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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. A post about sectoids
  2. Not Bradford Still Not Bradford Jane Kelly has has hung up her shotgun and sword:
  3. Don't listen to the critics. This is a true XCOM:
  4. Anyway: installing
  5. Adeptus Arbites?
  6. I quit Sentinels of Freedom since the story has gone pure Red Scare and I can't find an inner McCarthy to embrace to enjoy it.
  7. Ok, this last one is the best of the agent trailers. The last picture speaks volumes more about this character than anything else they have or could have shown us. Gotta love how Psion checks out the blond lady. Probably trying to get a glimpse down her cleavage as she is working.
  8. The only song that had anything to do with the games was Planet Stronghold. Maybe they felt that one was too on the nose
  9. Why are you sacrificing poor innocent ships to the elder gods?
  10. Anime dudes? Are we storming Area 51 by naruto running towards it?
  11. That would be a lot of fun.
  12. I went to the grocery store. Met an old friend from uni going in. We were the only customers. I hear about packed shops etc. The most people I saw in a store at one time was 6?
  13. I just hope Central isn't in the game.
  14. Yeah, I prefer my own characters, but it won't be the first game of the type I enjoyed with specific characters, not even the first UFO game (After..light?).
  15. I said Alt-Right, you said nazi. If you do not understand the difference, you maybe should stop pretending to know so much about politics
  16. Yeah, I am looking forward to the Breach stage and how different classes interact with it.
  17. Too many too early on for just random trolls. Also too many different accounts with too similar writing style. It's one of those situations where the teacher knows only one person has actually written the essay and everyone else copied. And they need the obvious crazies. The obvious crazy gets moderated, but that leaves the "tame" ones unmoderated and makes them acceptable (or ignorable for example by you). But it edges the discussion towards where they want it. Extra win, in their own community, each banned poster proves them right: the SJW mainstream is silencing dissenters! And if Cambridge Analytica has taught us anything, it is that Orson Scott Card was right and public opinion on the internet would be shaped through fake arguments.
  18. You didn't see the crap that got deleted yesterday. Zionist Jews controling mainstream media ruin xcom to steal our freedom.
  19. Yup. Seems like an enjoyable little side game until 3 comes along. A shame the steam forum is swamped with the alt-right trying to turn it into a new battleground.
  20. I haven't played it and neither has my mum.
  21. There is a Pandora mod for Death Stranding? Walking endless distances trying to escape Claptrap's babbling?
  22. Driving a truck to be painted in Saints' colours:
  23. Yeah, just as I was with the elevators in Mass Effect...
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