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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Sadly, there is an element of gamergate whose view on freedom of expression stops when said view agrees with SJWs. I don't agree with that view at all, and it has caused me to question my involvement with this bull****. Whatever, PoE has combat that gets repetitive as hell and isn't really affected by a poem being changed to tell certain folks off.
  2. If Anarchy destroyed the State, Bob Saget wouldn't have been accused of raping and murdering a girl in 1990. Checkmate statist scum. Ps, private property in an anarchist world would be impossible to enforce without violating the idea of anarchy. If you kept the principle of private property, you would be creating a feudalist environment.
  3. That sucks. Sensuki was the dude who spent a ****load of time betaing PoE and if he walked away that doesn't look too good,
  4. uh, they can't. in fact, no commercial entity trying to make a crpg has permission to do so at this point. this is in fact, the main reason PoE is not Baldur's Gate 3. I for one welcome diversity, and would actually wish this game to be even FURTHER from the DnD ruleset than it is. vive la difference! I was talking about a remake of the IE games, which need to use some DnD ruleset. Given the choice between 2E and another system, I would pick 5E because 2E is bad.
  5. While I was playing PoE over the easter break, my flatmate was playing DA:I, he made a character that looked as much like himself as he could manage, then proceeded to try to sleep with all the female characters. You should force your flatmate to play something that isn't ****. Seriously, slugging through 40 hours of dull gameplay for e-poontang is pretty bad.
  6. I think the problem is lack of enemy variety, and in my case no mods to change difficulty. That said, the combat system pushes high damage/ DT bypass generlly, but BG2 pushed dual-wielding as the bet weapon style so I'm not sure if that's different either. *shrug* I jut wan't a game with good combat.
  7. I hope not. Beamdog's original content in the EE was cringe worthy. Pistols at dawn.
  8. Look at the 'likes' on this post. PrimeJunta is a simpering commie SJW. I'm a rugged, macho lover of freedom, rare steak and chainmail bikinis. And guess what? We both agree anameforobsidian. To be fair, that's because vidya romance is cancer. And the fans are even worse.
  9. No, because by then the current engine will be obsolete. The IE games are just as good as they ever were and modders have heroically released mods that make the games great. If they do remake the IE games, aside from the lame EE crap, they should overhaul the mechanics to use the 5e ruleset.
  10. Post apocalyptic Sci-Fi Western Steampunk Vampire Spy Thriller set in the future of the PoE setting. RTwP or FP with heavy stealth mechanics, designed by Chris Avellone during an acid trip.
  11. That's like comparing beer to wine. They are simply different. You're right, it's comparing two different things where one is clearly superior. Suck it sausage and wine.
  12. I agree with OP, the lack of scaling spells makes them disappointing. I find myself not using the low-level spells very much when I'm between 6-9. Then again, a problem wit the IE magic system is that some spells are clearly better than others and sme are useless after a certain level. Like Sleep becoming useless and Magic Missile becoming a reliable damage dealer. Wish they would find a middle ground there. And Cipher > Wizard. Seriously, my Cipher PC can almost always use his best powers in a fight were Aloth I have to save his good hit for later encounters.
  13. I've found it easy to go back, as all black sausage I've had wasn't very good. Brisket>Sausage
  14. PoE in PotD has combat that starts off hard but devolves into using the same tactics for every fight. So far it's been a good game otherwise, but fights could use more variety. And balance still sucks because Cipher > Wizard or Rogue. Paralysis then high damage attacks shreds most things I end up fighting. Also the DT system heavily favors high damage and armor penetration in most fights. Sabres are pretty poor as well.
  15. My thoughts exactly when I think of the SJWs! I gotta admit, when reading "angry privileged few who believe the world owes them something" I immediately thought of college feminists (which is a subgroup of "SJWs" I supposed), because it perfectly describes the ones I had the displeasure of crossing paths with. As a college student, that has been my experience as well. It's quite funny to see people from bourgeoisie backgrounds downplaying economic privilege, as if not having to go into debt to pay for your classes is not as advantageous as vaguely being shown more respect in media. Anyways, I recommend downloading the mod that restores the original limerick from the nexus along with the IE mod.
  16. Err, isn't this a felony? Not sure tbh, it is a **** move at best though. More in depth: http://gamesnosh.com/polygon-lego-domain-snipe/
  17. Guilty Dogs? Guard Dog is the obyknven.
  18. https://archive.today/g9FJx Polygon deputy news editor buys domain "legodimensions.com" a day before Lego Dimensions is announced.
  19. Oby is the last messenger of Dr. Ron Paul, come from the future to warn us before It Happens.
  20. I find the practice of female genital mutilation more offensive than a drawing of "Rape Horse".
  21. Report to your local Patriarchy safehouse where you can thrust your toxic masculinity into a female who the Patriarchy is currently internalizing their misogyny in. Thanks KaineParker, for being there during my time of need. I was on the verge of raping every coworker in sight. I may need to get me a 3DS or *shudder* start playing some mobile games on my phone to try to avoid another one of these attacks coming on. Store you rape urges, we will unleash them in a few years time, when the Patriarchy seizes open control of the world! The we will go into space and rape the stars themselves!* *You might want some burn cream.
  22. Report to your local Patriarchy safehouse where you can thrust your toxic masculinity into a female who the Patriarchy is currently internalizing their misogyny in.
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