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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. No confirmation yet, but likely dead. http://www.scribd.com/doc/125027919/Joe-Jones-Manifesto A manifesto by a retired cop. Not donner
  2. That's not what I'm watching. They still don't know what happened.
  3. They sat the cabin on fire, so much for wanting him alive?
  4. Turn on the news now guys, the final battle is here. One confirmed casualty.
  5. What did Volourn say guys? Edit: NVM, they were full of potassium Volourn, obviously. And their lack of respect for the people they're supposed to protect makes them look bad.
  6. You can make the case that Dorner is a crazed man. But he wasn't a bad cop.
  7. I mean we cheer for our troops (I am one too), who have done much worse than Donner, does that mean they're evil? Or is it just morally ambiguous when it's in some village in Afghanistan Volourn? Huh? Or are you just going to give another stupid troll response?
  8. Do a quick google search, and ask people that live in LA what they think of the LAPD. Listen to other voices then. Volourn, I have you blocked, but I saw your message anyways. Who are you to say who is evil or not? I didn't know you had the power to pass judgement on people like that. I hope he is caught, and given a fair trial and due process. Because we know this trial would be the biggest thing in history and expose the den of evil.
  9. To say that this has caused quite a ****ing ****storm is an understatement. I don't really get why the LAPD is even reopening his case. His actions have proved without a doubt that he was not fit to be an officer. I'm sure there is plenty of corruption in such a large police department, but he clearly never should have been allowed to wear a badge in the first place. While he was an officer, he was a responsible man that protected the people and tattle taled on his fellow officers when they would abuse. See that's you believing one side of a story. You are better off not believing either side of the story and looking at the results, which show he was clearly a disturbed individual. People lose jobs all the time for unfair crap, but most don't proceed to kill the family members of those they feel wronged them. I don't condone his alleged murder of that woman and her fiancee. But, these circumstances were created by the corrupted LAPD. This whole thing should serve as a wake call that not just the LAPD, but every cop in this country is here to protect and serve, not to punish and enslave.
  10. SNL sucks these days. I was talking to fellow service members, and even they're calling Israel out on their bull****
  11. Man, I wanna visit Moscow now.
  12. To say that this has caused quite a ****ing ****storm is an understatement. I don't really get why the LAPD is even reopening his case. His actions have proved without a doubt that he was not fit to be an officer. I'm sure there is plenty of corruption in such a large police department, but he clearly never should have been allowed to wear a badge in the first place. While he was an officer, he was a responsible man that protected the people and tattle taled on his fellow officers when they would abuse.
  13. To say that this has caused quite a ****ing ****storm is an understatement.
  14. ****ing logic, how does that work?
  15. Why would they need "keep the spirit"? it's their franchise whose last game had a bit of a cliffhanger.
  16. I did not even know about this
  17. Noooo, make overlord 3
  18. Will do, I always wanted to visit the lands of Vladimir I
  19. If you are strong, smart and charismatic - Russia is excellent place for you. But if you are weakling - avoid Russia, because Russian culture intolerant to any weakness. Explanation is simple: Russia is land of Death, climate very harsh and kill you slowly. As if that is not enough, Russia don't have natural borders and can be invaded from any directions, and always exist danger of enemy infiltration in our society. Because this our culture have paranoid (any considered as potential enemy), warlike and Darwinist (alpha-males cult) character. Our alpha-males cult - it's real reason why we looks so rude for foreigners. For determination own place in males hierarchy, mens have aggressive behavior and harsh each another. Any weakness considered as reason for downgraded status in hierarchy. Because many foreigners constantly whining (showing how weak they are) - their status very low, and they considered as easy targets for aggression. Instead of stop to be looser, foreigners continue whining (adding sentences about skin color/ethnicity as reason for Russians intolerance). That sounds so hilariously macho, that I bet it covers up your own weakness of character. Let's make this thread about pictures again and not about what man should smack whose dong against what.
  20. Jesus ****, a guy can't use the term for a marine who deploys off planet a space marine? Really? Did ****ing the alien series have to get permission from GW?
  21. Probably, but some people just realllyyy want to stick it to the establishment. So would I honestly.
  22. My take on ME3 these days is that I found the game ultimately disappointing as a whole (the way me2 npcs just cameo, beefcake mcboredom, disappointing and contrived story elements from Rannoch onwards) and that my personal frustration with the ending was due to my hope that It Would Get Better. Instead, it got worse. But, yeah. Ot. The fact that the Tuchanka and Rannoch arcs were great just pissed me off the more.
  23. Well, eventually maybe.
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