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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. I will never be unbanned from BSN if Alanchu becomes CEO
  2. http://www.streetinsider.com/Hot+Mgmt+Changes/Electronic+Arts+%28EA%29+CEO+Riccitiello+Resigns/8193332.html Bye, won't miss ya
  3. They need to make that clearer in law though, not with the ambiguity that it has now.
  4. A lot of people are/were taking Rand Paul's side. Liberals, Libertarians and Conservatrons. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/03/17/sen-rand-paul-introduces-fetal-personhood-bill-to-outlaw-abortion/? Then he had pull this ****. For such a Libertarian hero, he sure does seem like another religious nutjob.
  5. It's a good thing he's dead, because oh boy
  6. http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=525129 more ways discovered on how to unplug the always online from SamCity DRM:0 Freedom:2
  7. Lul is this ending gonna have your MC go to hell too?
  8. That is the first book where the author has to patch it.
  9. Yes, it was for me at least. I used the active duty tuition assistance program a couple of times and it was great and now I'm about to go do my gi bill thing, unless that gets cut in the near future too No education, but hey! More drones!
  10. Sadly, in some places they can when what they truly deserve is deportation. But not at that federal level like some people are seeing, guardsmen still get tuition assistance from states as well. But really, this doesn't excuse the rampant xenophobia. Edit: Texas gives tuition assistance to illegals! Well color sally!
  11. http://kotaku.com/5990498/rumor-a-new-video-shows-simcitys-debug-mode-which-allegedly-has-almost-unlimited-offline-play DRM: 0 Freedom: 1 Your move EA.
  12. Kai Leng is an "edgy" character.
  13. And why does Shepard care so much too. They forced the trauma on him/her.
  14. While it's not as serious as micro-transactions and shady business practices. This is still damn important! Hurr
  15. And of course some right wingers blame illegal immigrants who get tuition assistance and Obama who wants to destroy this country blah blah...can illegals even get tuition assistance?
  16. As opposed to just eliminating the problem at it's source and allow people to play offline? Hey, Alanchu will Dragon Age 3 be always online too?
  17. El Presidente, SimCity's current predicament wasn't just an elaborate plan to promote your week-long Tropico sale on Steam, was it? Oh you!
  18. Hey is this whole SimCity debauchery also the pirates' fault?
  19. I have female commando on reserve, I was like "Oh look, it's Shepard."
  20. The Thane thing was nice though.
  21. I'm playing Sith Inquisitor female, it's fun telling people to go screw themselves as they keep reminding me of slavery.
  22. Damn it, saw this thread too late, either way, I put a big pledge, you're welcome Fargo.
  23. Mordin, yes, considering he's dead in most playthroughs at this point, unless you hate Krogan. But no mention of Legion, what the hell alanchu? BTW, that party, when you say invite everyone, you really mean everyone.
  24. This dlc had me smiling the whole way through and has given me warm feelings. You done good bioware, sort of.
  25. "Brainwashed Americans" Dude seriously, what is your hostility?
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