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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. So does not listening to fans. In the end: devs just make crap games.
  2. Moral gray areas in games are a lie. Trying to give players two equally valid moral sides (NCR vs Caesar's Legion for example. Or Jedi vs Sith) has never worked, as the sides have never been equally valid. It all is a result of ingrained post-WWII propaganda, from when certain governments found themselves needing to make acceptable that they were supporting Nazi collaborators/organizations in various countries.
  3. Workshop support. Haven't tried any of the community made quests yet, but may do once I am done replaying all the original and expansion ones.
  4. A tier 1 Krypta and Fervus will fill the map with an army though. High level cultists will just charm half the monsters on some maps. (Warriors of Discord are useless) Good thing about paladins is that they are even more likely to go after reward flags than rogues. Not for the money, but because they deem your mandate just.
  5. The problem with the Paladin route is lasting long enough to afford them.
  6. Seas of water, Seas of time, Both isolate Ardania.
  7. Story is pretty linear as far as I recall, though Winter Wolves always tried to work in some branching. Loren has some choices of who joins your party etc. You choose between two predetermined characters (Saren male/ Elenor female), and choose their class.
  8. Auditioning for Led Zeppelin? You come from the land of ice and snow? (The immigrant song being inspired by Led Zeppelin playing Majesty's Northern Expansion - as is well known)
  9. Your first screenshoting post? Welcome to the screenshot family. It is a bit like the hotel California. You are welcome here, but once you are in, you are in for life.
  10. Bad decisions is Chambara's middle name.
  11. I finished The Outer Worlds the other day and found it ultimately forgettable. A time filler that does nothing wrong but also nothing so right it would stand out. The dystopian setting is interesting enough, but grows stale as the repetition of brainwashed and/or resigned npcs quoting the company slogans loses the effect once you have finished exploring Edgewar the first time. The sociopolitical commentary shies away from actually making a stand and commenting, leaving it as little more than tropes. The presentation of the story through texts on computer terminals, while an obvious choice, is also one we have gone through repeatedly in FO3, FONV, and those who could bear through it FO4, and it just strengthens the constant comparison to the big franchise, were TOW falls short, similar how DA Inquisition could never compare to a TES game: it provides a feeling of open world exploration without being an open world game. So while you aren't constrained to narrow, small maps similar to DAO or KOTOR, the maps do end quickly and the player soon realized the game is smaller than they first thought. The party members are a mixed thing. They are refreshingly human instead of the compulsion in other games to try and get the most unique, weird, strange character the writers could come up with, and their personal stories are are also refreshingly normal and believable Bonus: they don't all try to sleep with you, meaning talking to them (if you talk to them, as there is no real reason to do so) is not a minefield of romance triggers. But just as they are refreshingly normal, they are also rather forgettable and become a choice of skill boosts. The game has a decent length, but the end seems rushed, as if they ran out of time and held things back for DLC. This feeling is underlined by the instance of a certain quest (which Tale mentioned in a post he had hoped to agree to then sabotage but couldn't) which does not have multiple solutions, even though 40 hours of game have up to that point instilled the expectation of choice in the player. Did they just run out of time here? It doesn't fit the game's philosophy. Cut corners also seem to be the conversation skill and ability checks which lead to nothing but 30 odd xp and one additional line of dialogue. The player is teased that with a higher stat or skill the conversation could go differently, but it doesn't. And on the same line, the character background seems to be a lost opportunity for some extra dialogue choices here and there. A mascot character for example knows nothing if tossball (the sport they were cheering for professionally) or does not feel a certain kinship with Moon Boy? Omissions that stick out. Verdict: Bought it on sale. Was positively surprised to find it a longer game than expected. Finished it. Uninstalled it. Will never play again. Did not feel I wasted my money, but time could equally have been send on another game.
  12. As my grandad always said: You haven't lived until you have been eaten by a grue. (he never said that, but if I had grandkids, I'd tell them that, just so they could quote me)
  13. FFVII deserves a spot in the top of many lists. I just dislike Squeenix, so I have trouble saying nice thing about a title of theirs.
  14. Planescape Torment Alpha Protocol Arcanum of Steamwork and Magik Obscura Also Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri - I play it like an RPG... Vampire Bloodlines was good but it showed where things were cut. Kotor was fun and we'll written for a BioWare game. Dragon Age Origins had so much potential that it hurts how whiny the npcs were. Swtor could have been a great series of single player RPGs. Same goes for Secret World.
  15. Just another day in Mordheim: The Mordheim Inquisition were scattered across the ruins, making them easy targets for Daemons and Undead. They fought back bravely. And luckily the Undead cared not what they attacked, though the Daemonette made short work of the zombie. In the end, of the three fighters who had to be carried back to camp, one made a full recovery, while the other two would not fight for the warband again, their injuries too debilitating: (one armed archer?) And while all that was happening, the leader was gathering shiny green rocks:
  16. I'll post some Driftlands screenshots then: Moving a floating island to my kingdom and connecting it with bridges: Also, some heroes doing hero stuff:
  17. Visual Novel RPG. It has turn based combat and you level your characters. Loren the Amazon Princess by Winter Wolves Games. They do these kind of VN RPGs. I played Loren and both Planet Stronghold games of theirs. I mean to get Seasons of the Wolves and Cursed Lands, since those are in the same setting as Loren.
  18. Chambara always feels like a copy of Morrigan. Not romancing Loren then?
  19. The board hates me. I refused to do a mission for someone, so she drew a gun on me. I shot her in the head, the door burst open and guards rushed in.
  20. I got bored. I need to head to the Hope and you know what for you know who and not side with you know who else. Am I almost done?
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