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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. You probably shouldn't have called her a weight when you tried to pick her up. <ba-dum-dum> I suppose telling her she was too heavy for more than 10 reps was a mistake as well.
  2. I did my chest today. Nothing as impressive as those rocks though.
  3. I lifted weights, had an awkward rejection, and argued with a bassist about band names. Going to spend the rest of today resting or maybe meet up with someone.
  4. So I've got the choice between Bruce and WoD for WoT President? Seems similar to another election. Reformism has failed, I choose insurrection. I will fight a bloody war to ensure the WoT will be a free territory. No Mods No Masters!
  5. We as in the people reading the forum. Not sure what the family remark is about but oh well. We are family Get up everybody and sing I don't think you'll like my taste in music, but ok. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nB_tGab-t0g Lyrics are spoiled
  6. I've never understood it. I mean, is the aim to come across like a petulant child? "Here is my opinion on this person, now let me call them names to make sure you do not take my opinion seriously." And yeah, I see the hipocrisy. Ok Hurlsnot.
  7. It would have served Paul just fine if he hadn't botched his campaign so badly. I doubt it. For whatever reason Paul lacks his daddy's country doctor appeal and comes off more of an ****. Not scientific at all, but that's why I think he crashed in the primary.
  8. I'd probably pick it up, but a new game using the Pathfinder rules would be better.
  9. And, to go even a step further, is the practice of fist-****ing not the exemplary case of what Deleuze called the "expansion of a concept?" The fist is put to a new use; the notion of penetration is expanded into the combination of the hand with sexual penetration, into the exploration of the inside of a body. No wonder Foucault, Deleuze's Other, was practicing fisting: is fist-****ing not the sexual invention of the twentieth century, a new model of eroticism and pleasure? It is no longer genitalized, but focused just on the penetration of the surface, with the role of the phallus being taken over by the hand, the autonomized partial object par excellence. And, what about the so-called Transformer or animorph toys, a car or a plane that can be transformed into a humanoid robot, an animal that can be morphed into a human or robot. Is this not Deleuzian? There are no "metaphorics" here; the point is not that the machinic or animal form is revealed as a mask containing a human shape but, rather, the existence of the becoming-machine or becoming-animal of the human, the flow of continuous morphing. What is blurred here is also the divide machine/living organism: a car transmutes into a humanoid/cyborg organism. And, is the ultimate irony not that, for Deleuze, the sport was surfing, a Californian sport par excellence if there ever was one? No longer a sport of self-control and domination directed towards some goal, it is just a practice of inserting oneself into a wave and letting oneself be carried by it.
  10. I also can't see everyone's videos. Weird. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gpbDEWEPtM Listening to Black Flag a lot lately.
  11. You should tell her you'd like to talk, but you broke into your lady neighbor's to sniff her garments but she came home early and you've been hiding in her closet waiting for her to leave. If she doesn't leave you alone after that she's obviously obsessed and you should look out for her stalking you.
  12. I wish OP would stop using words.
  13. Today is my second day in classes and I've really hit it off with a girl. She's really cool and I'll probably hang out with her this weekend. I worked out today. Currently looking for good back excersizes, preferably dumbell or barbell. Currently have rows, good mornings, and pulldowns in rotation but am looking to add a couple more.
  14. Perhaps it was different brands, but I found that the "no salt added" actually had higher sodium than the "low sodium" broths. Just make sure to check the label regardless.
  15. Back in classes. Assuming I don't run into any bumps I'll be done in Spring 2018. **** man, that really sucks.
  16. due to our dual citizenship, we actually have a chance to vote other than CA. *shrug* HA! Good Fun! What are the chances of Pine Ridge(I believe) voting for Trump?
  17. Oh no, I just remember last time I visited this forum there was a sudden surge of infighting, name calling and trolling happening. But I don't really remember the details and I was not involved. Thats all. Also check out my l33t avatar, I got a MR of my head! So the next time somebody calls me brainless.... I'm not sure having your nudes as an avatar is a good idea. Anyways welcome back m8.
  18. I don't really take hard drugs anymore (hello FBI), but in high school and early college I did a lot of painkillers and opiods. In general I felt a lot more calm and pleasant, like being in a really good mood but physically as well.
  19. An update - everything is back to normal and things seem fine so that's good. Good to hear. In my relationship news no woman is interested in a relationship longer than a weekend with me. I'm not desperate to not be alone, but it really sucks. Going back to uni on Monday so I'll be distracted at least.
  20. Term limits are never going to happen. There is no way congressmen will willingly act against their own interests and as long as districts/states continue to elect them based upon party there is nothing that could force them to.
  21. It looks like our illusionist lives in the UK though.
  22. So if Texas secedes does that mean I'd be an illegal immigrant if I hopped the border or is there a grace period where everyone who wants to can move? If the former is there anyone who has a couch I can sleep on?
  23. Don't know you or the situation but sounds like a pretty big red flag tbh. Normally I would agree but considering there is both PTSD and avoidant/anxious attachment in play in addition to her being written out of her parent's will and her sister going through a less than happy divorce it's a much more complicated situation (we actually chatted briefly tonight when we happened to be playing Minecraft at the same time so it's not like we're not talking at all, there's just going to be a break from meeting up and constantly texting/talking while things settle - plus it's the start of classes and we're both going to be busier). All right man, hope everything works out but had to call it like I saw it.
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