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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I have 24 hours played and very few bugs. I had the game freeze once when I had loaded an older save and upon entering a mission, it tried to load a later save instead of the mission ??????
  2. GOG Galaxy Argus Update added a cross platform friend list. So now I can see my Steam friends while playing GOG games.
  3. This is the Battletech I bought in November: https://store.catalystgamelabs.com/collections/battletech/products/battletech-a-game-of-armored-combat It will keep me supplied with Battletech goodness for a while.
  4. Hmm, Yet another account that is created, creates a thread then doesn't log back in.
  5. I sent him the link to this discussion so he doesn't think we are talking about him behind his back
  6. I had send team 2 (in a damaged Manticore) to defend an Anu Haven in Scandinavia, while team 1 was wrapping up a mission in Northern America. Before team 2 even reached the Anu, and while team 1 was on the long way back to the main base in Northeast Asia, to recuperate, a Jericho Haven on the Iberian Peninsula got under attack. So after defending the Anu Haven, team 2, without rest rushed over there. They got there in the nick of the nick of time, just as the Haven was about to get overrun (defense had just ticked down to 0). Then the team figured out why the Jericho havens in this area have been going dark. They gathered the civilians and guided them away from the fighting (you get control of the civilians if you go near them). And the pandorans shelled the evac zone. But luckily it was the one time their artillery missed. Giving all civilians time to evacuate the area. (We won. Barely. Everyone is alive. And we won because the Chiron that had been bombarding us from afar retreated) And on a different note: a backer who may possibly have liked a certain TV series:
  7. Found my third base. Also had the first instance of a New Jericho haven getting attacked were I could not reach it. Attack strength 16, defender strength 16, haven got wiped out With so many ambushes I am getting low on materials Also made the mistake of recruiting two Synedrion infiltrators and am seriously disliking them. Anu Berserkers are so much more awesome.
  8. Has anyone encountered any neutral havens? I haven't found a single one...
  9. Possibly. But as Backer Build 5 had 15 minute loads and initial load could reach 45 if you were unlucky, nothing feels long anymore. What I am getting is continuous ambushes. 8/10 explores lead to ambushes lately.
  10. I haven't encountered any bugs yet. But for a "true trajectory" system I am missing an alarming number of sure shots. Or they all hit the carapace and miraculously do minimum damage and get soaked. Projected damage: enemy dead. Actual damage: 0.
  11. I find some UI choices unfortunate. Especially the tutorial UI is too intrusive. That said, I don't truly agree with the comparison that Phoenix Point is unpolished compared to XCOM. XCOM 2 built on XCOM and Enemy Within and still had issues. XCOM and Enemy Within had a lot of issues. Off the top of my head, Raptors shooting through the floor. There were a lot of clipping issues with the gun camera when the soldier was in cover or too close to the target. Phoenix Point does have issues, and some of those will never get fixed. For example that projectiles have a path but no mass. A bullet missing the target and just scratching a sleeve is realistic. But a rocket should not miss because the trajectory took it through the gap between chin and shoulder.
  12. It's a lot better than the last backer build though. You can actually have fun now.
  13. Something is not right with the name/gender matching. I had women called Peter, Patrick, Mark... may be an issue with too many backer names from male backers. Other than the tutorial lady I have gotten no female names.
  14. God, the tutorial is stupid. It has you dashing into the open, then end turn without using your other soldier. Next turn you are forced to end turn without running to cover, so the enemy can attack you again.
  15. Good thing I am living alone. It would be hard to explain why this has me laughing so hard
  16. They send you an email with my key as well?!? Whoa, good thing I redeemed it before you did. You should ask for your own though.
  17. Snowcastle Indy Games Advent Calendar And the sign-up link: https://snowcastle.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=03706db28571e1e7370141f9b&id=65695bc699&e=2dccac4e28
  18. Don't put words in his mouth - you are not doing yourself any favours. Starwars said his least favourite. He did not say worst. Big difference.
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