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Everything posted by melkathi

  1. The fact that you even compare the two is alarming
  2. Next game Though at least I was saved by the bell as the referee let the clock run after your touch down. All considering I amrather proud of myself that you did not score more touchdowns in the second half. Though you being Khemri probably is part of the reason. With 5 injured a slightly faster team would have had a field day.
  3. Dead Scorpions - Khaine's Red Hands 1 0 Can't say anything more about it as most of my team is still in the infirmary
  4. That kinda sounds like the draft for a Mary Gentle novel.
  5. Since someone necroed this thread I keep singing: Why do you come here ? And why do you hang around ? I'm so sorry I'm so sorry Why do you come here When you know it makes things hard for me ? When you know, oh Why do you come ?
  6. Melk thats not true I'm afraid There are 17-19 year old super models on magazine covers that represent global fashion movements. You can admire the beauty, it doesn't have to be sordid. But how old was this girl anyway? I'd say late teens. Who can tell with them these days? Anything between 16-19 would be my guess. On that note. The actually rather attractive young woman in my power-abs course showed up without her boyfriend today. If she makes a habit out of that I may be forced to actually talk to her. ( she reminds me of Claudia Donovan from Warehouse 13... )
  7. I do draw the line when I am truly old enough to be someone's dad
  8. I will not buy Syndicate! I already own it
  9. Went to the gym. Finished the warm up and went over to one of those machiny thingies to do some exercise. Decided to look straight ahead while doing so. Seemed the obvious direction to look. Didn't think much about it. Looked straight ahead. Right between the legs and into the very loose shirt of the girl kneeling across the room and who was not wearing a bra. Decided to look the other way. Spend the next 3 minutes shaking my head about teenagers these days. The next 2 minutes wondering if I would have found that hot if I was a teenager myself. And another minute whether I would find it hot if she was in her twenties. Decided I spend enough time on that girl and went back to thinking about politics. Still not sure whether that doesn't mean there is something wrong with me
  10. The thing that I don't understand is why you play a game when the experience sounds unenjoyable. We are all different of course, so when you describe a situation in a game where you square your shoulders and soldier on, I probably would have uninstalled the game and refreshed the forum a hundred times till I found something else to waste my time with
  11. Do you need a new window, lock or something like that?
  12. There is a clamor. What started as no more than a solitary mumbling quickly overtakes the masses. Then the rumble unifies into one clear chant: Match! Match! Blood Bowl fever has the fans in a firm grip it seems.
  13. What server are you on? I may give it a shot as well.
  14. I don't write anything down. That's what the NSA is there for. I have a subscription with them. When one of you posts something, they send me a digest of your relevant posting history.
  15. Today I felt betrayed by this forum. Apparently in Russia women stripped in support of speed limits. Noone told me about it.
  16. Yeah that is probably the best choice. I made two more adventuring parties: "FastFood" an all elven party consisting of: Magemuffin the mage Prayerpraline the priest Meleemarzipan the fighter "MediumRare" the human party: Combatcake the fighter Godlygateau the priest Eldritcheclair the mage
  17. Whenever really. I have a lot to do, but I am at home in front of the computer writting. I can squeeze in a break whenver fits you best. I'm at easter european time (CET+1) if you are on steam, just add me (same name as here). I'll have it on while doing other stuff.
  18. Hmm how much pizza did you bought if I may know? I am at the moment considering the same, but not yet sure. I played it only for 3 days, but I am enjoying it so far... I got the basic kit but kinda regreted it. If I was to do it again, I'd probably have gotten just enough pizza for the one month. The extra loot once you get to lvl 8+ adventures is quite nice. Especially as you can do things like Melvin's own adventure where you get epic loot.
  19. That was a close call Trogs and Geomancers are a nasty combination. Trogs have a lot of move cards so they can stay at arm's length and stab you with their spears. Geomancers hinder your movement making it hard to hunt the Trogs and them down.
  20. Played some more Card Hunter, so since obviously I must be enjoying it, I decided to give them some cash.
  21. So I still have a Trine 2 key and for some reason a Day of Defeat: Source gift copy. I hate real life war games, what is that doing in my inventory.
  22. Incidentally a friend of mine was bothered by it because he doesn't like Jane Austen. Naturaly she can't compare to John Ringo... He also believes her writing is only barely tolerable in a single book, namelyPride and Prejudice and Zombies. A book which would, according to him, have been far better, had the quality not suffered through the inclusion of Jane Austen's writing. I told him to go back to writing Harry Potter and Buffy fanfiction.
  23. Finally finished the Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. The final battle was a real pain because I was going for the achievement not to destroy the towers. Also did the "no Igor kills" playthrough. All in all had a lot of fun and really like Katerina.
  24. You are next on his list. I think he'll be a far tougher opponent for you Wals Apparently I am sposed to get beaten up by Serrano next...
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