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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. Yesterday a friend here in Greece said: "Yes, but Biden is an alleged pedophile." To which his wife replied: "He is???" "Well, he has never been convicted, but would he be? You do read it a lot online though."
  2. Tell Paradox, they'll make you CEO.
  3. World of Darkness Crusader Kings 4 DLC 45
  4. So Trump tried to ban TikTok and got banned from TikTok instead?
  5. If I ever get tried by a jury of my peers: "We the jury find the defendant not guilty as no Mordheim screenshots were found at the scene of the crime."
  6. You haven't posted the paper here, how can we, your obsidian peers review it?
  7. Apparently it is only the account though and not he as a person?
  8. So since my understanding of US law is limited to some brief stuff mentioned during some international law lectures I had to attend and mainly comes from watching a lot of Law & Order, Boston Legal and the odd legal drama like Runaway Jury or Legally Blond, are those "conspiracy crossing state lines" charges from the Chicago Seven applicable here?
  9. Well, you are a prime candidate for the Battle Brothers fan re-education camp
  10. Quite possibly. The weird bobble head people are probably the main reason I didn't try the game.
  11. A friend send me this one and it took me a moment to get it:
  12. British burglars are a real threat for Florida Man's fame, having butt dialed the police during a burglary: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/08/uk/unlucky-burglars-pocket-dial-gbr-scli-intl/index.html
  13. Since you read CNN you probably have found the article already, but posting it just in case: https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/08/politics/capitol-police-officer-killed/index.html
  14. I'm putting this here even though it should go in the politics discussion. Today I read a post by Hurlshot talking about stimulus money being paid for through tax payers taxes. That made me think of the stimulus money I could apply for here in Greece. I could apply for an in part return of my advance taxes. This would have to be repaid at low interest later. Now you may wonder what I mean with advance taxes. Back in 2015 with the financial crisis, the then government, under pressure by the EU troika, implemented an advance payment of taxes. You paid your income tax and a 100% advance on next year's income tax. Basically in 2015 we paid all our taxes twice. Since then we no longer pay taxes for the actual year, we always pay taxes as an advance for the next year. The income tax I am paying now with the paperwork for 2020 is in actuality the income tax for 2021. It is funny, but no other nation in the world has citizens who pay taxes this punctual. Anyway, instead of a stimulus, I can have part of that advance payment returned. But I'll have to repay it with interest. So I'll pay interest on taxes on income that I may have next year. Thanks for the stimulus. Also what I did today: type out this post.
  15. No police in tactical gear, but quite a number of protesters
  16. It took me a long time to figure out what poe2 was. "There is a game about Poe?" "There is a second game about Poe?" "Wait, that is an acronym... Planet of... epilepsy warnings? of Equestrians?" "Got it! Planet of Edgar. Clever word play with the acronym there. Who came up with that? I want to play that game." Then it clicked. I have to admit, a bit disappointed.
  17. It gets worse. There is always Chapterhouse Dune. But just when you thought you had reached the epitome of bad, the son writes the prequel garbage. Then again nothing can protect people's work after death. Terry Pratchett thought having his hard drive publicly destroyed would do it. Then they brought out The Watch series. If people want to piss on your grave they will, even if they aren't your kids.
  18. Nothing they did ever was a last hurrah. Biden already said he wanted to heal the divide. So once again, they will forgive and move on, and in doing so prove to the far right they just need to bide their time for the next thing.
  19. It doesn't turn into Bolter porn. The second story is rather stretchy though. Farrer did try to make the imperium function though. Show it as the ugly place it is, but also show it as something more than a breeding pit for cannon fodder.
  20. Is it this version? Margaret Carroux's translation was fantastic. What Dune books are you reading?
  21. Played some Iron Harvest because it has an actual demo you can download and play!!!
  22. The spren are... problematic in the way Sanderson has written them. The simple spren are just world building. The intelligent Spren he tries to show as alien to the material plane. So he writes the curious ones, like Sylphrena or Pattern, similar to children in their demeanor. That makes them quickly turn into comic relief that can feel out of place and distracting. The other honorspren, like Notum, haughty and stern feel more appropriate. Until the trial, but that could be seen as Adolin's human influence on Notum. Timbre, who doesn't talk but communicates with Venli through humming, works better. Blended is the best written spren. Her speech is sufficiently different from humans. (She would stop talking at this point) She has this thing about is and are. So instead of saying that people will accept and cling to easy explanations instead of checking if they are true, she states: Easy explanations are. It isn't overdone, so it works. Just enough of it to make you halt and think "shouldn't there be more to this sentence?" It works because being a creature of the cognitive realm, where abstract ideas have form and are people, it makes sense that she refers to them as such. So she doesn't say "I am stupid" but "My stupidity is". You aren't honorable, your honor is - and with all those honorspren walking around, she might even be able to point it out to you.
  23. Post it all, let Gorth sort it out? Sounds like a plan.
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