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Everything posted by NOK222

  1. I wanna romance a dark eldar, make it happen alanchu.
  2. Oh noes! Don't mess with ma gritty space marines! Oh get over yourselves 40k fans.
  3. They only matter at end game HM ops.
  4. INB4 Europeans and Americans are dumb, this is how Russians win wars blah blah blah
  5. JA ja. I made a few games in the 80's, all good, got rich, made a game for nintendo that sold a lot. Got a studio, but then quickly bankrupted cause I didn't research fast enough to make a new engine. They should just let you edit your engine slightly over time. Although eventually you'll have to make a new one from scratch every so often
  6. Both most likely
  7. That's a very mature way to handle it. Props to them.
  8. Must not...call...out...
  9. I finished the first Kelpless mission. The boss fight was fun, reminded me of the battle of Hoth
  10. It is pretty amusing, flagellation lol
  11. Commericials ask me would I download a car? I say ferrari.zip
  12. Yeah **** people, we should treat these border jumpers as subhumans, detain them without trial, torture and kill them too. I mean, they deserve no respect right?
  13. Alpha as ****
  14. Yes clearly, the thousand page long Tali threads are worse than the holocaust. Nerboner, articulate better.
  15. Changing history with Victoria II as the Mexican Empire
  16. Eyes are on Dragon Age 3 now
  17. "Dragon Age 2" felt a little rushed. Dont Rush games. "Simcity problems." Don't put single player games always online. I can go on. No they are not the worst, but they need to shape the **** up, or they'll keep losing. BUT HEY At least they support da LGBT!
  18. Why is Boon such a troll?
  19. But that won't stop you from getting a PS4 and shunning Steam games, right? I sense a lot of passive anger.
  20. Oh hello, just want to tell you all that when the cold war ended. Millions of Puerto Rican spies for the Russia was embroiled in espionage operations all over Europe. They had high positions and continue to serve in the Puerto Rican Mafia. All Europeans work for us, even Canadians.
  21. The imperial story line for Makeb is pretty cool.
  22. Gorth what server you in?
  23. Was it Avellone that invented the "Sith Empire" in the game? He said back then that it was a renmant of Sadow's empire. He's not wrong, but I doubt this was what he had in mind.
  24. Protip: If your company isn't doing too good. Don't take risks with graphics, save money and hired writers. If you're not struggling, do and your name is 2K games, do whatever the hell you want.
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