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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. Oh, so he much worse (in the eyes of the law) than someone has manslaughter and rape a hobby of theirs? No wonder people lack confidence in their governments. You are comparing bad apples to bad oranges. He is, but at the same time he makes a good point, they're giving 20 years
  2. No it sounds fine. For myself, the mental hang up that I typically get caught up on is that it doesn't feel like I'm roleplaying a woman, but rather roleplaying what a man thinks a woman would behave like. As such I often second guess my own decisions. It's sort of like those old Junior High/High School health classes, where the teacher would have people play the role of other classmates. In the end it always results in people playing caricatures of each person (i.e. some guy would go "Hey everyone I'm Allan and I love computers!" which is a line that I would never say in school, but was more a reflection that people wanted to make it clear that they were behaving like me, not their normal selves!) I always roleplay women first for some reason, and I guess I am just trying to implant my ideal lady, at the same time when I play as guys it feels slightly self inserty, so you can't win.
  3. Is this another Russia is Alpha as **** and the west are bunch of **** beta males thread? Really oby, it's getting old.
  4. He does, he has called woman whores on his radio show.
  5. You mean the TES community that loves making waifu mods, nude meshes and textures and everything worse? Yeah, because the Elders Scrolls are going to go backtrack to their previous iterations. Fantasitc rebutal.
  6. I think some of their units will be integrated into the theocrat class units. Sounds about right, they look too much like humans anyway, and wasting resources to create another faction? I really do want Overlord 3 though...
  7. So there are no more Archons? Oh well, I did like the Sun Titans.
  8. NOK222

    North Korea

    If it wasn't for the prison camps I'd be rooting for them.
  9. *Possible spoilers for those in the thread who haven't palyed the games* The people at Triumph did some fairly good work when it comes to evil characters. Meandor is a good example, but if you remember one of the Bonus missions in AoW2 had Karissa being chased by the conspirators because, even though evil, she refused to join them, seeing their plan as madness. And if Karissa recognizes you as power hungry and mad... well then that says a lot So since you are a fan, if you don't mind the spoilerish question, what is your opinion on the fate of the Archons in AoW3? And of course the evil campaign in the original AoW. That is probably the evil story I have enjoyed the most in any game. I never got to the end of AOW3, I got stuck trying to assault the imperial capital as Meandor. You can spoil it anyways, I don't mind. I love Karrisa too btw.
  10. We should be able to see Meandor. Two thousand years shouldn't mean much to him at least. Julia has been the poster girl of the series. It will feel a bit wierd without her. But I am not sure the old characters will have a place in the third age. Orcs will also be strange if completly free of Karissa's influence. I'll kinda miss all those wizards. Except for Serena perhaps. Never could stand her. Oh man Meandor, miss the dark elf bad ass. A cooling evil head against other more evil heads.
  11. I think so. Or at least I think we all have a very good bet. Think we'll see Julia?
  12. And what is the solution? Burquas?
  13. We all know who that old man in the trailer is.
  14. I have a family friend who used to be a trainer for Merkava tank crews before she moved to the US. Some days when my parents were too busy, they could sometimes count on her to pick me up from school. One day she was driving her son and I home when some news came on the radio about the Gaza pullout (it was 2005) and she asked me how I felt about it. Now I grew up in a family that was quite critical of Israel's policies (my grandmother lived during the Japanese occupation of China, so she sympathised with the Palestinians), but my parents also raised me with enough sense to be sensitive. So in response, I gave the usual hamfisted answer: "Well, I think it's kind of sad they the settlers have to leave their homes." Her answer to that surprised me: "Well they have to leave. That land doesn't belong to Israel." These days, I take comfort that lot of Israelis are as likely to criticise the policies of their government as the rest of the western world, and that there are people doing good work for "Breaking the Silence" and B'tselem. Pretty witty response of that woman, I like it.
  15. I think he should have stood trial, since it would have shaken the whole thing up. I'm sure those are Luridis same thoughts, though I'm not going to assume on his part. I am not disagreeing with that view, I did say originally he should be captured or killed. But IMO he should stand trial to face justice, not because society needs understand why he did it. That has already been documented. And because, I reiterate, this would have had the added bonus of people pressuring the LAPD into curbing it's corruption. Instead they committed arson.
  16. I think he should have stood trial, since it would have shaken the whole thing up. I'm sure those are Luridis same thoughts, though I'm not going to assume on his part.
  17. http://m.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2013/02/12/executive-order-improving-critical-infrastructure-cybersecurity This is the document.
  18. Changing topics slightly, Obama signed a so called "anti cyberterrosim" executive order.
  19. We know the answer though, when murders happen, people ask why? This man clearly expressed the reasons why he was going to do what he was going to do in his manifesto. Now that he's dead gone, how about we make sure this kind of **** that stemmed from police abuse doesn't happen again?
  20. Heh, why would they ? Ravings of a mad man, no basis in reality. Yup, just some crazy negro veteran. Nothing to see here guys, move on.
  21. I really hope that things change though. But they probably wont.
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