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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Heh. So they copied the Epic coupon thing, but just for show?
  2. I'd just like to get in my election prediction for the 2024 Irish election: Greens will drop from 12 TDs to 6 at the most, if they don't wipe completely.
  3. Thanks for the link. Interesting interview. Terrible article. Silly way she formulated it. I would say due to the fact she started with "trained organisers" and was moving on with a list, and kinda bungles it there.
  4. Indeed, you must have been very confused. There are no orcs in Majesty. The tutorial mission is the Bell, the Book, and the Candle.
  5. At $2,49 the only reason not to buy it now is because it is too cheap and you are waiting for the sale to be over so you can buy it for more!
  6. Steam Summer Sale started apparently...
  7. I was told yesterday that Black Lives Matter was an organization created and led by "trained marxists" who in an alliance with antifa aim to kill black people (and have killed hundreds of black people over the last weekend alone). Just in case you needed an example of a moron.
  8. Darth Whatsherface would try to justify this by explaining to you that the people you didn't kill went on and lived and killed two people who's deaths now are on you, and that your light side of the force pacifism was just as evil as the dark side.
  9. What did I miss? I started paying attention to the man when he promised to play Arcanum. I stopped paying attention when he didn't finish the playthrough.
  10. Shadowrun Returns is a good option, since it is a rather tight RPG you can play through at a good pace, and then, if you liked it enough, move on to Dragonfall or leave that be for a while. A tight experience with the option to expand at the end if you like. Wolf Among Us is one of the better Telltale Games. As a Telltale game you won't find any hurdle as you may encounter in traditional point & click adventure games, where one of the puzzles may just not occur to you, or you just always miss the one hidden spot you were supposed to click. Stygian is a fantastic RPG. Sadly the devs didn't have the money to make it as long as it should be, so the story ends abruptly. Still one of the best RPGs of recent years, with so much potential. As it stands, it isn't too long.
  11. DS: Dungeon Siege DS2: Dungeon Siege 2 DS3: Dungeon Siege 3 Nintendo DS: alternate reality where Dungeon Siege became an established Nintendo franchise with spin offs such as Dungeon Siege Kart, Doctor Dungeon Siege, and of course Dungeon Siege Amibos.
  12. I grabbed the Eye of the Beholder games for free, though I doubt I'll ever play them
  13. When was that game first announced?
  14. I tried naming my Assembly commander in AoW:Planetfall Red Rum. This is as close as I got:
  15. Paradox though. Makes you wonder if in a few years you'll buy a $200 (after 75% discount) complete edition with all the DLC.
  16. My second reaction to the Damsel trailer was: are pre-orders not doing well enough that they need this trailer to get fans of the original interested?
  17. As long as it isn't developed by Realmforge, I am game.
  18. Three is good. And gorgeous. Quite different to the previous games though.
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