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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I found a hag support group, killed a hag, and got a bitchin rapier for my Bard. Also stopped a mob from killing Volo. Feels like I'm back in Act 1. I consistently use it with Shadowheart over Firebolt. It's good for undead and not a lot of things resist Radiant damage.
  2. Looks like Dallas now has a Republican mayor. While the Dallas mayoral election is nonpartisan, it's hard to imagine Johnson winning if he had come out as a Republican before the most recent election (Johnson had previously been elected as a legislator and ran as a Dem). And lmao, someone is half-right so far. "First, it’s clear to me that Johnson plans to switch parties and run for statewide office as a Republican." I guess with Ken Paxton now blaming John Cornyn for getting investigated or Ted Cruz potentially not running again, there's an opening to be right about the second half.
  3. I disagree. I also forgot to mention that I also robbed a bank and ran into The Stone Lord.
  4. I think BG3 wins out for me because there is some customization possible, while Owlfinder just fills up the tabs with abilities and doesn't let you remove them. That can be a big problem if you have a lot of abilities because you can lose access to rows that overflow, which is a possibility if you're playing an abilities heavy character or have lots of abilities from items.
  5. I went to a wine tasting, checked out a clothing shop, and convinced a friend to not take a big deal. Also saw the absolute greatest romance scene in RPG history. looking forward to playing more when I get the chance, but Act 3 is already noticeably more janky than previously.
  6. Someday you'll be very entertained or very confused, perhaps both.
  7. I guess I shouldn't be surprised about that. I think you work at a university, where you're at is it more of a scam thing or more of a stop the kids from voting thing?
  8. I think that if I accurately described the movie no one would believe me, so I thought I would let yall be surprised.
  9. El Conde (2023) Holy ****ing ****, Netflix put out a movie that's not just good, but ****ing fantastic? Unbelievable, but it's true. The long and short of it is that it's a black and white surreal satire where Augsto Pinochet is a 200+ year old vampire who has dedicated his eternal life to stopping every revolution, but now he wants to die and his kids want his money. That synopsis will spoil nothing for you, the film is very weird, beautiful, sounds incredible, and is overall one of the best experiences I've had this year. I can not recommend this enough. Venture Bros: Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart (2023) Another standout, but for different reasons. If this is the end of the Venture Brothers then I'm ok with that, it's not as great as a final season would have been but all things considered it's a good way to go out. Maybe Warner Bros will come to their senses and let Publick and Hammer do more, but with Zaslav burning down HBO's catalog for a tax write off I'm not going to hope for anything. I can't recommend this to anyone who hasn't seen Venture Bros, but if you have and still haven't seen this you need to watch the movie.
  10. You may very well be crazy, but it's a real thing here that you're experiencing. It happens fairly consistently, like you'll have to reload the page and post again what was saved. I think there may be some kind of time limit involved, for me it happens the most when I check on something in another tab when writing a post and it happens a lot more on mobile. Also when someone replies before you post it happens like 90% of the time.
  11. Withers also savages you if you don't have a bosom companion. "Thou walkest alone?" is the best rpg dunk since Elden Ring calls you maidenless.
  12. I'm on mobile and spoiler posting is wonky here so the responses to both @Wormerine and @Hawke64 will be in the spoiler below
  13. Broke a lady out of jail, sabotaged a propaganda rag, found my guardian's old stash, and ran into someone in the sewers.
  14. I think there was either some changes or questionable taste among the writers because
  15. This is a decent enough write up. The TL;DR is that Paxton tried to get Texas to pay a $3.3 million settlement to the whistleblowers, the house investigated him and found that he did that **** and more, and then impeached him based on what their investigation had found. Almost immediately it got turned from a question of Paxton's conduct into an ideological cluster****, with a laughable story that the impeachment happened because Dade Phelan was trying to get rid of Paxton on Joe Biden's/George Soros'/The Bush Dynasty's orders being peddled. Politics being what they are, it's not surprise that after the narrative becoming one of Paxton being persecuted by Democrats/RINOs that he was acquitted on party lines. It's going to be funny if Paxton ends up getting found guilty on the federal charges related to this case or as a result of the securities fraud trial he's been dodging for almost a decade, but frankly I was more surprised that he was impeached by the house in the first place. I'd bet both my vehicles that we're going to see a lot of the house Republicans who voted to impeach Paxton get primaried next year in retaliation for this. 2024 is looking to be awful.
  16. Playing Dark Urge as a first run and there's only one NPC who you are forced to kill. You can easily play the hero otherwise, just don't fantasize too much.
  17. You're right, I got the monsters mixed up
  18. I killed a clown at a circus, investigated a murder a miniature flying elephant cop didn't want to, and finally got into Baldur's Gate.
  19. you make good points their You can always rewatch What We Do In The Shadows or DS9.....I don't think there's a political equivalent of that. Unfortunately.
  20. Look, I (re)watched four Star Trek shows relatively recently and of those Voyager was by far the worst but it is still far better than Enterprise...which I didn't watch because it is awful. I **** you not, Enterprise is what made me lose all interest in Star Trek as a kid and the few episodes I've seen as an adult were terrible at best. I would rather stare at a blank wall for an hour than watch Enterprise. What does this have to do with politics.....well regardless of the quality of NuTrek (which I have never seen and doubt exists), the workers deserve better than the corps raw dogging them so some dip**** exec can buy a third house. You can apply this to workers in any industry and it's just as true, which is why unions and strikes should be supported on principle.
  21. Let's not go that far. Biden is the world's most laughable centrist with dementia and he needed to retire a decade ago. But he's going to have a lock on the popular vote and a more than good chance of the electoral college ****show when his opposition is as odious as it is. I wish Democrats could universally be as good as they are in Minnesota, but it seems they've largely decided to bank more on not being cartoonishly evil than on doing anything good. **** sucks. Sweden must be destroyed. But we do have some good news here for once. Based auto workers.
  22. Instead of playing the game I spent time in the character creator and realized that I could unlock different color options for hair and eyes. Looks like something for the next playthrough which will be in a while and use mods for a bigger party, because 4 just ain't enough. Ok, that one battle was the only time the Harpers were competent in my game. But Gale did nuke the enemies with a fireball beforehand.
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