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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. On my second playthrough of Chimera Squad (the investigations change slightly based on the order you play them in and what Dark Event you choose to prevent). I think the main problem I have with the game is that devs do not understand how repetition makes things stand out. When you head out to a mission, the squad rides out in an APC. The way the parking spot is modeled makes that maneuver by the APC pretty much impossible - basically the non visible side of the APC must be clipping through walls. On mission return they play the clip backward, which makes the parking painfully unrealistic. Now if those videos were only played a couple of times, most people wouldn't give it that much thought. Most likely my initial thought "Heh, that APC drives the way I do in Saints Row" is as far as I would have gotten. But I have seen it over 50 times in my first playthrough. Over 50 times leaving the base, over 50 times returning. That is when the "little things" have the time to stand out. If you will have players stare at a specific video repeatedly, more than anything else in the game, then you shouldn't cut corners there. Same with the writing. Whisper (the not-Bradford of the game) is written as the person who tries hard to build team moral. He tries to strengthen camaraderie, is friendly and jovial. He also is the person who does mission briefings, which means this joviality is part of every mission. At the same time, one of the starting squaddies, and the game's only dedicated healer is also the team's joker. Terminal is just one joke after the other. But as she is someone everyone will have on their team, and because her levity will be part of her interaction with every otherwise not funny character, it upsets the balance. The game's writing is fine. The story is fine. The characters are fine. But the devs didn't consider how much facetime certain aspects would have and how all that would interact with everything else.
  2. Want to manage the police? Play Majesty and build Guard Towers, then recruit Solarii. There, dilemma solved. Added benefit: Your flame will burn brighter.
  3. There is also XCOM: Chimera Squad, but it only has the breaching and shooting people as you breach part of the police genre.
  4. That seems to be a recurring theme with you: not having space at your star base for stuff.
  5. Yeah, same here. Somehow played through 2. I remember Dryads don't like the player at first. I also remember that it would launch discussions with companions during combat, so you had to quick through fast not to die, meaning you missed the discussion. Played through 3 at least once. I intended to finish it with all characters but can't remember if I ever did...
  6. I'm making a mask, so no time for gaming right now. Decided to do a No-Sewing mask, but instead of doing it the easy way, I am using screws. Now I need to saw and file off the excess length on the screws.
  7. You just need to get into the Bob Ross mindset. Look at that first screenshot again and you just know that there is a happy little squirrel living in that tree right there.
  8. Whoever drives the APC reminds me of my driving in Saints Row
  9. But you didn't rush to a forum complaining about bad game design when Ironman mode doesn't allow you to create as many saves as you like and load whichever save you like
  10. Torque: How can you inject so much naive cheerfulness into dreadful situations? Whisper: I am Canadian.
  11. Apparently the game breaks itself. If you validate your install, it will fix 53 files. Not sure what fixing these fixes.
  12. Check what is going on now. Last week he fired his health minister for contradicting him and for trying to push for measures to handle covid-19. Friday he fired the chief of police, which resulted in the minister of justice resigning and making public information about Bolsonaro's corruption. Now Bolsonaro's coalition partners are calling for impeachment, and apparently the military is moving to depose him.
  13. Today I remedied the fact that I never sent anyone any **** pics, solicited or unsolicited.
  14. Is this discussion only about the US or is the situation in Brazil with Bolsonaro also of interest?
  15. Can't seem to make a male character. Laura Bailey is too good in the role. Of course if they got Kath Soucie I'd swap in a heartbeat.
  16. When I read that I was afraid Statham would play the boss, but the guy in the video actually works really well for leader of the Saints.
  17. I'm still waiting for the day I'll look into this thread and you inform me of Saints Row the movie.
  18. It did, and as you said, a lot of things are an obvious result of the console version.
  19. People on Steam complaining that they can't save scum on Ironman...
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