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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. FiraxiMarvelCom got delayed to late 22. No surprise there.
  2. I really need to fire up Skyrim to check on my children...
  3. Going to watch Venom on Wednesday. After the Dune disappointment, it will be a fun experience even though I don't care much for super hero movies in general or Venom in particular.
  4. Damn liberals ruining the interweb again...
  5. She did prove though that what is remembered is her name in a negative light more than the sexist bigots that hate(d) her so much.
  6. She'll still break your legs if you hurt her mum. And then, to have a true vendetta I'll have to virtually break Bruce's legs in retaliation (since she isn't on the forum here, he'd be the next best proxy target, what with his name starting with a B).
  7. It's so ridiculous, you start wondering if they are secretly right wing and their agenda is to undermine social issues.
  8. 9 Devs and 2 advisors. Slow news day at Kotaku. A friend wants to start a board game company. He will get his brother to help out. I'll be editing the rule books and write Kickstarter updates etc. We have a friend who is a graphic designer, and we have a friend who designs games, who we signed for our first game. Immediately it is a company of 5 men 0 women.
  9. And I'm just going to mention that since Alan stopped posting, we have an opening in the forum community for someone who's name starts with A. So far Amentep and Azdeus have been trying to cover the gap, but there is only so much they can do. (In comparison, we Ms have them outnumbered easily (high-five @marelookeand @Malcador)). * *Apologies to people who's username starts with A and who I did not count, like Agiel and Achilles. If I included you above, we Ms wouldn't outnumber you As, which would undermine the point of the post
  10. I had a friend with a video game addiction. He'd play for two days straight without sleep, ignoring everything else. Failed uni, couldn't hold a job, eventually ended up with heroine. Shrink says as an addict he's prone to addiction in general, not just drugs.
  11. Trials of Fire is one of those roguelike rpg thingies with card based turn based combat. Having fun with it. Just unlocked the last of the 9 characters, a ratling occultist. Haven't tried them yet. It has different quests you go on instead of just starting a run and seeing where it goes. So I am trying once more the one quest I can't beat. the party is doing well so far, but I have gotten to the final boss before and things have gone downhill before when everything had been going swimmingly
  12. Doesn't the G in GPD stand for gaming? Games Per Day per capita seems games related.
  13. That's what makes rogue likes attractive to Devs, not needing to figure out how to balance, as players just write it off as an unlucky run and try again
  14. The new Dune movie goes through a checklist of things. Caladan - check Gomjabbar - check Arakeen - check Shadout Mapes - check etc It is all in grand photography, but the scenes lack content, lack soul. As if someone read the letters of the book but did not make out the words. To distract from this the audience is bombarded with Paul's visions again and again. As a result the Kwisatz Haderach plot drowns out everything else that is happening. Thus Paul's character growth and messianic role end up rushed, as he is robbed of the other experiences.
  15. Someone should have warned me how boring the Dune movie is.
  16. Not talking about Bethesda by any chance?
  17. You have the option in games to just maim your opponents. Or at least try. You get trauma from killing human beings. If it is in self defense your character can rationalize it. So the Roman soldier attacking me in the forest I can kill and have nightmares about later, but not feel guilty about. Killing some person for shiny loot though... that makes you an arsehole.
  18. Pong, Space Invaders, then Load Runner I think were my order of first games
  19. I suck at accepting the RNG outcomes, so I keep replaying the first hunt
  20. I find one of the most important questions usually is how much fixing up you are willing to do to make it your home.
  21. I sucked at March of the Black Queen as well. Managing you alignment was really hard.
  22. Hi Sarex, I only have a psp to play Tactics Ogre: let's cling together.
  23. I just got back into town and one of the first things I did was download the demo for that.
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