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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. I think there is a limit to how much ammo you can carry with you. It is not "wrong" per se to shoot yourself through every level. Some people will not appreciate you doing so though
  2. PSP release wasn't "laterly" as such, but they did do a revamped version of Tactics Ogre: Lets Cling Together. Bought a PSP just for that Rather good branching story with choices, loads of npcs. Now if only they did a new version of Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen. Now there was a game that really had choices that matter.
  3. Gold gets looted by walking over. Haven't found an autoloot.
  4. *waits patiently for the announcement that all future Star Wars movies will be done by Uwe Boll exclusively* If I could watch people's reaction to such an anouncement... that would be priceless.
  5. I went CQC and pistol so I could use tranq darts in a few situations were CQC just wasn't enough. There is a mission in Rome, when you get rushed in the ruins that can be a pain with CQC alone. The Marburg fight in the museum too. Obviously you'll have to use a rocket launcher for helicopters and apcs and a sniper rifle for you know who in the end.
  6. That's why I enjoyed playing Warhammer RPG. "So you are going to search through a skaven's pockets..." "Yes? ... why do you ask? ... shouldn't I?"
  7. Today I posted in the What you did today thread. I also came to the conclusion that this joke is rather old. I decided to do it anyway
  8. Yoda, Hulk and Kermit: The green musketeers - all for green and green for all.
  9. Re-read Guards! Guards! Not as funny now as I remembered it, but my taste has evolved just as Pratchett's writing has and I prefer his later, more serious style now.
  10. I use keyboard to move the left string and mouse to move the right string... simultaenously. Isn't that how its meant to be done with a keyboard+mouse setup?
  11. I can see it more as a collaborative effort: The Unbelievably Green Duo With Yoda trying to help the Hulk get his anger in check, as Bruce is on the precipice, the plunge down towards the dark side seeming a certainty... unless Yoda can get through to him.
  12. From a heroic fiction point of view it is. I had the save game bug. All my save games got corrupted :/
  13. anubite, you had me worried for a moment Regarding your comment about enemy variety and on a serious, non-sarcastic note, there is something that bothered me about DA2 enemies. 1) Abominations just appear out of the air. But abominations don't just appear, they are human hosts to demons. You cannot summon an abomination, yet on more than one occasion enemy spell casters summon them. 2) Wild packs of mabari hounds. If the devs themselves don't respect the setting, world and lore they created, why should I as a customer bother with?
  14. And if that is difficult, do what I did, spare yourself the headache and use the ignore function
  15. Yeah, no idea why The Baconing is left out of the pack. It continues on from the "evil" ending of Thongs of Virtue. I really need to finish my second playthrough of Thongs at some point to get that ending.
  16. Eh, on the hardest difficulty, at least in Act 1, so far all I needed to do was make sure I clear all the map and do all the sidequests before moving on.
  17. If we can't have an alpha protocol 2, can we at least get a movie trilogy or even better a proper series preset (HBO or something) ?
  18. I still have to get through the original game. It's pretty fun, but almost too silly for me. You can cause a map reset if you wish. Take the Steam Train Tank thingie (or a waypoint portal) back to the Enclave (or any other location from Act 1). Upon returning to Act 2 all Act 2 maps will have reset. And you need to finish Deathspank. How else can you proceed to Deathspank: Thongs of Virtue and finally The Baconning and experience real sillyness ?
  19. Greetings generic forum poster. I am Deathspank, Vanquisher of Evil, Hero to the Downtrodden and Dispenser of Justice! Great game that. Great trilogy.
  20. No minigame has been worse than dispelling wards in Kingdoms of Amalur
  21. Looking forward to your comments. As "Anakin covered by a Bedsheet with eyes cut in it" alluded, balancing was not one of the game's strong points But try to play it the way you feel. I have done three playthroughs, so if you don't hate it, you'll probably like it enough to play it twice. Opinions seem to be rather either or on the game.
  22. Hope you enjoy it. Remember it has it's own forum section
  23. I think for ME2 that actually holds true though, while for DA2 it just does not. I think ME1 was a pretty good game. I find the story abhorend and the elevator rides were a pain, but the game by itself was pretty good. Did I like it? No way. But I did get ME2 because a lot of people who loved the story of the first seemed to hate the story of the second and I thus decided "Hey If I hate ME1's story and they loved that but hate this.... maybe I'll love it!" . I found it meh, but that is another matter On the other hand, I am one of those very few people who loved a little game called Paradise Cracked. And trust me, that game was terrible. I had a lot of fun with the game, but were you to tell me it was good I'd stare at you in disbelief and then nod and walk away (very slowly, without turning my back on you). Sometimes we like things even though they are bad. And sometimes, even though we dislike things, they still are bad.
  24. *does the maths* So 3 hours writing 3.5 hours gaming? Do it th other way round and you have a deal. An no editing!
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