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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I can see Keyrock's character running from castle to castle obliterating these bosses, and some delivery person with an urgent letter running after them, and each time they arrive being told "Thank you for your delivery, but the recipient is in another castle".
  2. Empire of Sin may be interesting. Werewolf: Heart of the Forest has an interesting demo, so I want to see where the full game takes me. XCOM 3 is something I am looking forward to as I enjoyed what they explored in Chimera Squad.
  3. I try to keep away from loot boxes on principle
  4. But do you play frungy? And do you cheat at frungy?
  5. Walked past a police car. Looked at the license plate. Realized that Greek Police (Ελληνική Αστυνομία) is abbreviated EA. I live in a country where Electronic Arts has taken over law enforcement. We don't have police corruption - just in-justice microtransactions.
  6. They'll merge Bethesda and Obsidian and call it Bethsidian, Obsthesda or *drumroll* Obsidian Scrolls.
  7. But think of Top Gun with Microtransactions, Season Pass, In-Game Purchases, and a Day 1 Patch.
  8. Now you need to meet Torque. Also, Patchwork is simply amazing with the right skills, as she can stun the entire map. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2088436494 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2092895698 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2088436644
  9. Put all the Necromunda cinematics in one vid. That way I don't have to post screenshots:
  10. Finished the story campaign in necromunda. The story is ok for the setting. It is within the scale of the setting. The bugs though... The last Mission took me around six hours to complete. The reason crashes and a bug tied to them. The main mission objective is to clear the map of infinitely respawning enemies. To achieve this you seal the 11 spawn points. But the game does not save the state of the spawn points, so if you reload (after a crash) the doors show up as sealed in your quest log, are in fact though open and have to be resealed. With limited healing items this means you race towards spawn points that can have to up to four fresh enemies appear at the end of the turn.
  11. Long one. Abandoned Police Precinct: The Orlocks fighting the Goliath at the top light the bat signal: My Escher see the signal and zip-line to the roof: The Goliath decide a bat signal is a cool thing and they want to light one too: Instead of Batman, my Escher leader jumps down from the roof all Dark Knight style: The girls loot what's left of the precinct and uncover evidence of police corruption. Read: a stripper pole on the judge's desk:
  12. Patchwork is the best character in the game. Anyone who disagrees hasn't used her correctly.
  13. Started transfering paint jobs and personalities from my tabletop Necromunda gang to the video game counterpart. So future screenshots may have different colour schemes than previous ones.
  14. using homemade explosives to target outside LOS Rockabelle and her Orlock gang
  15. Three Two Good things about Necromunda: Traits: When you recruit a ganger, you select three traits. The first is the body type (Resilient, Athletic, Healthy, Agile) and that affects the actual body type. Resilient are big boned, Athletic muscular, Healthy average, and Agile svelte. Name Character Limit: Names can be rather long compared to other games. My Goliath pirate crew is the "Sump Sea Salvage Company Inc." under "Mad Kaptin Laser-Eye" is reality.
  16. Loading times aren't bad. You don't notice them really during sandbox. You only notice them in Story Mode because you are rewatching those cinematics. Over and over again in case of mission #5...
  17. Doesn't telling people they lost the game make you lose the game?
  18. You actually have to pick objectives up and stow your weapons in your inventory.
  19. How ignorant has a dev team got to be to think loading missions in the background of a cinematic video is a good idea? Every time you load a mission in the Necromunda Story Mode you have to watch the corresponding cinematic because it functions as a load screen. Like those damn Spellforce 3 load screens with voice over... What will they think of next? Elevator rides instead of load screens?
  20. But how am I going to spend the rest of my day... Maybe I'll hit refresh and read this thread again.
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