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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. That ending....no wonder they were referencing Pride and Prejudice a lot.
  2. So, speculation time. That Dragon we keep seeing is actually an Old God.
  3. Alanchu is one, though I'm not sure he's the one he meant.
  4. This shouldn't be an issue for PC.
  5. That's nothing to the scene of Washington's loyalty mission.
  6. That brings up something I've been thinking. How will they handle Hawke's appearance? Just have the champion armor + Mask? or make a character creator to remake Hawke?
  7. I was actually scared for a moment, before I realized what was going on.
  8. I'd eat that nug in an instant. What's that creature on the rock?
  9. I have fond memories of giant bugs burning down people horribly.
  10. Julia married a Dark Elf and mended the schism between their races. Not sure about Meandor. Merlin appears to have aged considerably, looking like the more iconic look of the wizard. Capitalist humans are the main antagonists for now and more importantly, you're not automatically evil if you play as orcs or goblins it's the choices you make which shape your alignment.
  11. Salvatore just did a thing on reddit. I think I was too late for him to answer my question.
  12. This is what ME was missing.
  13. Not even close.
  14. Vice President Keith David....lol
  15. I was being cheeky. Although this is a serious issue in a county in the U.S. where a crazed sheriff was recently arresting people for "sodomy". Now then. Here's another pic.
  16. Well. Let's break this down. Andraste never said anything about Homosexuality, she was more about "Hey, these mages are being ****". the Chantry forms in Orlais, Orlais is about as sexually deviant as the old romans were IRL. The Chantry is in Orlais. The Chantry never outlawed homosexuality. In Orlais homosexuality is accepted. In Fereldan, it's not outlawed, but people see sodomites as "odd". No, they don't go in depth, and they shouldn't.
  17. But-but LGBT issues!
  18. I look back, and I was actually satisfied. The parts that Weekes wrote (Tuchanka and Rannoch I believe) are so different from the crappy ones (Asari Planet) that I have to wonder why they don't make him head writer.
  19. I freed the Nubians from the arabs in CK2 as the Roman Empire. I carved out a Nubian Empire and let them run their own course.
  20. Only if you want too. You can purposely lose some of them.
  21. I got to the point of DA2 where I rivaled Aveline to the max. She punched me and told me that I was "a highwayman that stumbled into being champion". She was of course right.
  22. And you don't find yourself a bit judgmental there o' mighty social justice warrior? a bit hypocritical on your part don't you think? I'm not even going to tell you what's wrong with that statement. Anders is an abomination, he consorts with demons (sort of demon) and blew up innocent people. I don't dislike him, but I can see why people do. I guarantee you most of those people that do isn't because they got rivalry points after they rejected him. Changing topics, I really don't want to see Gaider's self insert character Cole.
  23. Ok which one of you guys was this?
  24. I'm doing a new Byzantine/Roman Campaign in CK2 in order to play EU4
  25. Deep rooted end of days Protestant Bull****.
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