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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Walking ist the worst part of mech warrior 5. After loading the game it starts you in the mech bay, where you have nothing to do. So you have to run over to the stairs and walk up to the bridge. Fun the first time around, but after a couple of missions it becomes really bothersome.
  2. So gog is doing an aquatic themed sale and part of that sale is Neverwinter Nights...
  3. Because Keyrock and Hurlshot aren't the only people who can fly:
  4. I'll get a Therese costume and alternate between the two
  5. Oh, issues won't be a problem in Saint's Row
  6. Working on the Jeanette Voerman look
  7. So Keyrock doesn't think he's the only pilot.
  8. That's why I so enjoyed Freelancer. So easy to get into.
  9. I can't remember who first made that snarky remark "It's one of those games only keyrock or melkathi play and won't say what it is". I do think it was when you were playing Jotun.
  10. I tried, bust as I don't have a nifty joystick and stuff like that, the X series are not that playable for me.
  11. Yeah, I think that will be the problem: the devs will probably put it at a price similar to Coteries, maybe 15.99 or something like that, while a lot of us will wait for it to go on sale and get it under a tenner.
  12. But the real question now is: will you play Shadows?
  13. God, the stalker side quest was such a waste of writing. The whole point of it was "I came up with this npc, so read about her".
  14. At least you played the patched version. On release some dialogue restrictions weren't done right so you could pick the disciple options you didn't have The thing about the ending is that it actually makes more sense than other vampire games - you are but a fledgling not even a week old. You can't compete with centuries old vampires. You can't really wrap up more than two companions. Though diAngelo and the Tremere will help you even if you didn't get to the end of their quest. The disappointment with the irrelevance of clan you choose and choices you make is very much what everyone felt. A shame, because the game has great writing. I adore Hope.
  15. Your Steam profile works fine for me. You could play some of those games you have hardly touched. Also, why do you not own Deathspank?
  16. Cool, remember to post you impressions in an appropriate threat. I have mixed feelings though I didn't mind some major dislikes other people had.
  17. I am worried about the gameplay. But as it is split I'll wait to get it as a complete package when it goes on 50% sale in 10 years.
  18. Did you play Coteries? As Shadows will tell a story apparently shortly after the story from Coteries.
  19. And the player is a Lasombra. That is neat.
  20. Does he gain strength by knowing the teachings of Zerthimon?
  21. Age of Wonders: Planetfall brought out a teaser for what I expect is the next DLC. We'll probably know more next week.
  22. So if we are all alt accounts of the same user, but Gfted1 doesn't know us as well as the people he knows offline, does that mean he doesn't know himself?
  23. Is that about the user every other user is an alt account of?
  24. I read it as Gfted!
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