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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Someone in my google search commented that it may only be possible with the unofficial patch.
  2. Sorry, the spoiler tag seems empty. There is nothing there.
  3. My list of things I do not like about PoE: 1. Loading a game: Save Games are not organised based on how recent they are. They are organised by Autosave, then Quicksave, then Manual save. Extremely counter-intuitive when you hit load game and normally would click the top of the list. Not in PoE, you have to scroll and find the save you are looking for. Minor added gripe: while there is a Quicksave key (F5) there is no Quickload which other games with Quicksave so very often have (F9) 2. Saving a game: When manually saving the game, Autosaves and Quicksaves are in the list and can be overwritten. Why? 3. Endurance/Health dual HP system: I do not feel it adds anything to the game other than weakening healer roles and forcing more frequent rests in an effort to force a feel of pressure through a limited camping supply system (which aren't that rare, and even if, you can always leave, rest at Caed Nuad and return fully rested). 4. Engagement / Disengaging: Is a terribly designed system as it only exists to hamstring the player, since so many enemies have been given ways around it with either free disengage or just blinking/teleporting onto Aloth. It gives the impression that a system was created, only for the AI people to realise they couldn't get the AI to understand it and thus the enemies were given ways to avoid it. 5. Prone/Stun/etc spam: I start combat from stealth, and half my team will still end up prone before they land the first attack. Somehow even as the attack animation happens, the enemies get to target and start with a free attack. Which usually will be a stun or paralyze or whatever. While all these abilities can be interesting, their overuse isn't. Fights end up as a "Who paralyzes or dominates or whatever first". 6. Bloat: As already partially mentioned in the previous point: there are so many ways of doing the same thing: I can stun, daze, paralyze. I can slow, hobble... the list of status effects is huge. And a lot of them could be merged into half the number. Then though stats and skills would need to do less, and those too are bloated with things they affect. Which they could without making the game any less interesting. Same goes for spells and similar abilities. At 88 hours I still can't remember what all of Durance's spells do. Not that I care to, since the guy is annoying. The game had to become a DnD/Pathfinder clone and therefor needed loads of classes and every class needed to be unique and rich in options - but as one of my professors loved to ask every lecture: Who cares? It pains me to use the line as it gets thrown around way too much in school of architecture, and I have developed an allergy to it, but "Less is more". Maybe this should have gone in the unpopular opinion discussion. But this opinion has nothing to do with Mad Max movies, so it may have been out of place there.
  4. Trying to picture Judge Dredd saying "Let Agrela help."
  5. Finished the Star Control: Originis DLCs "Earth Rising". Enjoyed the base game. Earth Rising was garbage. Feels as if every now and then people were pulled off other projects to return to it and quickly throw out some content to keep the Season Pass promise. Stardock is now in my "don't trust" list (I don't have a list, but Stardock would be on it if I did).
  6. Mech Warrior 5 got improved Mod Support and added some Nvidia DLSS 2.0 thingie.
  7. ROFL, seems Greenmangaming are reading this thread. To prove to Shady that Mad Max was gaming related they just announced a Flash Deal for Mad Max
  8. Just imagine a world though where everyone would be playing Mordheim, Majesty, Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri, Anno 2070, Child of Light, Desktop Dungeon, Armello, and where Dawn of War would not have gotten two sequels.
  9. Do you have a list so we can conform to appropriate like behaviour?
  10. Of course it is. Those movies were based on the Mad Max video game. Duuuuh
  11. Sang & Froyd (or how they are spelled) and Cayne both for free on Gog right now. As well as some spring sale goodies (Greefall artbook, Styx artbook etc)
  12. Borderlands 3 is no longer Epic Exclusive
  13. Mable & the Wood giveaway for another 36 hours. No idea what the game is about, but it's free
  14. It's a fizzy drink in Scotland. Unless you are Scottish, you won't be able to force yourself to drink a whole can. It tastes yuck.
  15. It's like Irn-Bru but tastes better.
  16. I tried micromanagement. It makes things worse The character runs towards the spot and halfway runs back to start the back and forth again
  17. In PoE, especially as I get lower in the Paths or White March, my party increasingly fails to attack opponents. Most often the reason is that one party member is engaged and the rest can't decided if they should sidestep him from the left or right, and either get stuck on the party member trying to run through him or stutter back and forth. Trying to click behind an obstacle is also a problem as again the AI can't move around the obstacle, again incapable of making up its mind which way round it should go.
  18. PoE must have some of the worst pathfinding I have seen.
  19. See how the lamestream media covers up police corruption?
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