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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. I've read both, I've taken theology classes on both, and I've engaged in discourse with both imams and priests about both religions. So I'm pretty comfortable saying you are showing a clear bias towards one group over another. That is bad history. I'm an Atheist and I think DE makes a good point. That being said, Muslims need their own reformation.
  2. About that post earlier that said a lot of Muslims blame the West for the fall of their great civilization. It's really the Mongols' fault. Specifically the Ikhanate.
  3. http://www.newser.com/story/168518/now-a-french-soldier-has-been-stabbed.html French Soldier stabbed by a guy in a "prayer cap"
  4. It's kind of an inverse deal, huh, good for pointing that out. Japan was experimenting with democracy while three of Europe's major countries experimented with theirs.
  5. Really? I remember only clans. Tokugawa and then Emperor. If you're talking about that "Taisho" period, looking at it and it's failures proves only this
  6. Exactly, I'm sure this is done just as much from our direction, but since the secrets we want to steal are goverment and not industry as well they have an easier time covering it up. We apparently attacked Iran's nuclear program like this. Mmmm, thats is a good point. But don't you think the development of the Stuxnet virus was justified to slow down the Uranium enriching capabilities of Iran. Its not common to have this type of state organized cyber-terrorism perpetuated by the USA. But the Chinese have been doing it for years in order to gain economic advantage over other countries, I do think there is a difference? Well it depends on who you view as the good guy or bad guy.
  7. I know, but you said "they have it pretty good, except for the bunhole rapes". It's pretty inaccurate to say that.
  8. Especially when you consider there is a high chance of being raped and beaten frequently in prison. As I said, the most difficult thing is being around other prisoners. http://www.prisonhonorprogram.org/Docs/parade_jimwebb.pdf It's not "If it wasn't for the rapey parts, Prison would be good"
  9. Exactly, I'm sure this is done just as much from our direction, but since the secrets we want to steal are goverment and not industry as well they have an easier time covering it up. We apparently attacked Iran's nuclear program like this.
  10. Oh no, a horrible human being. Now life is black and white and we must kill other people to protect da childrens. There is no such as evil, there are however intense and sometimes extreme psychological problems that happen. The problem is, when these people get into power. Bull****.
  11. Jack Chick is a parody of himself. Have you never read one of his tracts? He takes it 100% seriously (so far as I know), and yet they are hilarious. I'm talking about the guy doing this KS
  12. I was about to scream no...but is this thing some ironic take that at jack chick? Like, while being a straight adaptation, it's still a big parody of everything?
  13. Bioware Montreal is making ME4. Bioware Canada as of right now is focusing on DA3, although they're probably working on moar stuff.
  14. That's a common thread with BW games, but I overall disliked TOR's treatment of established characters. Probably because I think too highly of KOTOR 2. Agreed, TOR by itself has an interesting storyline. But "Meetra Surik" killed it for me.
  15. That, and at this age not every single person has a stable connection. That might work in the future, but not on this decade.
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