CPU: i5-4670k 3.4GHz GPU: Gigabyte GTX 770 RAM: Crucial Ballistix 2x8 DDR3 1600 PSU: Thermaltake Black Widow 850W SSD: SAMSUNG 840 250GB HDD: WD BLUE 1TB Not really impressive, but suits my needs well enough.
  11. You see that's where we disagree to a certain degree. Unless someone is suffering from some sort of mental ailment I think we all know that your character in a RPG is just a pixel and software code creation of developers. We all know its not real. But that's not the point or the point of RPG. We identify and see ourselves as the characters in this epic journey and we do consider the choices we make as choices that have consequence in changing this virtual world that we immerse ourselves in for dozens of hours. We "role-play" for a number of reasons like escapism and excitement. But I never presume to tell people what there RP experience should be as this is completely subjective and personal. I fail to see anything weird around the effort or time someone puts into there game and how they choose to discuss or demonstrate this effort. For some people just the thought of adults spending time on a website discussing a game that isn't even released would be considered pointless and weird so we should be careful with our judgments I hate to pull this card but, have you been to the Bioware forums? Posters there are obsessively attached to characters to the point of building effigies. To your point, I wasn't claiming that you can't relate to or empathize with a character. I was claiming that seeing yourself as the PC is wrong and that the NPCs have a relationship with the PC not the player. I don't think PE needs romance, but I won't lose sleep or bitch about Sawyer if it is included.
  12. I'd assume - perhaps wrongly - that the appeal in the case that Zalpha is talking about is the self-identification with a protagonist that is common in fiction. Otherwise tearjerkers would never have someone reaching for a hanky and scary films would never elicit a jump or cry of fright. Which we know they do. There is a certain degree of self-investment in any fictional storytelling that engages the reader/viewer. In that light, identifying with his protagonist and their relationship with Aerie to an extent that it moved them isn't surprising and not that dissimilar to someone saying that two characters romance in a book was "deeply touching and moving" or similar. That said, there are the unhealthy investments in fictional characters that happen with some people which I understand is what you're talking about but I think a distinction has to be made between the two camps as often in these discussions - frankly - it seems like anyone who is "pro-romance" is seen as the unhealthily obsessed and not those who've engaged in a movie story or character point in a healthy, typical to fiction way. I agree. I wasn't trying to imply that everyone who wants X is a self-inserter, just that self-inserting in a game is strange and often leads to unhealthy attachments with characters or seeing the game as nothing more than a combat simulator.
  13. Which one is bad? I liked FEA enough(played every English FE release and FE4 and FE6 through translated emulators) but thought it screwed the pooch when it came to balancing skills and enemy reinforcements.
  14. I quit because the quest to get Firebeard's scroll is broken. A minor thing I know, but pretty damn annoying. IMO, it isn't worth the extra $10, especially when you can spend that $10 on BG2 and do BGT. I don't want Beamdog to crash and burn because of it though, I just will avoid BG2EE unless they provide content that a mod couldn't similarly provide.
  15. IIRC, weapons will be in groups to avoid the "damn, no +5 Katanas" that happened in BG2. I do think that there should be a wide variety of powerful magic equipment available at higher levels, but I'm pretty sure I don't have to worry about that.a
  16. I'm going to play on whatever difficulty allows foes to play by the same rules as the party(no +/- damage, no more/less effective abilities, etc.) and has friendly fire. I'll take a better look at the modes when the game comes out, but I'm currently leaning towards expert if anything.
  17. Well at least I'll have a use for my popcorn stockpile now. The thought of promancers and antimancers making bad arguments and flaming excites the troll in me. What a horrifying statement. Call me old fashioned, but I tend to reserve my most intimate, vulnerable, and personal emotions and sentiments for actual, organic, cognitive, human beings. It is the reason why I will be married in the spring. What a brave new world we live in. In the interest of not being in here just to drink tears, I'll use this statement to make a point. The biggest problem IMO isn't romance, it is self-insertation. You aren't the PC. The PC is a fictional character and is not your alter ego or whatever. You can create a PC that is like you(despite living in a fictional world and likely being idealized), but that is a character and not you. The relationships that character has are not your own, and being friends(or romancing or being hated enemies) with a fictional character is weird.
  18. I wouldn't mind seeing NPCs in various towns having kids as time passes(assuming PE takes place over more than one year), but IMO adventurers having kids and carying them around while they kill monsters and **** is insane. For one, that is some serious child endangerment.
  19. Freaked out because I thought my gpu was overheating, turned out to be nothing.
  20. Well that is incredibly ****ed up and makes me ashamed to be the same species as these bastards. If it wasn't for that other Wals thread that I'm spamming with images of scantily clad women, I would do that here to cheer myself up.
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