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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Age of Wonders: Planetfall brought out a teaser for what I expect is the next DLC. We'll probably know more next week.
  2. So if we are all alt accounts of the same user, but Gfted1 doesn't know us as well as the people he knows offline, does that mean he doesn't know himself?
  3. Is that about the user every other user is an alt account of?
  4. Your real life friends are watching you write this. We understand. Let them think your real name isn't Gfted1.
  5. And yet, we may know each other on here more than quite a few people we hang out with IRL.
  6. And games not even melkathi is playing (yet): Creating characters waiting for Sentinels of Freedom to launch next week.
  7. In this instance: Attack of the Earthlings. A game in which you play the alien skulking through air vents, killing the humans that came to your planet.
  8. Yet another entry in the popular series "Games that only melkathi (and maybe Keyrock) plays" And to be relevant with the times: (no it isn't my birthday)
  9. I never got out of the first city. That zone had the problem that it seemed like random things thrown together. It gave no image of the location I was. And that hurt the immersion too much to go on.
  10. That is sad to hear. I know he was very disheartened by Planet Stronghold - first the bad reception of the realistic character art, then the complete disinterest when he revamped the whole game with the art the "fans" had asked for.
  11. Myrth, Sauzer, Chambara, Jul, Amukiki, Draco... loads of characters in that game don't actually have any shoulder protection. Not even Trouble.
  12. Well naturally. That's where Blizzard learned it all from.
  13. Not as serious as World of Warcraft. They still have a lot to learn about proper pauldron size.
  14. I take it that isn't a screenshot of Loren chopping your head off
  15. Swansong is published by Bigben. The Werewoof game was announced in 2017 by Focus. Since then it has been quiet around that - mostly because Focus announced a number of games at the time way too early to actually show anything (but pretending they'd release in 2018). It is being developed by Cyanide. And in 2018 it indeed swapped over to Bigben as publisher (RPS article here)
  16. I live right in the city centre of Athens. But part of the centre is the dodgy part. So my apartment is on the back side of the national theatre, as I like to joke the alley where Batman's parents get murdered. One street over is the police station, and one street over from there are trans prostitutes and heroin dealers and addicts. Since the quarantine the addicts have been roaming at night. Last night after midnight over a dozen ended up outside my building. The noise was as if trying to sleep in the middle of a market hall. Around two AM the noise triggered the neighbour with, I suspect, Asperger's. So the noise was joined by a loud, neverending stream of obscenity. Then there was a disagreement between addicts, which became physical with one of them threatening to stab the others. (Around this time I called the police) Then a neighbour emptied a bucket of water from the fourth floor. She hit one of the drug addicts, who started to complain very loudly how nobody cares about other people - emptying a bucket of water out the window without caring there are people on the street. The police arrived, slowly drove down the street and away. At some point after three a man started banging the door across the street. Turns out it is a metal door. He kept banging 'till shortly before before 5AM, since this George guy he was shouting to let him in was either a deep sleeper, not there, or didn't want to let him in. Around 6AM things went normal city-quiet. So today I have just been laying around on the sofa.
  17. But isn't there a little bit of Gorgon in all of us when you think of it?
  18. There is a LED in his cigar. That was a pain. Not as much a pain as that lightsabre, but still a pain. At least it works well though. Unlike the lighsabre which only really lights properly in complete darkness.
  19. That's my bomba. He throws bomb bombs at the opposing team. Got a friend to paint the team for me. since I paint at a speed of 1 mini per three months and would never have finished. He decided Wario would be more appropriate than Mario or Luigi.
  20. I tried playing Dreadfire. It gave me the option of importing a savegame (not going to happen as I'd have to suffer through PoE1 (where I am probably near the end - I have to decide which god's help to accept before jumping in a hole?)). It said I could also create a custom world state through the Options menu. At that point there was no way of getting to that menu without finishing character creation. I felt this was extremely irritating: being forced to Alt-F4 because you want to choose an option the game informs you that you have for that specific choice. Devs should be forced to play their own games. There probably is a circle in hell where exactly that happens.
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