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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. I think Abrams has been given way too much power over sci-fi.
  2. It is personal bias, the modding community is huge and they can enrich your gameplay exponentially.
  3. I have a fetish for Mesoamerican deities. Name: Qutizlohteh Alias: The Obsidian Hammer Portfolio: He is the god of the the volcanic glass known as Obsidian, he is also a war god and represents honor in war. Enemies: Lethargy and sloth Symbols: Jaguar or a big cat Manifestation: Once again, big cat, otherwise as a masked humanoid with an obsidian mask carrying a hammer. He's seen in visions of some warriors.
  4. Anderson most likely grew up in space, he spent a lot of time in his life in Arcturus Station and the rest kicking some Turian ass as an N7, followed by being a space captain.
  5. Correction, Mass Effect has good writers (Weekes), it's just that one specific writer hijacked it completely in order express his "artistic vision"
  6. Pretty much, also comparing the U.S. to Switzerland is wrong as well. They're actually responsible gun owners, and a highly militaristic society at that. So yeah.
  7. Neohente, since when? I don't recall hearing that.
  8. My first playthrough is with mage femhawke.
  9. Nothing really except him saying "I tried Shepard" before offing himself. You get the same Anderson scene if you shoot him when you fail the speech check. But instead the Illusive Man's last words are him admiring Earth. I never tried the full renegade option, I think it plays out differently.
  10. Good one, that would make a good plot for ME4.
  11. Anderson doesn't live, ever.
  12. It's a corporate state, really.
  13. Gang bangers invading an average joe's house are armed with tactical vests, M-4s, a side arm and a combat knife. True story
  14. Let's have "allegorical" dragons that are really just manifestations of how grim dark and edgy and cool the game is. Yeah, so ****ing original, **** cliches.
  15. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/362353100/the-uncle-ruckus-movie to anyone who watches the boondocks show on adult swim
  16. With the first one, you'll have to go down the slippery slope of a draconian humanoid civilization. On other hand, EXPANSION RACES
  17. I got hitman Absolution, good game, a bit too linear. Need more freedom in my assassinations. Blood money is still best game.
  18. Shouldn't have any bearing with respect to their games and decisions on them, though. Oh of course not, they still do horrible business practices and butcher games.
  19. http://www.gameranx.com/updates/id/12385/article/ea-is-joining-forces-with-the-human-rights-campaign-to-help-repeal-the-defense-of-marriage-act/ so this happened, I don't hate them now as much. I still do a bit though.
  20. I do not like this much. If it's not like a dragon, it's not a dragon to me. That's like those orcs who wre not like orcs. Just call the things something else if you want to create something entirely new. My views on dragons are completely conservative: Powerful, ancient, flying reptiles. Either just powerful worldly creatures, or connected to a divine force like the dragons of Middle-Earth. This, not everything has to be "edgy and new" if it ain't broken, don't fix it.
  21. American Mcgee's game is three days till deadline and still needs around 40k, do you think it'll make it? http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/spicyhorse/akaneiro-demon-hunters
  22. Probably, technically the wiki says Shepard herself is a LT. Cmdr. IDK no one can get their ranks right these days.
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