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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I haven't played Shadows, only Coteries. So far non of the npcs are as outlandish. The game actually has choices and you feel they matter. Your character has no clue what is going on, so you have no clue what your character is. The game procedurally adapts that to your choices. Which is probably just a fancy way of talking about "if" clauses Shadows games are well written, but they are hardly more interactive than a novella. This seems better by far in that aspect.
  2. There is a good question here, why would anyone drink that? Sometimes the simplest option is the best option. So I punched him. I have to remember if I ever run afoul of Polish police, just talk Norwegian to them.
  3. Now that it is out I started Werewolf: Heart of the Forest. Already spotted an option I had completely overlooked in the demo and have gone off quite a different path and met different characters. i think I am still a Jedi Guardian as far as class goes, but that's just me. I think I end up a Jedi Guardian whatever game I play.
  4. Finished Total War Saga: Troy with Penthesilea's Amazons by completing the Homeric story mission. I guess I could keep playing, but I think it could turn into what our friends from across the sea call wack-a-mole, as my hordes don't occupy cities, so small enemy armies run around rebuilding where I have passed.
  5. The desert is probably the worst part of Amalur.
  6. Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis Titus The Fox: To Marrakesh and Back
  7. Haha, ok, two friends Though you actually know why you like things.
  8. I got one friend who got it because he theoretically loved BG2. He is also not the sharpest tool in the shed though and thinks all well known games are amazing. He also doesn't remember anything about BG2 except for "we all loved that back then". Sometimes I wonder if he actually played any of the games he loved. Except for Phoenix Point. After a while even he quit that one.
  9. Early Access BG3 for 59.99 or Indy 4: Fate of Atlantis for 1.79 Hmmm, GOG creates real dilemmas.
  10. Well, there is a demo, so you can try it out.
  11. Played the Stirring Abyss demo. 50s deep sea cthulhu xcom isn't bad. Taking a look at XCOM, seeing that one thing people hated were mission timers, and deciding to make your whole game based on mission timers (your divers' air runs out after all) is a bit And Diablo like saving on top of that. I'll probably pass.
  12. It's like *knowing* the teachings of Zerthimon. Also, fixed your post.
  13. Please be careful and do properly distinguish between Gith and Githyanki (and Githzerai) signed: someone who isn't old enough to have 40 years experience of DnD
  14. Have you considered talking to someone about that
  15. It's 59,99 Euros on Steam which translates to 70USD
  16. This may be the highest price tag I have seen on an early access game. Are they certain they know EA stands for early access in this instance and not EA?
  17. Though at least in Overlord 1 you were pretty much the good guy in the end.
  18. I went to the movies yesterday and while I was queuing (wearing mask, keeping distances) the guy behind me struck up conversation. Which basically ended with him explaining to me that he is 27 years old, hasn't worked a day in his life and currently is just lazying about, waiting for his grandmother to die so he can rent out her apartment. But he really thinks young people should pay more attention at school, because waiting for your grandmother to die is boring. And oh, is that a poster of James Dean? He died in a car crash. A Porsche. It was a Porsche right? Of course it was a Porsche - Porsches are cursed after all. Obviously they are cursed, James Dean died in one!
  19. Troy. Things had been mostly balanced and then one turn AI troops in multiple battles suddenly became super elites. Not the first time, but when one infantry unit armed with clubs holds off three of my units and nearly routs them in the time my other 17 units take out 4 of his... Or when the AI melee units cross a third of the screen in the time it takes my archer hero to hit them once... Something is fishy.
  20. Does the AI in all total war games cheat? Level 1 Tier 1 units suffer almost no damage against a fully buffed mixed army of level 4+ units
  21. Soon our plan will become reality and this will be the unofficial Majesty forum. Then Majesty players far and wide will flock to this sanctuary of quality gaming.
  22. Everyone's reaction to the expansion is "But I thought I knew how to play this game..."
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