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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I'm a pro then! As am I. I have to admit, I find running into exs very awkward. One time while I was very intoxicated, I ran into an ex with whom I had a particularly explosive breakup and she told me she still thought about me sometimes. Five minutes later she slapped me after I suggested we get a bottle of vodka and perform some hedonistic acts. Women.
  2. You'll take my porn from my cold, dead hands. Snark aside, the real tragedy is how ineffective this will be at preventing kids from watching some particularly disturbing porn and likely just create a small headache for most people. Sort of like how the NSA spying will be incredibly inefficient and ineffective at intercepting attacks and likely not be good for anything other than collecting a massive amount of porn related data.
  3. I'd say that booze and Skyrim are a poor mix, but, without booze, I'd never have started an Argonian named "Climbs-Tall-Rocks." And I now regard him as the absolute perfect character for a Bethesda RPG. He doesn't care about these silly "quests" apart from "see what's on top of that mountain," and if those silly Nords want to call him funny names because he can talk to dragons (clearly, they've never seen an Argonian and a dragon together before), he'll play along just long enough that they let him climb the tallest rocks. What could be better??! Getting a horse that can climb tall rocks? Get a horse that can fly over tall rocks?
  4. I don't think I could show that level of restraint.
  5. And to beat Wals to it... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H74ScaTLgiQ
  6. Today I helped a friend move, spent time with the girlfriend, and am now going to play SRR.
  7. So, are any British forum members watching massive amounts of porn in protest?
  8. I'm getting the idea this universe is starting to get too big, though. I hope it doesn't branch out into series of comic books and shows that affect the main cinematic series. I hate homework for movies. Too late, it already happened a few years ago. Not to mention, S.H.I.E.L.D. has appeared in various comic books for decades. The key phrase I used here is how much it affects the main cinematic universe, not the branching out. I'm fine with them adding a bunch of crap on the side, as long as I'm not required to know about it to understand the films. Also, big duh. I know what S.H.I.E.L.D. is. If I hadn't read the comics before, I'd still know it because of the disastrous Hasselhoff flick. Everyone knows who S.H.I.E.L.D. is. Again, I meant specifically to the cinematic canon. But the main drawback of the comic universe is how overcomplicated and large it is. I dislike having to follow five other series of comics just to be able to follow the one I like - I hated having to read ten different X-Men related comics just so I could understand what was going on in Cable & Deadpool. This translates to movie universe as well. I'm fine with the occassional side story, but as far as I'm concerned this new show better be self-contained because if it's ****, I don't want to have to watch it as a homework assignment for the movies. I feel you bro. Nothing is worse than having to read/watch a bunch of **** you're not interested in to get the whole story.
  9. In this particular case I'm going to side with the customer, he had a legitimate criticism and Gaider's response was basically telling him that he is better than him.Unless i'm missing something important from the context. I agree, but Gaider is a oversensitive **** so it is pretty much a given that he would act like a prick.
  10. I drank a huge amount of vodka and passed out in a bathtub.
  11. While I'm not missing the looting very much, I do think having items as quest rewards would have been a nice touch. Also, I think melee weapons could have been more effective.
  12. That must have been quite a bit of white flags.
  13. Why insult one man when you can insult the entire country? Grow some balls France.
  14. Today I went to work and plan to go out with some friends.
  15. Honestly, if someone is being a real ****, you should just ignore them. 99% of the time, they're doing it to get attention and feeding them will only make it worse. That isn't to say you should brand all criticism as vitriol or anything, just that you should ignore the (empty) death threats and other internet toughguy bull****.
  16. I hope the sequel is better designed. I am loving playing a Custom Kensai character.
  17. I love the Pathfinder system but honestly. it's just not a good system for a computer game. If PE were turn-based, sure, that's a whole other thing. But seeing as it is, I'd say building their own system is a good idea, albeit difficult to achieve. Wouldn't they have had to license Pathfinder anyway (deducting money from the project)? Of course. But I don't think that's really the point because designing your own system also costs a lot of money. Still, there is a game that uses the Pathfinder license. Head over to goblinworks.com for info about Pathfinder Online. Actually, I don't think that is using the Pathfinder system, just the setting. Using the Pathfinder rulesets for a cRPG would likely be legal hell, seeing as you would have to deal with both Pazio and WotC.
  18. I wish that you could save manually, stealth was possible, and that you could cast healing spells out of combat. Otherwise the game is addictive as ****.
  19. Yes, the studios have (more or less) said as much.I don't think its good for the industry. It depends on what you mean by "good for the industry". If you mean "provides a large amount of diverse entertainment without constantly recasting the usual suspects, and is comfortable with several successful films instead of having few wildly successful films" then I would definitely agree.
  20. I dunno, I've always enjoyed the "seedier" side of life. Joining a playboy's entourage probably wouldn't give me time to enjoy that.
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