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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. They'll get unstuck. Quite a few hotels may go bankrupt over this. Thomas Cook pays at the end of the year. So they'll have provided most of a year of services without getting paid. And some of them have had exclusive deals with Thomas Cook, so will not necessarily have the know how to swap to a broader audience. Yeah, never was a healthy business model for those hotels, but still sucks for the staff.
  2. To be honest, I only know burner phones from TV.
  3. Legally middle age starts once you hit 28, apparently. That's when in the architects' association/guild they told me I wasn't eligible anymore to vote for the young engineers committees. My reply was, now that you called me old, I wouldn't have voted for you anyway.
  4. Currently Old Age is leading by a mile, with rational female aristocrats having a marginal lead over other respective choices.
  5. Thought about going to the police. And for the first time in my life thought again and decided that I may not want to get into trouble. The guy who used to sell cocaine 10 minutes walking distance that way, today was selling heroine outside my front door. He also had a broken arm. And yes, I could give the police a full description of the seller and the spotter. I could, if I payed a bit of attention tell them at what time they sell where. Heck, give me a wireless cam and I can find a good spot to get it all on tape. But do I really want my name to appear in paperwork related to drug trafficking, when I, a passerby, have been witnessing this duo for 5 years? The police station is one street over.
  6. Not a what am I playing, but a What Will I Be Playing post: Soon I will delve deep into madness, and obviously I'll drag you down with me (read: Stygian releases this week). As you get to join me in madness, you get to have a say in it! Vote on the forumite character for the playthrough! Things to vote on: 1) Gender: Male Female 2) Age: Age affects starting attributes (bonus for young, penalty for old characters to one attribute) and starting skill points (bonus for old, penalty for young characters) Young Middle Old 3) Archetype and Background: Each archetype comes with a choice of four backgrounds, the first one always the default Academic (Scientist, Researcher, Psychiatrist, Physician) Aristocrat (Patrician, Prodigal, Cursed Bloodline, Bankrupt Royalty) Criminal (Gangster, Thief, Hitman, Con Artist) Explorer (Adventurer, Pathfinder, Mountaineer, Big Game Hunter) Investigator (Detective, Occult Detective, Ex-Cop, Bounty Hunter) Occultist (Secret Society, Mesmerist, Depraved Occultist, Alchemist) Performer (Actor, Movie Actor, Juggler, Busker) Soldier (Private, Military Intelligence, Marine, Bouncer) 4) Belief System: Affects how characters regain sanity - through acts of kindness, self-indulgence, research, prayer, or not at all since all our actions are ultimately pointless. Humanistic Materialistic Nihilistic Divine Rational Esoteric Stygian releases on the 26th (Thursday).
  7. The diversity problem stems from the way the game is designed to spawn attacks: The pandora virus creates nests. Each nest has hatcheries for a specific strain, and therefor all creatures it spawns share mutations. Unless nests are left to grow and combine, each nest creates one enemy type. If you want to face multiple enemy types you therefor have to face combined forces from multiple nests or from a lair or citadel (if that is the highest tier name). So the game design is that early on, and as long as you are able to stay on top of things, enemy forces will always be of one type at a time with one loadout. The issue here is that to the game mutations are just a type of equipment, and therefor in turn conventional weapons are also the same as mutations. So when a nest's strain is determined, the weapons used are also part of the strain instead of being, well weapons. Hopefully they will change that. The balancing will be hard. But that is to be expected from a system with multiclassing. It is far harder to balance abilities for a class, when these can be combined with the abilities of every other class.
  8. Gog will always get shafted harder, since they are a European company and therefore within reach. Steam is safely hidden away in the USA - far away and in a country that will bring us democracy if we interfere with a business interest.
  9. I am rather worried about the tactical layer after this build. One crabman manage to fire a grenade, your soldier's weapon breaks. Have 30 crabmen with grenades at the same time, you either kill them all before they fire a single shot or you lose the mission. So you build your squad very quickly to be able to clear every visible enemy every turn. With an Assault-Berserker and just a bit of planning, you can clear a nest on turn one. But you kinda have to, as otherwise the AI will do the same to you. I fear there may be something fundamentally wrong in the system how different target areas have their own HP. At least in this implementation. There currently definitely is something wrong with enemy diversity. Hopefully they will at least diversify the weapons wielded by tritons - let all tritons from the same nest have the same mutations, but do have them carry different guns. 30+ tritons all with shotguns or all with pistols is boring (more so if they all spam mist) and makes the game look poorly made/thought out, when it can't differentiate between mutations and tech. Overall, the current build gave an initial positive impression that quickly turned to dissatisfaction. And I was surprised to see how much negative sentiment there was in Discord. There doesn't seem to be a single person in there who is happy with the current combat.
  10. Should be able to gift it to their email address.
  11. I remembered my Uplay password as I was resetting it. Same for Epic. I reset my Origin password but have an inkling I may have reset it to what it was.
  12. I'm playing "remember my username and passwords for all those launchers, so I can connect them to GOG Galaxy 2.0"
  13. More importantly, it got Cat Quest.
  14. ES isn't slow. At least not the way I used to play it At the time it was one of the better 4X games. Of course now there is ES2.
  15. That black stigmata? It's in Melusina's screenshot as well. I figure it is the plot device to turn you into the game's protagonist.
  16. Try dominions, you will do all that and read a very long, detailed manual. By the time you are done, the new game in the series will be out.
  17. The Mindfragger? Annoying critter that skitters towards your soldiers until it gets close, then it launches its own head at your soldier's face, its body dying in the process. While it is wrapped around the head of the soldier it mind controls them, so you have to shoot it off. Ideally you have the sniper nearby to take it off with a pistol shot and not hit the person. In this case the sniper was attacked, so assault rifle burst had to do
  18. Running low on materials in Phoenix Point. Soon I'll be out of ammo and will have to punch my enemies.
  19. Now I need to get everyone a magazine subscription so they can fight effectively:
  20. Yeah, everything was fine with the previous builds. But the new build adds a lot, so who knows what they did that causes this. The cool thing is: they properly added the other factions, so you get to recruit the non-standard-xcom fighters. Also they added research and stuff.
  21. Backer Build 5 is so badly optimized, it is scary. Yes, it is just a beta build, but seeing how previous ones were actually playable... Firing up the game takes me 8 minutes of staring at a black screen. Loading an existing game... no idea. I gave up waiting after 15 minutes. What is there is fun. But waiting for this build to load may end up the same as waiting for the December release.
  22. Not excited that in any talk about the game the developers never mention the original. All descriptions (I know, written by marketing) are done in a way that makes it sound as if this remake was an original idea. Also was not a fan of Dungeons (1, never tried 2 or 3), but not filled with confidence when the new Startopia is done by a developer who only seems to be rehashing old Bullfrog (Startopia was Murky Foot, meaning former Bullfrog devs) work, and now published by Kalypso who are only surpassed by Paradox in their DLC flood.
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